
Displaying items 1,921 to 1,940 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. Munkaszolgálattal kapcsolatos iratok. Munkaszolgálatot igazoló iratok

    1. XX. Holokauszttal kapcsolatos iratgyűjtemény
    2. Munkaszolgálatot igazoló bizottságok jegyzőkönyvei
    • Documents Related to Labor Service. Documents on the Conditions of Labor Service

    Labor service was a special Hungarian institution created in 1939 that targetted primarily Jews but also politically suspicuous elements, national minorities and religious groups during the years of the Second World War. The institution of labor service implied labor duties at military units without military equipment. It was gradually extended and became increasingly brutal and deadly. This collection contains a wide array of documents concerning its history such as photographs, birth certificates, graduation certificates and diplomas, military papers (such as service certificates, letters...

  2. [Novostnoĭ reportazh iz SSSR ob antisovetskoĭ dei︠a︡tel'nosti] [Новостной репортаж из СССР об антисоветской деятельности]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    News bulletin of military and NKVD activity in the USSR. The bulletin reports of purported war preparations, large amounts of military activities and amassing of military forces, as well as anti-Soviet demonstrations in the Ukraine, which resulted in mass arrests of workers and peasants by the NKVD. Disorders are reported in Poltava and Konotop. The bulletin claims that some organizing hand can be seen in all these disorders and revolts and recommends, in light of the circumstances, to cease contact with relatives in the Ukraine from abroad.

  3. Kaltenbrunner Ernst

    • Kaltenbrunner, Ernst
    • Kaltenbrunner, Ernst, 1903-1946
    • Kaltenbrunner, Ernst, 1902-1946



    Head of the SS and police in Austria. Since 01.01.1943, head of RSHA and of Sipo and SD. Sentenced to death and executed in Nuremberg in 1946.

  4. Map of Bergen-Hohne NATO training area acquired by an American soldier stationed in Germany during the 1980s

    1. Joseph Pallone collection

    A 1961 map of the Bergen-Hohne region, with an overprinted boundary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) training area, acquired by an American soldier stationed in Germany during the 1980s. Overprinted maps are often made prior to or during hostilities. They provide military units with the most up-to-date intelligence and information, when there is insufficient time to fully revise or create a new map. Along the bottom right edge of the NATO range, outlined in purple, is the village of Belsen, located next to the “East Camp” of a former Wehrmacht training complex, founded in 19...

  5. Rhine Army Ranges (Hohne) map with overprinting, acquired by an American soldier stationed in Germany during the 1980s

    1. Joseph Pallone collection

    A 1953 map of the Bergen-Hohne region, with multi-colored overprinting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) training area, acquired by an American soldier stationed in Germany during the 1980s. Overprinted maps are often made prior to or during hostilities. They provide military units with the most up-to-date intelligence and information, when there is insufficient time to fully revise or create a new map. Along the bottom right edge of the NATO range, outlined in yellow and black, is the village of Belsen, located next to the “East Camp” of a former Wehrmacht training complex, ...

  6. Postwar economic recovery in Germany; Nuremberg trials

    Welt im Film Nr. 82 newsreel documenting German economic recovery after the end of the war. Men, women, and children are depicted as happy and hard-working citizens whose labor helps makes Germany prosperous again. 00:00:46 A snowy landscape, possibly in the Alps. People in strange costumes dance and parade in the snow. Children scream and hide from the costumed figures. Men open mask flaps and drink beer that local women bring them. 00:01:06 A woman in an industrial uniform works with machinery. Factory workers use recycled military helmets to make kitchen utensils. Punching holes in metal...

  7. Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale Alta Italia

    • Committee of National Liberation of Upper Italy
    • CLNAI

    Founded in 1944-01

    In 1944-01 a supreme politico-military authority, the Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale Alta Italia, was formed to coordinate the activities of the Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale and partisans. This body soon asserted its claims to power, not only against Germans and Fascists in the North but also against the official government and against the Allies. Eventually the Allies agreed to recognize the CLNAI as the legitimate political representative of the Resistance forces, and to entrust it with maintaining public order in liberated zones until an Allied Military Government could be set up.

  8. Związek Walki Zbrojnej

    • Union for Armed Struggle
    • ZWZ

    In German controlled Poland the Polish underground in 1940 gradually became more tightly organized. General Sikorski in France took steps to bring all resistance forces in the homeland under the control of his government in exile. Since the beginning of the war, dozens of independent resistance groups had sprung up, mistrustful of any central control. Sikorski ordered the Służba Zwycięstwu Polski (Service for the Victory of Poland), by far the largest of the underground organizations, to transform itself into the central organ of military resistance under the name of Związek Walki Zbrojnej....

  9. Rescuing Allied airmen

    Project Gunn, Office of Strategic Services, Field Photographic Branch, Unit 24, 1944. Film Report: On a mission headed by Lt. Col Gunn during World War II to rescue by air Allied airmen in a POW camp southwest of Bucharest, Romania. REEL 2: Scenes of downed fliers in POW camp. Men in hospitals getting ready for evacuation. Bomb damage to Ploesti oil fields. Ambulant and wounded POWs board B-17's.

  10. German officer & von Manstein questioned at Nuremberg Trial

    01:14:31 (Munich 339) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 10, 1946. Unidentified German officer is interrogated by Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence (latter is not seen). 01:16:13 (Munich 343) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, no date. Former Field Marshal von Manstein is cross-examined by US prosecutor Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor. Von Manstein is specifically questioned about the Einsatzgruppen in his area of operation, he testifies that he was not directly concerned with them and did not know what they were doing.

  11. Russian News (1944)

    On the siege of Warsaw. Russian and Polish troops assemble near the Vistula; tanks are drawn up; Gen. Kozakov inspects a map. A night artillery barrage is begun. Russian bombers fly over demolished German tanks. Field guns are fired. Tanks emerge from a forest and roll across fields; infantry follows. Bombs are dropped on German installations. Shows abandoned equipment and German fortifications outside Warsaw. Officers examine the scene. Artillery tanks and infantry move through the suburbs. Shows house-to-house fighting. Wounded are treated at an aid station. Poles greet the Russian troops...

  12. Intelligence report: "A review of German activities in the field of Biological Warfare"

    One report, mimeographed, 131 pages, titled "A Review of German Activities in the Field of Biological Warfare," compiled by staff in the ALSOS Mission of the Military Intelligence Section of the U.S. Department of War, 12 September 1945. The report, originally classified as secret, reviewed the history, development and activities of research and development of biological weapons by the German military between 1940 and 1945. One of the four authors of the report was Jesse W. Hofer, U.S.N.R., who was the father of the donor.

  13. German officers roundup hospital staff and patients

    German officers gather hospital staff and patients outside hospital. MCU, all standing around, emotionless mood. Some wounded men. Germans interrogate one man.

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- Invasion of Poland

    Footage of Hitler, Jodl, Keitel, in train car looking at a map; invasion of Poland including captured Polish troops marching through a city, Germans on horseback, shot of motorized vehicles passing sign, ethnic Germans greeting soldiers; removing border barriers; tearing down sign of Poland. Good images of destruction and Polish POWs.

  15. Burning the barracks at Belsen

    Burning barracks. Brief shot of British flag on flagpole. Crowd of survivors watching barracks on fire.

  16. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: job sites

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Job sites.

  17. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: Munich Pact

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Munich and after.

  18. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: refugees

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Assistance to refugees.

  19. Propaganda about Japan; troops preparing for Pacific

    Reel 1: "Japan" A cartoon shows Hirohito shoving Hitler aside and proclaiming himself the greatest conqueror, the operation of thought control in Japan, and US aid to Japan during the 1923 earthquake. "Here We Come" Shows troops from Europe showering, drawing new clothing, and preparing to embark for the Pacific theater.

  20. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: refugees & fascists

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Unrest; refugees; fascists.