
Displaying items 2,081 to 2,100 of 10,857
  1. Intelligence report: "A review of German activities in the field of Biological Warfare"

    One report, mimeographed, 131 pages, titled "A Review of German Activities in the Field of Biological Warfare," compiled by staff in the ALSOS Mission of the Military Intelligence Section of the U.S. Department of War, 12 September 1945. The report, originally classified as secret, reviewed the history, development and activities of research and development of biological weapons by the German military between 1940 and 1945. One of the four authors of the report was Jesse W. Hofer, U.S.N.R., who was the father of the donor.

  2. German officers roundup hospital staff and patients

    German officers gather hospital staff and patients outside hospital. MCU, all standing around, emotionless mood. Some wounded men. Germans interrogate one man.

  3. March of Time -- outtakes -- Invasion of Poland

    Footage of Hitler, Jodl, Keitel, in train car looking at a map; invasion of Poland including captured Polish troops marching through a city, Germans on horseback, shot of motorized vehicles passing sign, ethnic Germans greeting soldiers; removing border barriers; tearing down sign of Poland. Good images of destruction and Polish POWs.

  4. Burning the barracks at Belsen

    Burning barracks. Brief shot of British flag on flagpole. Crowd of survivors watching barracks on fire.

  5. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: job sites

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Job sites.

  6. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: Munich Pact

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Munich and after.

  7. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: refugees

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Assistance to refugees.

  8. Propaganda about Japan; troops preparing for Pacific

    Reel 1: "Japan" A cartoon shows Hirohito shoving Hitler aside and proclaiming himself the greatest conqueror, the operation of thought control in Japan, and US aid to Japan during the 1923 earthquake. "Here We Come" Shows troops from Europe showering, drawing new clothing, and preparing to embark for the Pacific theater.

  9. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: refugees & fascists

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Unrest; refugees; fascists.

  10. Capture of partisans in Crimea

    Waffen SS members search for partisans in the Crimea. Soldiers walk through wooded mountainous territory (at 1200 meters) in search of "Soviet soldiers in civilian clothes, Jews, and Soviet agents" who have allegedly been terrorizing the population. The Germans throw grenades and shoot at a stone and wood structure. They capture the "bandits," all in civilian dress. The narrator says that "these rabble can expect no mercy." The prisoners are led away by armed Germans.

  11. Poland destroyed; French troops; invasion of the West; refugees

    Reel 4 shows war-torn Poland: Warsaw is bombed, evacuated and burned. Hitler reviews his troops. French troops man the Maginot Line. Norway, Denmark, Holland and Belgium are invaded. German films show the power of the army; big guns, mechanized equipment, paratroops, etc. Dutch refugees clog roads. Rotterdam burns.

  12. Prague Trade Fair

    Wide shot of the grounds of the Prague Trade Fair with Julius Meinl coffee advertisements visible. Shot of the installation of an exhibit or advertisement consisting of a huge human ear- shaped sculpture. The narration says that this is the first fair since the outbreak of war and it has been very successful. Twelve nations are participating, demonstrating the importance of the Protectorate's economy. Interior shots showing visitors to the fair, including a German soldier. Visitors inspect the exhibits. CU of a small swan sculpture on a table. Spectators watch pneumatic rammers in operation.

  13. U.S. & German soldiers

    MS, American soldiers sitting on wooden benches in an open courtyard. VS, CUs, MCUs, American soldiers. MCU, man walking down a street in an unidentified town wearing a tuxedo an a top hat with a flower in it, he is smiling and waving at the camera. MCU, German soldier with a white armband, walking toward camera. German and American soldier pose together for camera, shake hands, smile. Soldiers leaving in army jeep. VS, from jeep, of countryside, red-roofed homes, farmland, cows, locals with wagons, etc.

  14. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: Prague

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Prague; gas masks; books.

  15. Spanish General; Spanish Street Scene

    00:04:05 - 00:04:50 MCU General Weyler, Spanish General, who fought against the Americans in War of 1898. 00:04:53 - 00:05:49 Horsedrawn carriages with women in fancy traditional costume (mantilla, etc.). A few people sell flowers from pots balanced on their head.

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- French and British soldiers arrive in England after being evacuated from Dunkirk

    Various types of ships and boats arriving at South Coast port in England, carrying English and French wounded from Dunkirk. Men wrapped in blankets wave to the camera from a small fishing boat. British soldiers wearing helmets disembark from a boat. A soldier with both his eyes bandaged is helped from a boat. The camera pans across a bedraggled group of men (French soldiers? Most of them are not in uniform). A couple of the men smile and give thumb's up signals. More shots of men arriving on ships and disembarking; wounded men are removed on stretchers.

  17. Point system discharge; Interview of prisoners, Dachau

    01:23:09 Point System Discharge, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, May 30, 1945. Interview of three Staff Sgts eligible for discharge on point system. Each tells of the combat duties and delight in being able to return to the US. 01:27:33 (LIB 6562) Interview of Prisoners, Dachau, Germany, May 5, 1945. MCU off-screen voice interviews Dr. Hussarek of Czechoslovakia, who tells how he was hung by his wrists to the point where he could not even feed himself. (The doctor speaks in German.)

  18. Oral history interview with Carl Groth

  19. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: Berchtesgaden

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Berchtesgaden deal.

  20. Discussion of mechanical equipment used at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 348) Nuremberg Trial (Dry Run), Nuremberg, Germany. In a statement to the court, an American officer tells of the perfection of the mechanical equipment and the most talented interpreters being made available for the Nuremberg trial. Statements are made in French, Russian, and German to show how the interpreters will operate. Note: Action is staged before the attendants to accustom them to the processes and procedures that will follow.