
Displaying items 1,781 to 1,800 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. Les Chantiers de la Jeunesse

    • The Chantiers

    Founded in 1940-07

    Les Chantiers de la Jeunesse was founded in 1940-07 and headed by General Joseph de La Porte du Theil, who had been an active figure in the Boy Scout movement and who used the Boy Scout motto, ‘be prepared’. This organization was originally intended as an emergency measure to find work for six months for men who had been demobilized or were of draft age. Over 92,000 had been called up for military service in 1940-05, but the war ended before they were a part of a military unit. In a sense the Chantiers replaced conscription. The Chantiers became a mandatory body under the authority of the S...

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- American soldiers in Le Mans, France

    American troops in Le Mans, France. They congregate in the streets of the town and drink at outdoor cafes. Nice street scenes with troops and French civilians interacting happily. A group of several African American soldiers talk to a French colonial troop; they shake his hand and offer him a cigarette, which he accepts. American nurses look at dresses in a store window. Exteriors and interiors of shops. The exterior and interior of the Bar Americain, where a smiling woman pours drinks for American soldiers. Young French women exiting the palace of justice. Americans and French people shopp...

  3. American POWs captured at the Battle of the Bulge

    Capture of American POWs at the Battle of the Bulge in December, 1944. The soldiers exit a house with their hands raised. Destroyed tanks, one of which bears the motto "America First." Sepp Dietrich at the front. A field littered with war materiel, including destroyed Sherman tanks. American POWs, some of them wounded, struggle through the mud. Germans shoot at American bombers. Children wave at a passing German tank in a "German village." General Walther Model directs his troops in various activities. A column of American POWs trudges past the camera. The camera lingers on the faces of Afr...

  4. Medal ceremony; baseball; crossing the Rhine

    A French general leads a V corps medal decoration ceremony in Meschernich, Germany. Village scenes, including shots of Murray and other soldiers. Ruins of buildings and a railroad depot. Soldiers play baseball. The crossing of the Rhine into Neuwied, Germany, over the Victor Pontoon Bridge.

  5. Prosecution explains collection of documents for Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 374) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. LS, prisoners and others in court stand at attention as court is called to order (23:09:48). Pan to Tribunal as it is seated. 23:14:30 MCU, Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, and Doenitz listening to prosecutor. MS, rear view of unidentified American civilians, members of the prosecution, as he tells the court how documents and briefs were obtained by special units attached to the advancing military units. 23:11 " the US army advanced into German territory. These were attached to each army and...specialized military personnel...duties ...

  6. Rommel in Africa

    "Afrika" superimposed over an outline of the continent. German artillery, vehicles, personnel in the desert. Upbeat music as tanks are cleaned and readied for service. Low-angle close-ups of German soldiers drinking water, cutting bread, smoking cigarettes. Good, if brief, shot of Rommel with other officers. Low-angle shot of troops on a tank, signaling to move out. Various views of a line of tanks moving across the desert. View from a German airplane as it attacks British tanks. Ground-level view of a shot-up British tank, with the word "Beacon" on it. Injured British soldiers; burning Bri...

  7. Delousing at Belsen; Red Cross; women at Mobile Bath Unit

    CU, British soldier. Three young women with armbands walk through camp gate (guarded by British). Sign by gate "Dust Spreads Typhus 5 MPH." CU, two soldiers and two women: "One woman has travelled from Osnabruck to enquire after her husband who she believes has been interned in Belsen". MCU as captain uses DDT duster on companion outside "Dusting Room." In FG, two men sleeping by roadside. Ambulances pass. Rear shot of Sgt. Oakes of Army Film Unit talking to two Hungarian Jewish women, sitting by barbed wire and cooking lunch. Same survivors with soldier (now crouched down) with bowls of so...

  8. Nazis advance in Montenegro; Serbian POWs

    Nazis continue their push Eastward. Nazis fighting partisans in rugged terrain of Montenegro. Nazi soldier setting up a telegraph machine. Soldiers on trucks on road. LS, mountain range. Nazis advance, fire artillery, scramble up mountainside. Firing. Very rugged terrain. Small forest, cavalry troops. Firing, bombing housing. Pan of "partisan" Serbian POWs, bedraggled, Asian features, swarthy skin, wearing turbans. CUs, weapons. POWs marching. Serbian villagers handing eggs to Nazi soldier as welcome gift, swastika flag visible. Farming, MS oxen plowing field. (Commentary: "The Volk thanks ...

  9. German occupation of France and Belgium

    Tank crossing river. MCU, workmen building bridge. MCU, horse-drawn wagon driven by German soldiers. German soldiers on bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, side cars. Tanks fording small stream. Truck hauling large German mortar. German aircraft in flight. City below. Pilot of German aircraft, taken from nose of plane. City smoking. Wreckage around railroad yard. German soldier firing machine gun, digging foxhole, firing into city streets, talking in street. Street is ablaze. Bullet in hand of soldier. Pan, burning building, city. German trucks moving through wrecked city. Inspecting destroyed...

  10. Russian Collaborator General Vlasov in Czechoslovakia

    Russian General Vlasov visits Germany and Czechoslovakia Reel 1: 4:47:35 German Air Force ace Maj. Walter Novotny receives award, visits Hitler with his parents, in military parade, then shot of his casket at funeral, CU of inscription (looks like "Hero"). 4:49:00 MS Soviet General Vlasov reviews troops in Prague. 4:49:07 LS Large hall in Prague full of officials (Gen Vlasov is walking through, seated officers include (Karl Frank?). LS Vlasov reading statement, CUs of various officials, CU Vlasov. 4:49:46 CU Flags LS Vlasov enters thru audience, banner in balcony. LS and CUs as Vlasov makes...

  11. Allied Invasion

    Part 1: Winston Churchill and Jan Christian Smuts wish luck to Allied troops boarding landing craft. General Eisenhower broadcasts to the French people. Shows street scene in London. Airborne troops board planes. The Navy and Air Force blast Normandy shore positions. Part 2: U.S. troops enter Rome. Shows General Clark. Stalin and Marshal Zhukov review Russian troops. Part 3: The 9th Air Force bombs German positions and airborne troops land in Normandy. General Eisenhower and General Montgomery inspect the beach positions.

  12. Meeting of German soldiers

    INT of an office where a meeting is being held. Camera pans around the table, showing perhaps a dozen men, mostly German officers, smoking and a female secretary (one of the women seen earlier?) Maps on the wall. Some men in civilian clothes (French collaborators?) Marked map on the wall, one of the Germans (shown in Stories 4405 and 4407, and earlier in Story 4412 wearing lighter-rimmed glasses at 01:12:10) points to parts of the map and gives a presentation to the others.