
Displaying items 561 to 580 of 927
Language of Description: English
  1. Schacht questioned by Jackson at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 138) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 2, 1946. LS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson at prosecution table before opening of court. Prisoners seated in dock in BG. Prisoners talk together and to their counselors. Pan, Jackson walks to lectern and begins his interrogations of Hjalmar Schacht (at 21:12:37). Defendant testifies that he told a woman that Germany had been taken over by a gang of criminals. When asked by Jackson to name the men that he referred to, Schacht only mentions men who are dead. Asked for the names of the "criminals," he testifies that he cannot answ...

  2. Process for presenting evidence at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 450) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 17, 1945. MS, Rudolf Hess standing in prisoners' dock talking to his attorney. (Mute) Sound begins at 03:0119 Robert G. Storey, prosecution counsel, addressing the court. LS, MS, Fritz Sauckel's counselor, Dr. Robert Servatius, offers protest to the Tribunal. Speaking on behalf of the "Organization der politischen Leiter" [Organization of Political Leaders] Servatius questions the sufficiency of opportunities and time to discuss evidence presented by the prosecution. 03:04:45 Pan to bench as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence tells Dr...

  3. Reading of indictments at Nuremberg Trial

    Reading of indictment at Nuremberg Trial. Courtroom at rest (pre-trial). Court rises as Tribunal enters. Dock showing Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, etc. 01:01:58 Hess stares stonily (at camera). Hess looks around room, smirks and smiles as MP picks up Hess' earphones for him to hear. MS, MLS, defendants, judges, courtroom audience listening as Justice Lawrence (voiceover) speaks about giving defendants access to documents that will be used as evidence during the trial. (poor image quality-scratches on film, underexposed footage) 01:02:39 Lawrence continues stating, "Indictment shall now be rea...

  4. Goering questioned by Jackson at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 53) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 18, 1946. LS, people in courtroom rise as Tribunal enters, then seat themselves and trial begins. Rear views, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson questions Hermann Goering who in part of his testimony affirms his fealty to Hitler and says that until almost the very last he thought German victory possible. Goering says that probably in the beginning none of the defendants were really against Hitler ("trying to obstruct him"), but he clarifies that one has to distinguish different time periods, they were talking about almost 25 years ...

  5. Reading of indictments at Nuremberg Trial

    Reading of indictment at Nuremberg Trial. Courtroom at rest (pre-trial). Court rises as Tribunal enters. Dock showing Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, etc. 01:01:58 Hess stares stonily (at camera). Hess looks around room, smirks and smiles as MP picks up Hess' earphones for him to hear. MS, MLS, defendants, judges, courtroom audience listening as Justice Lawrence (voiceover) speaks about giving defendants access to documents that will be used as evidence during the trial. (poor image quality-scratches on film, underexposed footage) 01:02:39 Lawrence continues stating, "Indictment shall now be rea...

  6. Goering interrogated by Soviet prosecutor, Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 68) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 21-22, 1946. Courtroom scene before session begins. (Rebecca West? talking to man, left of screen) Gen. Rudenko, Chief Russian prosecutor, cross-examines Goering on the authenticity of certain documents. 01:47:46 Goering says clearly, and with disdain, in response to Rudenko's question: "Jawohl. Dafuer war er der Fuehrer." [Of course. That's why he was the Fuehrer.] 01:48:20 Very good character CU, reply by Goering - methodical, slow, clear, "Das war versheiden..." 01:50 He makes reference to Bodenschatz. Goering is asked if he subscr...

  7. Doctor testifies about Frick at Nuremberg Trial

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Dr. Franz Blaha testifying on stand and being cross examined by several defense attorneys. One defense attorney questions Blaha as to Funk's visit to Dachau: when exactly he had visited. Attorney of Frick says that his defendant claims not to have ever been to Dachau. He asks Blaha from which distance he thinks to have seen Frick there. Blaha responds Frick passed by him with several people. Attorney asks if Blaha recognized Frick himself or was told by other prisoners that this was Frick. Blaha responds he had seen Frick before in se...

  8. Nuremberg Trial; War Crimes Trials in Tokyo

    14:15:00 (Munich 366) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 20, 1946. (English and German) MS, Justices Francis Biddle and John J. Parker at bench, Biddle is dozing. MS, Hermann Goering and Joachim von Ribbentrop. MS, Erich Raeder, Fritz Sauckel in dock. HAS of Fritz Sauter questioning witness. HAS, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd cross-examining Walther Funk (not in scene). 14:20:18 War Crimes Trials, Tokyo, Japan, August 12, 1946. (English) . Mr. John Goetee, a US newspaperman who spent twenty years in China, continues describing his education, background, and work involving politica...

  9. Bach-Zelewski testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 488) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 7, 1946. Col. Telford Taylor identifies the witness Eric von dem Bach-Zelewski and asks him to identify himself. The witness says he is a former general of a branch of the SS and spells out his name. LS, Bach-Zelewski takes the oath administered by Justice Lord Geoffrey Lawrence. The witness tells of his background from 1917 to 1942. He is asked whether he gave commands/ROEs to Wehrmacht officers about how to deal with partisans ("...with regard to the methods that should be applied to combat partisans ..."), and he answers "Yes," t...

  10. Summations of prosecutors at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 323) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. HS Defendants in dock. HMS, Goering, von Ribbentrop, Doenitz in dock. Pan, von Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Rosenberg; pan back to Goering. Pan, from prisoners' dock to Shawcross speaking. Note: Voice of Sir Hartley Shawcross is heard throughout reel summing up. HMS, Shawcross, Rudenko, and unidentified woman conversing at the end of the trial. Chief US prosecutor Jackson insists that although some of the defendants are more guilty than others, the magnitude of the crime committed is such that any differentiation between them is not ...

  11. Nuremberg Trial - Robert Servatius, defense counsel

    (Munich 195) Sauckel's case was presented on May 28 - 31, 1946 Robert Servatius, defense counsel for Fritz Sauckel, examines Sauckel (Sauckel is not seen). Thomas Dodd sits at the table behind Servatius. The questions Servatius asks and Sauckel's answers are translated in English voiceover. 19:32:09 shots of prisoners in the dock. Several of the defendants are taking notes. 19:34:49 May 27, 1946 Defense counsel Fritz Sauter questions witness Hartmann Lauterbach about his service with Baldur von Schirach. There is an English voiceover, this time the voice of a woman.

  12. Concentration camp evidence presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 443) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. LSs, RVs, prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd presents evidence on Mauthausen, Gusen, Ebensee, Buchenwald, and Auschwitz. Mentions the court screening of the film "Nazi Concentration Camps." 01:21:59 CU, Mauthausen graphic at front. Map and images. 01:23:16 Close rear view of Dodd speaking. 01:24:01 The shrunken head of a victim is presented as evidence (no CUs). 01:25:19 Dodd: "We have no idea how many died in concentration camps....Nazi conspirators were generally meticulous record keepers. But the records collected here are quite incomplete....Occ...

  13. Reading of judgment at Nuremberg Trial

    Wide shot of defendants, slow wide pan of room. Judgement of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. French Justice continues reading the judgement about the 1934 Non-aggression Pact between Germany and Poland and events in 1939 (04:23:08 partial simultaneous translation into German - ). Shots of prosecution staff listening, including Shawcross, Dodd, Telford Taylor. 04:24:23 MS showing portion of translators section, to 04:25:30. MS, Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Arthur Seyss-...

  14. Witness Franz Blaha testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Dr. Franz Blaha testifying on stand and being cross examined by several defense attorneys. Blaha testifies that in his autopsies, he found several to have died of suffocation, these were high French officers and priests, all well-fed people who had been brought to Dachau in plain clothes. They did not have contact to other prisoners. One defense attorney questions his responding truthfully, asks if he testified the same in his affidavit, asks if Blaha was given information on how the defendants were seated in the court room and if he ...

  15. Goering concludes testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 14, 1946. Hermann Goering continues talking about how he saw himself, and his role in the system. This is a very elaborate and long statement about his convictions, which began in Story 2947. 01:40:42 On concluding this part of the testimony, Goering rises and the rest of the court does the same. Goering under guard walks to the prisoners' dock and talks to Keitel and several others. Prisoners conversing and leaving the courtroom. (silent:) Goering leaving prisoners' dock and taking the stand. Defense counselor talking to Goering.

  16. Goering supporter Dehlerus testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 67) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 19, 1946. Berger Dehlerus, Swedish engineer, taking the witness stand. Delherus says he knew England well because he had lived there for 12 years. LS, translators in courtroom. Dehlerus testifies in support of Goering. He talks about several visits he made from Berlin to England in 1939 on behalf of Goering and Hitler in order to prevent a war. He recounts that the situation was serious because an agreement with Poland had not been reached and he was asked to go to London to explain the situation. He could not say whether the trip hap...

  17. Explanation of SA at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 456) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 19, 1945. Rear views, US prosecutor Robert G. Storey speaking to the court about the organization and purpose of the Storm Troopers Organization (SA). CU, chart of the SA displayed at front of courtroom. 23:36:15 Rear views, US prosecutor Charles S. Burdel tells the court about the method of conscription in the SA. 23:39:15 Storey reading letter about the SA written by Goering to Hitler; he speaks about other Nazi documents and speeches called into evidence to indict Goering, and quotes Hitler: "After a grave wound, you again reent...

  18. Defendants enter courtroom during Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 426 and 430) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 7, 1945. Various angles of defendants entering prisoners' dock prior to the start of the trial, the first six shake hands. Shot of Erich Räder talking with Hess and Goering. MS, Wilhem Keitel and Alfred Jodl speaking to one another in the dock. Repeat entry scene from a second camera angle - head-on. Some close views. Defendants say "Guten Morgen" to each other. Frank enters and smiles, doesn't like the light so puts on shades. 23:34:00 More close views, brief.

  19. Doenitz testifies at Nuremberg Trial; Reichsbank gold

    (Munich 173) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 17 and 20, 1946. LS, MS, Adm. Karl Doenitz in prisoners' dock speaking to his counselor Dr. Otto Kranzbuehler. MS, Alfred Toms, Frankfurt Reichsbank employee, taking the oath. LS, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd questions Toms about his conversation with Emil Johann Rudolf Puhl. Pan from Hjalmar Schacht to Walther Funk to Toms testifying. Puhl is seated just right of Toms. MLS, Dr. Fritz Sauter, counselor for Funk, listening and taking notes. MS, Toms testifying about SS deposits of gold, silver, and dental gold in the Frankfurt Reichsbank.

  20. Testimony by Buhler, Gisevius at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 119) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 25, 1946. Dr. Alfred Seidl, counselor for Hess and Frick, questions Dr. Joseph Buhler. Pan from Buhler to prisoners in dock. Defendants, especially Kaltenbrunner, listen intently. MS, pan, Goering, Hess, von Ribbentrop, Doenitz, Raeder, and Schirach to prisoners' dock. Hans Bernhardt von Gisevius is sworn in and questioned by Dr. Seidl. MS, Gisevius testifying. 18:36:20 Close view as he speaks. 18:36:50 MS of Gisevius testifying. SEQ: Justices enter courtroom and take their seats. Dr. Seidl continues to question the witness.