
Displaying items 2,061 to 2,080 of 2,734
  1. Sauckel Fritz



    NSDAP-Gauleiter in Thüringen (since 1927),General Plenipotentiary for Labour Deployment (Generalbevollmächtigter für den Arbeitseinsatz) 1942/1945. Organized the systematic enslavement of millions of foreign citizens.

  2. U.S. Army tailor made, short waisted officer's jacket worn by a Signal Corps photographer for the war crimes trials

    1. Ray D'Addario collection

    Modified officer's olive drab uniform jacket with civilian lapel patches worn by Ray D'Addario, a US Army Signal Corps and then contract photographer at the postwar trials of war criminals held by the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Germany. The jacket was specially tailored for Ray and the short waist and action pleats provided greater mobility and ease of movement when the arms were extended to photograph. The previous standard hip-length officer's jacket was not suitable for combat. In 1943, a shorter jacket, known as the Eisenhower jacket, was issued. Many soldiers had their ja...

  3. Plaid handkerchief monogrammed HG given by Hermann Goering to an American guard at Nuremberg

    1. Herbert C. Durkee collection

    Handkerchief embroidered HG and given by Hermann Goering to Herbert C. Durkee, an American guard at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany, between August 1945 and January 1946. Herbert guarded Goering and helped him control his drug dependency to paracodeine. Goering gave Durkee the handkerchief, one of his last personal possessions, in appreciation of Durkee’s kindness. During the war, 2nd Lt. Durkee was a platoon officer in a field artillery unit and fought in France. The war ended when Germany surrendered on May 7, 1945. In August, 1st Lt. Durkee was transferred to se...

  4. Bühler Josef

    • Bühler, Josef, 1904-1948
    • Bühler, Josef Friedrich (1904-48).
    • Bühler, Józef.
    • Bühler, Josef.
    • Buehler, Joseph



    Deputy of the Generalgouverneur Hans Frank in Poland. Participant of the Wannsee Conference. Sentenced to death in Warsaw.

  5. Seldte Franz

    • Seldte, Franz
    • セルデ, フランツ
    • Seldte, Franz, 1882-1947



  6. Six Franz

    • Six, Franz Alfred, 1906-1975
    • Six, F. A.
    • Siks, Franc Alfred
    • Six, Franz
    • Six, Franz Alfred, 1909-1975
    • ...



    One of the early leaders of the SD, press specialist. 1944 appoined head of Amt II of the RSHA (Gegnerforschung - opposition research).

  7. Stuckart Wilhelm

    • Stuckart, Wilhelm, 1902-1953
    • Štukart, Vilchelm 1902-1953
    • Stuckart-Hoffmann, Wilhelm 1902-1953
    • Stuckart-Globke, Wilhelm 1902-1953
    • Hoffmann, Wilhelm Stuckart- 1902-1953
    • ...



    Nazi politician and jurist. State Secretary in hte Rich Ministry of Internal Affairs (1935-.) Drafted the Nuremberg Laws. Active participator at the Wannsee Conference.

  8. Wittenberg Yitzhak

    • Wittenberg, Yitzhak
    • Wittenberg, Yiṣḥāq 1907-1943
    • Wittenberg, Yiẓḥak 1907-1943
    • Wittenberg, Yitzhak 1907-1943
    • Wittenberg, Leo Itzig 1907-1943
    • ...



    First commander of Farey-Negte Partizaner Organizatsye in Vilna ghetto.

  9. Hans Helm

    The Bavarian Hans Helm began his police career in Munich. Born in 1909 in a poor family, and has not completed the study of philosophy, and instead he got a job at the Munich police. He proved to be "an eager, disciplined and capable officer" and promoted as a forensic officer. As of 1937 he started working for the Gestapo. Among other activities within the scope of work of the Gestapo, Helm supervised and processed Ustasha intelligence exiles in Germany. At the same time he maintained official contacts with the Yugoslav police, who searched for the Ustashe as members of a terrorist organiz...

  10. War Crimes Trial, Ludwigsburg; Goering at Nuremberg Trial

    05:18:52 (Munich 56) War Crimes Trials (Borkum Island), Ludwigsburg, Germany, March 12, 1946 (silent). AVs, castle in Ludwigsburg where the trials are being held. POWs who had escaped were not taken back to the camp but were retained by the police, according to the witness. 05:19:55 (Munich 59) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 22, 1946. British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe cross examining Goering. MCU, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence at bench. MLS, US prosecutors at table. Maxwell-Fyfe reading from document, "where the Jews were left to themselves, as for instance in Poland...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 112 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 112. Hausner talks about Eichmann's relationship with the General Government, stating that he should have had no dealings with them if he held the position he claims he held. 00:02:53 Hausner begins discussing Hungary. He says that this is proof not only that the Nazis wanted to fully execute the Final Solution, but that Eichmann was in charge of all of this. 00:10:36 Hausner goes on to discuss the deception of the Jews, as well as when Eichmann eventually admitted to ordering the deception when presented with enough evidence. The things that Eichmann told the Jews is brought into q...

  12. M.62 - Documentation from the Regional Archives of the Russian Federation, 1934-1946

    M.62 - Documentation from Regional Archives of the Russian Federation, 1934-1946 In the collection there are files selected from the Regional Archives of the Russian Federation: the State Archives in the Tver, Kaluga, Pskov, Orel, Smolensk, Novgorod and Bryansk regions, the State Archives of the Republics of Kalmykia and Mordovia and the State Archive for Records of Contemporary History in the Kaluga, Smolensk and Tver Regions. Description of the collection The collection includes documentation from the local committees of the Communist Party in various regions of Russia, 1917-1929, documen...

  13. Werner Best diary

    Diary of Werner Best, from July 1, 1943-December 31, 1944. Werner Best was a German Nazi and served as civilian administrator of France and Denmark while Nazi Germany occupied those countries during World War II.

  14. Collection regarding the trials of Zoepf, Harster and Slottke in Munich during 1966-1968

    Collection regarding the trials of Zoepf, Harster and Slottke in Munich during 1966-1968 SS-Sturmbannführer Wilhelm Zoepf was head of the Referat IV B4 in The Hague in 1942. He administered the system of transports from Westerbork camp to the East, including the decisions regarding exemptions and deportations; Wilhelm Harster was commander of de Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (the German Security and Police forces); Fraulein Slottke gave orders to the Police in The Hague, in order to locate Jews and their property; Included in the collection: Documents regarding the death of...

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 113. Hausner talks about Eichmann's decision to execute those who knew too much. 00:06:47 Tape jumps. Hausner reads a quote from a poem about the experience of the Jews. 00:13:31 Hausner enumerates the crimes that Eichmann is accused of under the law for Nazis and their collaborators, and explains each of them and how the Prosecution has proven these accusations. The accusation of Eichmann's committing a crime against the Jewish people performed with the intent of exterminating all or part of the the Jewish people is examined at length with frequent questions from the Judges. His ro...

  16. Arnold Joseph collection

    The Arnold Joseph collection consists of correspondence to and from defendants at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, which Joseph acquired during his military service as a censor. Incoming correspondence from the general public comes from the so‐called “201 file” of letters not to be delivered to the defendants so as not to upset them. It includes a mixture of praise and good wishes for the defendants as well as insults and invectives, and some correspondence includes prayers, poems, and songs. At least one letter is from a former German soldier, another is from a former political prisoner,...

  17. Hitler Youth; Rearmament

    Title: "Part III Preparation for Wars of Aggression 1935-1939" Title: "1935 Von Schirach Urges Hitler Youth to Follow Principles of "Mein Kampf"" von Schirach addresses youth. Title: "Goering Announces Rearmament of Germany March 1935" Miscellaneous military scenes.

  18. Quisling sentenced to death

    World in Film. Issue no. 20 (1940-1949) 03:39:08 "Last Fight Pictures from the Pacific." British Naval and air units at sea. HS, US convoy under way. Admiral Rawlings, British officer being transported from his ship at sea via breech buoy to an American ship alongside. GSAP pictures of Japanese land installation being strafed. MS, Admiral William F Halsey aboard ship speaking to group of men in fire control room. LSs, American battleship's guns firing at shore in the battle of the Honshu Sea. Scenes aboard US battleship of ammunition being sent to upper deck. 03:42:40 "Soldiers become Farm ...

  19. History of Majdanek camp; survivors

    An onscreen slate from WFDiF (not original to the film) reads: Film entitled "Majdanek" was produced after the liberation of camp by the Polish Army. The premiere of film: November 1, 1944. Original titles read: Film Polski Warsaw presents: a documentary of the Polish Army Film Unit made on 25th July 1944: "Majdanek". Majdanek was liberated by the Soviets on July 23, 1944. 25th July 1944: Celebration scenes outside in Lublin as Polish Army soldiers enter the city. Women weep with joy, people hand flowers to soldiers. The camera pans down a turret of the Lublin Castle to show the corpses of ...

  20. Eichmann Trial -- Session 1 -- Reading of indictment

    Session 1. Court officials are organizing the courtroom for the trial. Various individuals walk around the room, greeting and talking to each other. There is occasional sound as the trial commentators prepare for Session 001. The trial begins, and the camera focuses on Adolf Eichmann as he sits in the glass box. As the three judges, Moshe Landau, Benjamin Halevi, and Yitzchak Raveh enter the courtroom, the commentators detail trial particulars such as the trial number and specific court officials. Judge Landau formally ascertains the defendant's identity and choice of council. He then grant...