
Displaying items 181 to 200 of 2,734
  1. Záznam

    1. Documentary Material

    Report about a suspected war criminal Paul Raphaelson

  2. A 1340 / 4

    1. Documentary Material

    Report about a suspected war criminal Paul Raphaelsohn

  3. Statements re war crimes

    Statements re war crimes 

  4. Rauff Walther

    • Rauff, Walter
    • Rauff, Walther
    • Rauff, Walther, 1906-1984
    • Rauff, Walter, 1906-1984
    • Rauff, Hermann Julius Walther Rauff 1906-1984 Vollstaendiger Name
    • ...


    SS officer and RSHA functionary. Responsible for arming Einsatzgruppen and for building gas waggons. Head of an SD-Einsatzkommando in Tunis.

  5. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Articles and legal documentation regarding the "Lemberg" Trial, 1966-1968

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Articles and legal documentation regarding the "Lemberg" Trial, 1966-1968 In the file: - Article and drafts of articles by B. Sagalowitz regarding the trial of 17 Nazi criminals charged with participation in the annihilation of the Jews of Lwow; among the defendants: Rudolf Roeder, who served as supervisor of the ZAL (slave labor camps) in Galicia. The trial was held in Stuttgart, from 25 October 1966; - Notebooks with handwritten notes regarding the proceedings in the "Lemberg" Trial; - Indictment against the accused charging them with having participated in mu...

  6. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Handwritten notes regarding the progress of the "Babi Yar" Trial in Darmstadt, 1967-1968

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Handwritten notes regarding the trial proceedings at the "Babi Yar" Trial in Darmstadt, 1967-1968 In the file: - Eight notebooks of handwritten notes by B. Sagalowitz regarding the trial proceedings at the trial held in Darmstadt against 11 Nazi criminals accused of mass murder of Jews in different places in Ukraine, including Babi Yar. The criminals served in Sonderkommando 4a, a part of Einsatzgruppe C. Also in the file: - A sketch of the seating arrangements in the courtroom. There is more information about the trial: Yad Vashem Archives P.13/51.

  7. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Newspaper clippings with reports on the Lemberg Trial held in Stuttgart, 1966-1968

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Newspaper clippings with reports on the Lemberg Trial held in Stuttgart, 1966-1968 - Fifteen Nazi criminals who took part in the murder of the Jews of Galicia were put on trial, among them: Ernst Epple, Rudolf Roeder, Carl Woepke, Ernst Inquart, Ernst Heinisch, Roman Schoenbuch, Adolf Kolonko, Anton Loehnert and Hans Sobotta; - Testimonies, including that of Simon Wiesenthal, with descriptions of the atrocities of the accused, mainly in the Janowska camp.

  8. Government in exile (Fond 103)

    Contains correspondence, reports, and name lists. Material relates to underground movements, war crimes, murders of Serbs in Croatia, establishment of the War Crimes Commission in Yugoslavia, name lists of Croatian, Albanian and Hungarian war criminals. Some documents originate from the United States Department of State and the United Nations War Crimes Commission (UNWCC).

  9. Fredrick J. Bayer papers

    Consists of various memorabilia items collected by Fred Bayer during the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. Includes: a book entitled "Nurnberg" by Charles W. Alexander used by Fred Bayer to collect the autographs of the war criminals; passes for Fred Bayer for the Palace of Justice; photographs from the IMT; and hand- written notes by Bayer describing the war criminals.

  10. Documentation of the UN Committee about War Crimes

    This Record Group contains documentation created by the UN Committee about War Crimes, 1944-1949. The job of the Committee was to assist the various governments in bringing World War II war criminals to trial by collecting documentation, conducting investigations and giving legal counsel. The Record Group reflects the work of the Committee and its sub-committees and includes protocols and reports of the committees'meetings, documentation collected by the Committee and reports regarding the trials of war criminals held in the various countries. The Record Group also contains lists of the nam...

  11. [Nazi Justice]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    This file contains two registers and a preceding letter from the chief prosecutor of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials, Joachim Kügler, describing the lists’ contents.The first one contains the names of 599 detainees and SS-officers who were suspected of homicidal crime in Auschwitz due to their special position in the SS, previous results of investigations (up to the end of 1959) or because their names were found on a list of war criminals compiled by officials of the US Army. Attached to this is a second list of accused war criminals who had already passed away or had been executed at the time.

  12. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Report submitted by Bernard Teichholtz regarding the condition of the Jews in Galicia and especially in Lwow

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Report submitted by Bernard Teichholtz regarding the condition of the Jews in Galicia and especially in Lwow The Judenrat and Nazi criminals.

  13. Correspondence with newspaper editors in Israel and overseas, 1945-1974

    1. P.10 - Archive of Mark Dworzecki, physician, Vilna Ghetto underground member and researcher of Lithuanian Jewry during the Holocaust, 1945-1975

    Correspondence with newspaper editors in Israel and overseas, 1945-1974 Two volumes. The file includes: - copies of the correspondence of Israel Ziffer with the editor of the "Jerusalem Post", with the chairman of the committee of editors of daily newspapers in Israel and with the editor of "Davar" regarding the non-publication of information regarding Nazi criminals, 1959.

  14. Hanging of Nazis

    Convicted Nazi war criminals are hanged as American military observers watch. Men escorted to scaffold with chaplain or priest, blindfolded and hanged against backdrop of castle wall. Bodies removed, placed in coffins. Very sobering.

  15. Collection of legal material from the Deutsche Bundesrepublik, Germany, 1960-1971

    Collection of legal material from the Deutsche Bundesrepublik, Germany, 1960-1971 Collection of copies of materials from German Courts of Law in the Deutsche Bundesrepublik, Germany, regarding verdicts against Nazi war criminals, 1960-1971; Included in the collection: Copies of verdicts of the Schwurgericht bei dem Landgericht (Circuit Court at the District Court) in various cities in Germany, 1960-1971.

  16. Correspondence with Associated Rediffusion

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    Correspondence regarding the lending of Wiener Library material and information requests on Nazi war crimes and certain (war) criminals.

  17. M.9 - Simon Wiesenthal Collection, Archive of the Juedische Historische Dokumentation (Center for Jewish Documentation), Linz, 1938-1951

    M.9 - Simon Wiesenthal Collection, Archive of the Juedische Historische Dokumentation (Center for Jewish Documentation), Linz, 1938-1951 The Jewish Historical Documentation Center in Linz was established in 1947 by Simon Wiesenthal, an engineer from Buczacz, Poland. After his liberation from Mauthausen camp in Austria, Wiesenthal worked toward locating and arresting war criminals. He was also the moving force behind the Association of Former Inmates of Concentration Camps in Austria, and among the founders of the International Organization of Former Inmates of Nazi Camps. As the chairman of...

  18. Daluege Kurt

    • Daluege, Kurt, 1897-1946
    • Daluege, Kurt
    • Daluge, Kurt 1897-1946



    Head of the German Ordnungspolizei (Orpo). 1942 SS-Oberstgruppenführer and Generaloberst. After Heydrich´s death, June 1942 Deputy Reichsprotektor Bohemia and Moravia. Sentenced to death and executed among other things because of the massacre of Lidice.

  19. Himmler Heinrich

    • Himmler, Heinrich, 1900-1945
    • Himmler, Heinrich Luitpold, 1900-1945
    • Gimmler, Genrich 1900-1945
    • Himmler, Heini, 1900-1945
    • Gimmler, Genrikh, 1900-1945
    • ...



    Various positions, most influential: Reichsführer SS (RFSS), head of the Deutsche Polizei (German police), directly subordinated to Hitler. Also: "Reichskommissar für die Festigung Deutschen Volkstums" (RKF) for the Occupied Eastern Territories, since 25 Aug 1943 also Minister of the Interior, and since 1944 additionally commander of the reserve army (Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres).

  20. Streckenbach Bruno

    • Streckenbach, Bruno, 1902-1978
    • Streckenbach, Bruno Heinrich Hugo, 1902-1978
    • Streckenbach, Bruno



    Head of Gestapo Hamburg (1933). Commander of Einsatzgruppe 1 in Poland (1939). In November 1939 appointed Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (BdS) of the Generalgouvernement. Head of Amt I of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (1940). In Waffen SS (1943), general (1944-).