
Displaying items 2,021 to 2,040 of 10,857
  1. Trials against Nazi criminals of war in Yugoslavia (Serbia)

    1. Државна комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача

    The files contain SCICOS prosecutions against high-ranked Nazi officers accused of war crimes committed on the Yugoslav territory during WWII, with particularly attention to the Serbian territory under German occupation. The file contains statements and interrogatories, reports, sometimes original documents in Serbian or German language. Particularly attention during the trials is dedicated to the extermination of the Serbian Jews. After WWII Yugoslav authorities asked for the extradition of the Nazi criminals of war who managed to escape to Germany after the liberation of Yugoslavia. Many ...

  2. Trials against Nazi criminals of war in Yugoslavia (Serbia)

    1. Државна комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача

    The files contain SCICOS prosecutions against high-ranked Nazi officers accused of war crimes committed on the Yugoslav territory during WWII, with particularly attention to the Serbian territory under German occupation. Among them, SS commander George Kiessel. The file contains statements and interrogatories, reports, sometimes original documents in Serbian or German language. Particularly attention during the trials is dedicated to the extermination of the Serbian Jews. After WWII Yugoslav authorities asked for the extradition of the Nazi criminals of war who managed to escape to Germany ...

  3. Burning buildings, probably in Saarland

    Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. German soldier walks toward the camera. Caravan of military vehicles. 10:08:05 Several fires destroy buildings, probably in the Saarland, a region along the southwest French-German border where the 257th Infantry was positioned after their time in occupied Poland. Their post in the Saarland was unusual as few battles between the French and German armies occurred along this Western Front between October 1939 and April 1940. Destruction was likely caused by Frenc...

  4. Liberation of Belgium and capture of collaborators and POWs

    Civilians gathered in a city plaza welcome Allied soldiers arriving in trucks. A joyful crowd of Belgian men, women and children ride on a tank and wave Belgian and American flags. Interior shots of German soldiers and Belgian collaborators kept in animal cages lined with straw at the Antwerp zoo (shots are dark), including CUs of a German officer looking through the bars. Belgian collaborators are led down the street by armed Belgian resistance fighters, members of the L'Armee Blanche. German soldiers are escorted to waiting trucks by troops from the 4th Battalion King's Shropshire Light I...

  5. Italian Ministry of Defense Selected records of the Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito

    Contains a census, questionnaires, documents, circulars, and correspondence relating to Jews, racial policy, military institutions, Yugoslavia, France, and Greece. Includes reports on the activities of the Ustashi against Jews in Yugoslavia; reports of Jews moving into newly occupied territories; translation of an article from "Der Spiegel" on the conduct of the Italian military in protecting Jews in occupied territories; the role of the Catholic Church in persecuting Jews in Rome; lists of military officers who aided Jews in Greece, France and Croatia; bibliography from the book on Italian...

  6. Ministry of Defense Archives records

    Contains name lists, correspondence, diaries, reports, and trial documents. Documents concern the Soviet prisoners of war, including Soviet Jews, kept in Finnish camps during World War II; the organization of the Office of Prisoners of War within the Home Front headquarters of the Finnish Army; the personal diary of Walter Horn, Finnish military attaché in Berlin, from September 1940 to October 1944; and the trial records (1947 and 1948) of Arno Anthoni, wartime head of the Valpo, Finnish Security Police (Etsivä keskuspoliisi; later Valtiollinem poliisi, Valpo).

  7. Warsaw during German bombing, shelling; Hitler & Generals

    Map. Goering, Keitel, von Ribbentrop, Himmler, and Hitler in a map conference; also present, Rommel, Bodenschatz. Preparation for bombing Warsaw. Intertitle: "Nach Ablehnung der Uebergabe wird der Kampf fortgesetzt." Bombs loaded into plane. Aerial shots of bombs being dropped on Warsaw. Thin black columns of smoke from outskirts of town. Soldiers firing bombs from land. Smoke. Hitler in plane looking through telescope. Buildings on fire. Soldiers advancing [footage is dense, grainy, scratched]. Polish soldiers surrendering, running with hands raised. German soldiers carry an injured man in...

  8. Cossack volunteers

    LS of Cossack volunteers on horseback. They dismount and shoot at targets with cartoon drawings of Russian officers on them. Shot of Germans officers standing with men in Cossack dress. Cossacks gallop across a field with swords drawn. They use the swords to cut off the heads of mannequins in the shape of a Jew (wearing a Star of David on his chest) and Josef Stalin. CU of Stalin's head on the ground.

  9. Panzer Division in city square and setting up field tents

    Reel 1: 00:00:01 German Panzers (Panzerkampfwagen IV) in a city plaza. Civilians in the street. Destroyed buildings. Tanks traveling through the Russian countryside. Burned out truck/tank. Soldiers waiting in a forest. Russian civilians traveling by horse and wagon, including CU. Team of horses pulling a Howitzer out of a river. Russian POWs running with German guards on horseback. Camouflaged tank and Howitzer. Reel 2: 00:04:32 Soldiers of the 3rd Panzer Division setting up camp. Camouflaging vehicles, setting up tents. Checkpoint sign. Soldiers walking around, typing, playing with dog, re...

  10. Yamashita Trial; Jackson and map at Nuremberg Trial

    22:44:35 Yamashita Trial, 20th Day, Manila, Philippines, November 21, 1945. Gen. Muto on stand answers in part the question: "Describe the military administration in the Philippines." 22:47:08 (Paris 374) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 22, 1945. LS, prisoners sitting in dock. Pan to US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson speaking. Rear view, Jackson addressing the court. MS, Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Doenitz, Raeder, von Schirach, and Sauckel in prisoners' dock. Goering makes notes on pad. LS map on wall showing German aggression. Note: Voice of Jackson heard throug...

  11. Questioning von Schirach at Nuremberg; War Crimes Trials: Malmedy

    17:07:15 (Munich 187) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 24, 1946. HAS, Dodd, US prosecutor, questions Baldur von Schirach about a song printed in the Hitler Youth Song Books (witness not seen). HAS, Dr. Fritz Sauter cross-examines Schirach. (English interpreter is heard translating the questions and answers). 17:10:47 (Munich 176) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, May 21, 1946. Former Lt Virgil P Lary tells how he and fifteen of his men made a break after witnessing the massacre of approx one hundred US soldiers. Former soldier Carl Daub is questioned about his background...

  12. German invasion of Denmark

    German planes overhead as Germany invades Denmark. The narration says that in order to protect the neutrality of the Scandinavian countries German troops have been dispatched to Denmark and Norway. LS of a park in Copenhagen with hundreds of leaflets scattered on the ground. CU of a hand holding one of the leaflets. A German general and a Danish officer salute each other. Exterior view of the German embassy. Ambassador Renthe-Fink and General Nimmer smile while standing next to the embassy. Danish soldiers receive pistols and cigarettes from German soldiers. Civilians wave to German troops ...

  13. Prosecutors and defendants at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 112) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 12, 1946. MSs, MHSs, Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions an unidentified witness, possibly Ribbentrop. MSs, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, and Wilhelm Keitel seated in prisoners' dock. HASs, defense counselor Dr. Kurt Kaufman at stand interrupts a US military member of the prosecution and addresses the Tribunal. HASs, judges on bench as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence speaks to Dr. Kaufman and reprimands him for delaying the trial. MLSs, Maxwell-Fyfe seated at prosecution table. MSs, Kaltenbrunner looking over lawyer...

  14. Feature film about a Russian army officer: soldiers fighting

    Feature film about a young Russian army officer. Begins with his participation at a Russian youth military school and follows him as he advances in the army. Film portrays youthful patriotism through the willingness of young Russian men and women to enlist. The inhumanity of war is illustrated through scenes of extreme and ruthless German aggression. There are many any scenes of camaraderie between soldiers, battles with the Germans, and the destruction of war. Reel 4: Opens with CU of a barbed wire fence. Soldiers crawl out of a trench and through a field. They cut through the barbed wire ...

  15. Henry M. Heinrichs photographs

    Consists of 20 copyprints from the collection of Private First Class Henry M. Heinrichs documenting his experiences as an American soldier, mainly as an ambulance driver, during World War II, particularly his experiences witnessing the Dachau concentration camp. Includes portraits, Heinrichs posing with his ambulance, piles of corpses at Dachau, the corpse of a guard dog, and liberated prisoners riding in a military jeep with a banner thanking the Allies.

  16. Mauthausen prisoner testifies at Nuremberg Trial; Homma Trial

    09:19:05 (Paris 525) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 25, 1946. Maurice Lampe, 46 year old former inmate of Mauthausen, testifying in French. MS, Justice Biddle making notes. Pan to Justice Lawrence, Justice Birkett, and the Russian justices. Pan back to witness. 09:23:28 Homma Trial, 28th Day, Manila, Philippines, February 11, 1945. MLS, Gen. Masaharu Homma enters courtroom and sits at the defense table. MS, Maj. John H. Skeen, Chief Defense Counsel, and Gen. Homma conversing. HS, MLS, courtroom. MLS, Commission members enter and take their seats. Maj. Gen. Leo Donovan readin...

  17. German surrender; crime investigation

    02:10:05 (LIB 6209) German Surrender, Schwerin, Germany, May 2, 1945. Groups of German soldiers and civilians moving about streets after their surrender. MSs, long column of German horse-drawn vehicles moving past soldiers of the 121st Regt, 8th Div. SEQ: German soldiers getting off German operated freight train to give themselves up. MSs, large mass of German prisoners assembling in POW cage. CUs, German women talking to prisoners. 02:15:42 (LIB 6210) Atrocity Crime Investigation, Recklinghouser, Germany, May 2, 1945. SEQ: Officer and soldier questioning German civilians accused of war cri...

  18. French resistance

    Newsreel describing resistance activities in France. Title reads: France Actualites. La France et L'empire L'Europe et le monde. Destruction in city. Books in a pile. Civilians look at destruction. Weapons. CUs members of the Manouchian Network (mostly young). These individuals are identified at the end of Film ID 411 with inserted titling: Manouchian; Boczor; Rayman; Celestino; Fingercwajg; Wajsbrot. Soldiers guarding entrance. Diplomats enter sanctuary, viewing body, exiting. Coffin loaded onto a wagon and paraded through the city. Civilians and soldiers watch.

  19. Lorraine Glendinning collection

    The Lorraine Glendinning collection consists of items sent from Lorraine Pressler (later Lorraine Glendinning) in Nuremberg, Germany, to her parents in Missouri, August 1946, including a map of the seating arrangement of the courtroom for the International Military Tribunal (IMT); a visitor pass to the Tribunal (session 390); a letter from Lorraine with envelope; and a newspaper with front page article about the International Military Tribunal entitled "Das Nurnberg Urteil" [The Nuremberg Judgement], with images of defendants, their judgement and sentence.