
Displaying items 141 to 147 of 147
Language of Description: English
Item type: Archival Institutions
  1. Rahvusarchiiv

    • National Archives of Estonia
    • Riigiarhiiv
    • State Archives of Estonia
    • Estonia
    • Nooruse 3, Tartu
  2. American Friends Service Committee

    • AFSC
    • United States
    • 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  3. Archives du Palais Princier

    • Archives of the Principality Palace
    • Monaco
    • B.P. 518, Monaco, MC Monaco Cedex
  4. Archiv hlavního města Prahy

    • Prague City Archives
    • Czechia
    • Archivní 6, Prague, Prague
  5. Архив Jугославије

    • The Archives of Yugoslavia
    • Arhiv Jugoslavije
    • Arhiv Srbije I Crne Gore, Beograd, Serbia And Montenegro (2003-2009)
    • (Former) Arhiv Srbije i Crne Gore (2003-2009)
    • The Archives of Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2009)
    • Serbia
    • Vase Pelagića 33, Beograd
  6. Дипломатски архив Министарства спољних послова

    • Diplomatic Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia
    • Diplomatski arhiv Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije
    • Diplomatski arhiv Saveznog Sekretarijata za Inostrane Poslove, Beograd (former name)
    • Serbia
    • Kneza Miloša 24-26, Beograd
  7. Державний архів Одеської області

    • State Archive of the Odessa Oblast
    • Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti
    • Ukraine
    • vul. Zhukovs'koho 18 (korp. 1); 56023 Odesa, vul. Pirohovs'ka 29 (korp. 2), Odesa, Odesa oblast