
Displaying items 501 to 520 of 9,163
Language of Description: English
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Circular issued by the Committee for Polish Jewry in Jerusalem containing testimonies of Jewish refugees who escaped from Poland to Eretz Israel regarding their experiences under German rule, January 1941

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959

    Circular issued by the Committee for Polish Jewry in Jerusalem containing testimonies of Jewish refugees who escaped from Poland to Eretz Israel regarding their experiences under German rule, January 1941 The early days of the German occupation of Warsaw and the Soviet occupation in the vicinity of Vilna as reported by a refugee who escaped from Warsaw and Vilna to Eretz Israel; testimony of a refugee regarding the German occupation of Lodz; excerpt from a letter written by an inmate in a Siberian labor camp; collection of anti-Jewish laws.

  2. Circular issued by the Committee for Polish Jewry in Jerusalem containing testimonies of Jewish refugees who escaped from Warsaw and from Lodz to Eretz Israel regarding their experiences under German rule, April 1941

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959

    Circular issued by the Committee for Polish Jewry in Jerusalem containing testimonies of Jewish refugees who escaped from Warsaw and from Lodz to Eretz Israel regarding their experiences under German rule, April 1941 The circular also contains a collection of anti-Jewish laws.

  3. Documentation regarding the Jewish refugees in Switzerland and Italy and Jewish activist Israel Kalk, including correspondence with Saly Mayer concerning relief to Jewish students from Italy who are studying in Switzerland, speeches given by Israel Kalk t

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Documentation regarding the Jewish refugees in Switzerland and Italy and Jewish activist Israel Kalk, including correspondence with Saly Mayer concerning relief to Jewish students from Italy who are studying in Switzerland, speeches given by Israel Kalk to detainees in Ferramonti di Tarsia camp, a report by Kalk regarding his activities on behalf of the Jewish refugees in Milan, and other matters, 1942-1946 - Correspondence between Saly Mayer and the VSJF - Verband Schweizerischer Juedischer Fuersorgen (Association of Jewish Welfare Organizations in Switzerland), regarding relief to Jewish ...

  4. Documentation including the correspondence of Saly Mayer with people and various organizations regarding the transfer of relief to the Jews in Yugoslavia, lists of Yugoslavian refugees, a report concerning the situation of the Jews in Croatia, and other d

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Documentation including the correspondence of Saly Mayer with people and various organizations regarding the transfer of relief to the Jews in Yugoslavia, lists of Yugoslavian refugees, a report concerning the situation of the Jews in Croatia, and other documents, 1939-1944 - Correspondence between Saly Mayer and the "Schweizerscher Bank Verein" regarding the financing of the Jewish community in Belgrade, 1939-1940; - Report (translated to German) by the Jewish community of Zagreb regarding the need to transfer relief to the refugees in Croatia; the report was sent to the Ustasha organizati...

  5. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the establishment of ORT (World Union for the Vocational Training of Jews) in Switzerland and its activities on behalf of the Jewish refugees, 1943-1945

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the establishment of ORT (World Union for the Vocational Training of Jews) in Switzerland and its activities on behalf of the Jewish refugees, 1943-1945 In the file: - Draft of the announcement regarding the founding meeting of ORT-Switzerland in Zurich, 21 November 1943; - List of members of the ORT-Switzerland Central Comite (Central Committee), late 1943; - ORT work plans, 1943-1944, and activity plans in Switzerland, 3 September 1943; - Agenda for the founding meeting of the Ort-Switzerland Central Comite, 21 November 1943; - Report o...

  6. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: JUNA (Juedische Nachrichten, press agency of SIG [Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland]) correspondence regarding postwar antisemitism; Holocaust research and help to refugees during the war, 1942-1969

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: JUNA (Juedische Nachrichten, press agency of SIG [Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland]) correspondence regarding postwar antisemitism; Holocaust research and help to refugees during the war, 1942-1969 In the file: - JUNA correspondence (B. Sagalowitz) with various personalities regarding the struggle against Neo-Nazism and postwar displays of antisemitism - Correspondence with Karl Ferdinand Finus, the German farmer, 1951-1959, regarding protection of living creatures and the ban on kosher ritual slaughtering in Germany; the ban on kosher ritual slaughter...

  7. Documentation regarding the fate of Jews in the Canton of Vaud, 1933-1945: Schweizerisches Arbeiter-Hilfswerk, Abteilung Fluechtlingshilfe (Swiss workers' social-welfare organization, Department for refugees relief), regarding emigrants from Germany, letters "A - C", 1937-1946

    Documentation regarding the fate of Jews in the Canton of Vaud, 1933-1945: Schweizerisches Arbeiter-Hilfswerk, Abteilung Fluechtlingshilfe (Swiss workers' social-welfare organization, Department for refugees relief), regarding emigrants from Germany, letters "A - C", 1937-1946 Correspondence between the refugees and the Schweizerisches Arbeiter-Hilfswerk, Abteilung Fluechtlingshilfe (Swiss workers' social-welfare organization, Department for refugees relief) and other organizations, including the Verband Schweizerischer Jüdischer Fürsorge - VSJF (Swiss Jewish organization for refugees relie...

  8. Bulletin issued by the Joint Rescue Committee for Aid to the Jews in Poland in Jerusalem containing testimonies of Jewish refugees from Poland who escaped to Eretz Israel, regarding their experiences, and regarding the situation of the Jews under German r

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959

    Bulletin issued by the Joint Rescue Committee for Aid to the Jews in Poland in Jerusalem containing testimonies of Jewish refugees from Poland who escaped to Eretz Israel, regarding their experiences, and regarding the situation of the Jews under German rule, May 1940 Testimonies of refugees from Kalisz, Warsaw and Lodz regarding the persecution of the Jews by the German; murder of Jews; anti-Jewish legislation; escapes; excerpts from letters and newspaper clippings on the subject.

  9. Documentation, including a list of Jewish refugees from Poland who are in Hungary that was sent to Saly Mayer by Nathan Schwalb, a letter written by Israel Kasztner to Saly Mayer regarding the negotiations with the SS, a report by Philip von Freudiger reg

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Documentation, including a list of Jewish refugees from Poland who are in Hungary that was sent to Saly Mayer by Nathan Schwalb, a letter written by Israel Kasztner to Saly Mayer regarding the negotiations with the SS, a report by Philip von Freudiger regarding the events in Hungary, and other matters; documents dated, 1944-1978 - List of names of Jewish refugees from Poland who are still in Hungary, sent to Saly Mayer by Nathan Schwalb, 03 October 1944; - Letter written by Israel Kasztner to Saly Mayer, regarding the "ARBA" [?] negotiations with the SS, 10 October 1944; - Report sent by Ph...

  10. Diary (with a calendar) of Saly Mayer, including documentation regarding the care of the Jewish refugees after the war, the establishment of a Jewish old age home in Vevey, Mayer's participation in the JDC conference in Paris, and other matters, 1948-1949

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Diary (with a calendar) of Saly Mayer, including documentation regarding the care of the Jewish refugees after the war, the establishment of a Jewish old age home in Vevey, Mayer's participation in the JDC conference in Paris, and other matters, 1948-1949 Diary (with a calendar) of Saly Mayer, including: - General documentation regarding the care of the Jewish refugees after the war and, mainly, the support of the intellectuals; - Documentation regarding the establishment of a Jewish old age home in Vevey on the shore of Lake Geneva, 20 March 1949; - Documentation regarding the presence of ...

  11. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with members of the Poalei Zion party and with representatives of the pioneer youth movements regarding the condition of the Jews of Romania, help to the refugees from Poland and transfer of money to fund t

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with members of the Poalei Zion party and with representatives of the pioneer youth movements regarding the condition of the Jews of Romania, help to the refugees from Poland and transfer of money to fund their activities Correspondence with members of the Poalei Zion party and with representatives of the pioneer youth movements (Schunja, Egozi-Nussbaum, David Tennenboim and others) regarding the condition of the Jews in Romania, help to the refugees from Poland and transfer of money to fund their activities. Also in the file: - Three letters...

  12. Illegal Immigrants

    British soldiers guarding groups of refugees. Refugees smile and wave at camera. Refugees dancing. Refugees mill about with bundles. Tired refugee on ground. Group of young refugees sitting, singing. Guard brings refugee on beach. Refugee ship (SS Susanna) anchored on beach. British soldiers on beach. More shots of ship. Life boat with refugees' goods.

  13. Exodus Jews in France

    INTs of refugees sleeping on cots, of floor, rough conditions (too dark). Refugees sleeping on cots outdoors, in trucks (police trucks). Shot of harbor. "Ocean Vigour," the "Runnymede Park," and the "Empire Valour" in harbor. Small boats go up to ship. Shots of refugees on ship (Runnymede) with barbed wire. Sailors on ship, more refugees. French Red Cross on shore, give water to refugees.

  14. Central Register

    1. The Danish Refugee Administration in Sweden
    • Rigsarkivet
    • Centralregistret
    • Danish, English
    • 1943-1945
    • 49 parcels

    Central Register of Refugees, 1943 - 1945.