
Displaying items 1,821 to 1,840 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. German attack on Poland, invasion

    Summary: The German viewpoint of events prior to and during the Polish campaign. Reel 5: Fighting at Gdynia. German troops enter Gdynia, prisoners taken. Hitler enters city (only POV from car). German soldiers greet Hitler, surround him. Hitler and officers eating at field kitchen. Headquarter scenes, interior of railroad car. Hitler consults with officers, including Goering, Rommel, Himmler, generals. Graphic - German movement to Vistula up to Radom. German troops on the move, many Polish soldiers surrender arms, equipment. Aerial of captured artillery.

  2. Forced confrontation, cinema

    LS of town road filled with people walking down towards the camera, buildings on frame right. Various shots of inhabitants of Burgsteinfurt (Germany) in the streets being ordered, assembled, and directed by troops, standing in lines, walking orderly, entering cinema. Sign above cinema entrance reads "Belsen & Buchenwald." People being directed as they exit cinema. CUs facial as civilians exit. NOTE: Burgsteinfurt was called the "village of hate" in the B.L.A. magazine, "The Soldier," because of its silent but noticeable resentment of the British occupation. The military government began...

  3. Teheran Conference

    An American Air Force officer holds a slate with the date and name of the cameraman. Shots of Franklin Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower riding at the head of a caravan of Jeeps and cars. The group appears to be driving through an American military base, with mountains visible in the background. Roosevelt's Jeep passes a line of uniformed men standing at attention, and then stops beside an American flag on a pole. Roosevelt removes his hat and places it over his heart while a band plays. The Jeep continues on past a long line of troops; closer shots of the two men. Roosevelt, his back to the ...

  4. Germans and Russians meet at Brest-Litovsk

    Polish tanks and other weapons destroyed or captured by the invading Germans. A pile of captured gas mask and a pile of rifles. Panning shot of dead horses and wrecked military vehicles in and near the Vistula River. German and Russian forces meet at Brest-Litovsk. Junior officers of both Armies salute and shake hands, while German soldiers hand out cigarettes to the Soviets. A Sovier officer hands a German officer a document written in Cyrillic. Soviet and German troops line a road and watch formations from both armies drive past. General Heinz Guderian and General Semyon Krivoshein salute...

  5. Wehrmacht exercises ("greatest since 1913")

    Soldiers on horseback traveling along a road. Narrator: "Im Gebiet um den Vorwaerts Berg in Oberhessen" the great exercises of the Wehrmacht in Fall 1936 occurred.... They were the greatest German maneuvers since 1913. More soldiers along the road, marching into a village. A banner hung in the town greets the Wehrmacht. Soldiers on horseback receive drinks from smiling women leaning out of the windows of their house; young girls and women rush up to soldiers carrying plates of food. Men marching along road and signing, shot from above. Sign reading "Frankfurt am Main 69 KM" Soldiers perform...

  6. Field Marshal von Paulus testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 552) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 13, 1946. Ex-Field Marshal von Paulus takes the stand and is questioned by Dr. Otto Nelte, Keitel's attorney (in German). Von Paulus is questioned about military orders, i.e. who signed them (Hitler, Jodl, Keitel). In particular, they talk about order no. 21, attack on Russia(?). ... He is later questioned about a telegram (letter) to the Soviet government concerning the battle of Stalingrad and the effects on Russian civilian life and prisoners of war. Nelte asks reproachfully why there is no mention of the sacrifices of German so...

  7. French and German troops at the tomb of the unknown soldier

    The second anniversary of the foundation of Légion volontaires française on July 8, 1943. French volunteers lined up in the square in front of a palace. A French flag is raised as a bugle plays. French officers and German officers stand together. A French officer gives a speech over shots of French and German soldiers standing at attention. Shot of spectators watching the ceremony. The German and French soldiers (some on horseback) march out of the palace square and down the Ponte Alexander to the Champs Elysses to the tomb of the unknown soldier and lay a wreath. The soldiers and the crowd...

  8. Hangings; Russian Correspondents at Nuremberg Trial

    Hangings. 10:07:34 (Paris 494) Trip of the Russian Correspondents to Germany, January 12, 1946. Russian correspondents accompanied by American officers walking around factory yards and interviewing foremen and workmen. Cars bearing the group enter gates at Bad Tolz. Party on tour of grounds and buildings. Group interviews a German woman at window of her home. MS, Russian taking notes. LS, group on grounds of Heidelberg University. Party entering Bucholz prison. Group watches military execution by hanging of a German accused of murdering unarmed American prisoners. MS, group getting into thr...

  9. Refugees/POWs; VE Day in London; postwar Nuremberg

    Railroad. Entrance to bunkers. Piles of ammunition near Leipzig (wired to blow all the ammunition when captured by the Americans). Sign: "Munitionsabhol = kommandos hier melden." CU of German eagle with swastika. Tanks. Liberated Russian POWs waving at camera. German POWs guarded by US soldiers. Repatriated English soldiers. French refugees walking down road. German prisoners enter POW cage, march across shallow river. 01:22:13 Sir Winston Churchill in his office. Saluting crowd from car. LS of Big Ben. Crowd on streets of London, running towards passing car, waving flags. British soldier (...

  10. German troops in Poland; Polish POWs

    Camp of Polish POWs, long line of POWs marching on road, CUs feet. German troops move east, through rural terrain. Graphic of southern front (Lemberg). Troops cross River San, Hitler reviews. Hitler looks at map. German troops, tanks through burning town. Tired German troops and artillery along road. Troops rest by road, sleeping, cleaning equipment, washing shaving, etc. Read papers while marching. Tanks through terrain, villages

  11. German troops and parade in Pancevo's town square

    Colonel Stockhausen reviews troops while a military band plays in a town square in Pancevo. Local civilians watch the parade and a Roma/Sinti band plays. Smiling German soldiers eat and drink at an outdoor café; German officers ride horses; soldiers and officers take a boat ride and drink beer on the Danube.

  12. Bomb damage in Germany

    Various aerial shots of bombed military installations and marshalling yards. Bomb damage in Wiesbaden concentration camp. Damaged buildings in Wiesbaden. MLS trainer parked on airfield. Aerial shots of bomb damage in marshalling yards near Wiesbaden and destroyed town, bridge. Prison camp showing refugees in square. Bomb damaged train and buildings along track. Aerial shot of bomb damage in Durkheim, including town, marshalling yards. Bomb damage in Worms, Germany. Shots of bombed bridges in Frankfurt (hazy). Aerial shot of refugees in prison camp. Bomb damage in marshalling yards, building...

  13. French refugees; German convoy

    Refugees leaving town using various modes of transporation. Couples walking, women pushing prams, one pram has a rabbit in a cage atop. Horse-drawn carts with people and possessions in the back. One of the carts has a flat tire but continues anyway. A couple of cars, one with bicycles atop, stuffed so full of belongings that the passengers ride, stanidng, on the side bumpers. More shots of refugees moving slowyly down a road. Empty, destroyed town, dead horses in the street. Refugees on side of road, German Army trucks on the other. (Good sense of dislocation and movement.)

  14. Wehrmacht soldiers perform drills

    AGFA 8 1939 Title: “Meine Soldatezeit” Intertitle: “Grußubung” German soldiers perform drills. Intertitle: “Fußdienst.” The men do more exercises. Intertitle: “Gewehrubungen.” They perform drills with their guns. Intertitle: “Nachrichten-dienst.” They stand with a sign with the letter F on it. They use a field telephone. The men in a field. They look at a sheet of paper. The men set up wire lines and use the field telephone. Intertitle: “Bedingungs-schießen mit Karabiner.” A soldier hops. Shooting practice with the Karabiner 98k. Soldiers lay on a wooden table and fire the gun. Intertitle: ...

  15. Captured German film; Stimson; report

    04:32:45 "The Hitler Gang Holds on!" Title: "Captured Nazi films - which were showing in Germany only a few weeks ago - tell today's story of the Hitler gang, and of the fanatical foe we face." Goering. Ceremony at memorial. German soldiers. Hitler visits hospital. Military review, parade. 04:34:51 "Western Front." German soldiers, tanks, weapons. Goebbels. Nazi officials. 04:37:34 Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson: seated at his desk in Washington (mute). 04:38:41 Brig Gen Lauris B Norstadt gives report on 20th AF: detailing information in regard to the eight day period of the bombing of T...

  16. Hans Frank

    Hans Frank, Governor-General of Poland, visits Stry (a small town in western Ukraine), and is presented with flowers. Marches in city streets lined with Ukrainians. HAS in Belgrade,Serbia military gathering, Serbs, flag. Russians crowd in city square marching with signs, parade of collaborators. Translation of Ukrainian narration: With great enthusiasm the Ukrainian population greeted the General-governor. [Belgrade/Serbia]: And in Belgrade there were also many Serbian volunteers who agreed to fight against communism. On St. Yuriy's (St, George) Day Serbian volunteer units received a flag. ...

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- Pope Pius XII blessing Allied troops

    Pope Pius XII with an audience of American and British soldiers. The pope is carried in on a chair, preceded by Swiss guard members. He speaks to the troops in English from his chair at the front of the room (the sound is echoey and somewhat hard to hear). Shots of the soldiers listening attentively. Close views of the pope. He stands and bestows his blessings. Scenes of the pope surrounded by and chatting with soldiers. Good views of the Pope, smiling, chatting. 01:06:07 groups begins singing and he is carried out on his chair. Other cuts and camera angles. MOving shot very close through c...

  18. Whip acquired by an American soldier

    1. Malcolm A. Vendig collection

    Whip brought back by Captain Malcolm A. Vendig, United States Army, 83rd Infantry Division, a soldier in Europe during World War II who served as military governor of Landkreis Dachau, Germany, during the postwar US miliary occupation government.

  19. Feature film about a Russian army officer: wartime fighting

    Feature film about a young Russian army officer. Begins with his participation at a Russian youth military school and follows him as he advances in the army. Film portrays youthful patriotism through the willingness of young Russian men and women to enlist. The inhumanity of war is illustrated through scenes of extreme and ruthless German aggression. There are many any scenes of camaraderie between soldiers, battles with the Germans, and the destruction of war. Reel 5: Scenes of smoke, fire and burning buildings with superimposed images of elderly women in despair to portray the atrocities ...

  20. Birthday celebration for President Benes in May 1945

    08:55 Posted newspaper: “OSLAVA NAROZENIN pana presidenta republiky DR. EDVARDA BENESE v nedeli dne 27. Kvetna 1945” announcing the birthday celebration of President Benes on May 27, 1945. Large banner on the side of a building: “AT ZIJE PRESIDENT BENES!” [Long live President Benes]. Two Czechoslovak officers in the street. Side view of soldiers lining up. Children in costume and women march along the cobblestone street in Humpolec, the tower of the Church of Saint Nicholas behind them. The parade continues with a marching band followed by men in suits with armbands and officers. Statue of ...