
Displaying items 41 to 60 of 10,242
Language of Description: English
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Nuremberg Military Tribunal booklets

    Consists of the booklets issued for Nuremberg Military Tribunals no. 7 (the "Hostages Trial", or "The United States vs. Wilhelm List, et. al.") and Military Tribunal no. 9 (the "Einsatzgruppen Trial" or "The United States vs. Otto Ohlendorf, et. al"). The booklets list the defendants and the charges against them. These documents were originally the properly of Michale Hauptman (Michael Wakefield), who received them from his father, Kurt Hauptman.

  2. German military postcard

    Consists of a Feldpost postcard, postmarked December 7, 1942, written by a member of the German military. The postcard commemorates "Weihnachten in Russland" [Christmas in Russia] and indicates the location where the military unit (as yet unidentified) spent previous Christmases [1939--Hanau; 1940--Caen; 1941--Charkow (Kharkiv); 1942 Woronesh (Voronezh)]. The writing on the postcard is largely illegible.

  3. Wehrmacht troops; military demonstration

    Includes handwritten slates in German. Uniformed German soldiers with helmets lined up for review. An officer inspects a rifle. Another view of the troops in the street. Small groups of Wachkommandos march ahead in a courtyard. Another group marches away, relieved from their duties of watching the barracks, with civilians in the streets behind. CU of a sign, "8. (M.G.) Komp. Inf. Regt. Goettingen" affixed to Barracks 3 with two soldiers at the entrance. Soldiers at target practice (mixed dress from WWI and new Wehrmacht outfits). The first man introduced as Sergeant Schmitz, followed by Pri...

  4. Nazi military stick pin

    1. Kevin Williams collection
  5. International Military Tribunal Proceedings

    Mimeographed testimony and evidence, relating to the trials of alleged German war criminals at Nuremberg. The Hoover Institution Archives has a collection of documents from the Nuremburg Trials, but it is not complete and not indexed. You should consult the published sets of Nuremburg documents. One set, in 42 volumes, contains the proceedings of the trials and documents relating to them (such as evidence, interviews). One set, in 23 volumes contains only the proceedings. Both sets include indexes. Below are the citations to these sets, which use the official name of the entity that conduct...

  6. PCM - Military Cabinet.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    Administrative problems. Emigration of the Jews to Palestine. The illegal activity of the Jews in Mogilev. Jews converted to Catholicism. Reorganization of the management of the Union of Jewish Communities. Work conflicts between Jewish owners and Christian workers. Problems in the publishing and newspaper industry. Forced labor of the Jews. Informative notes on Jews and their activities from the SSI (Secret Service).Communist activists of Ukrainian origin.

  7. PCM - Military Cabinet.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    Movement of military personnel. Analysis of the debacle in Odessa.

  8. PCM - Military Cabinet.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    Reports of operations, October 4 thru 15, September 19 thru 22.

  9. PCM - Military Cabinet.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    In July 1938, golden objects are found at excavations in Mangalia. They were sent to King Carol II. Reports on road construction and military work in the Apuseni mountains. 1941. Reconstruction of the railroad network in Transnistria.

  10. PCM - Military Cabinet.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    The Government of Transnistria. Report on activity in the months of December 1941 and January 1942.

  11. PCM - Military Cabinet.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    Mihai Antonescu meeting with representatives from Bessarabia, Transnistria and Bucovina. July 2, 1941.- Lots of patriotic palaver and directives of proposed administration of the territories. Antonescu meeting with representatives from Ardeal – October 21, 1941. Almost the same as above. Conference regarding the goods from Bucovina. October 31, 1941. Discussion of the investigative report in Chisinau regarding the atrocities and robberies committed against the Jews. December 4, 1941.Rebuilding of Chisinau, December 5, 1941. Meeting with the governors of the liberated provinces- Bessarabia, ...

  12. PCM - Military Cabinet.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    Romanians from Bucovina requesting repatriation. Old stuff before WWII and up to 1941. Romanians from Bucovina, living as refugees in camps in Germany, requesting repatriation. Minutes of ministerial meetings.

  13. PCM - Military Cabinet.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    Administrative orders and dispositions. Various problems of the military personnel. Bombardments of the oil wells and refineries in July 13, 1941. Proclamation to the Legionnaires. Petrache Lupu volunteers to go to the front. Inspections of the sanitary installations on the front Lack of means of transportation, of drugs and of surgeons. The National Bank is ordered to confiscate all jewelry and precious metals from the Jews evacuated from Bessarabia and Bukovina, in change of a payment in Kassenschein or rubles but under no circumstances in lei. Also the leis to be exchanged in Kassenschei...

  14. PCM - Military Cabinet.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    Antonescu meeting with Ribbentrop in Berlin. Interview with Goering Discussion with Ciano and others. November 24 – 29.

  15. PCM - Military Cabinet.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    Procurement of armament from Germany.1941 – 1942. Letter to the “Fuhrer” informing about the debacle at the front - Transnistria. Signed by Antonescu on March 27, 1944. Antonescu’s speech to the military commanders on April 1943. Exchange of correspondence with the Germans, inclusive letters from and to Hitler, Bratianu etc. 1941 - 1943. Antonescu visit to Germany, March 1944. Discussed Transilvania. The retreat from Transnistria. 1944.

  16. PCM - Military Cabinet.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    Maps of administrative division of Bessarabia. General directives for Bessarabia and Bukovina. Reports on the situation and the life of the population. Underground activity of the Adventist and Baptist sects. Reports of fugitives from the NKVD. Maps and administrative organization of Transnistria. Abusive handling by the Office of Romanization of real estate left by the Jews and by people deported by the Soviets. The situation in Odessa. Information on Transnistria by the Gendarmerie Inspectorate General. Report on a new network of Hungarian spies in Romania. Information received from agent...

  17. PCM - Military Cabinet.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    The Magyar propaganda.

  18. PCM - Military Cabinet.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    Problems of military activity and communications. Reports from the front: Odessa, etc. Organization of the occupied territories.

  19. PCM - Military Cabinet.

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    Minutes of ministerial meetings.