
Displaying items 401 to 420 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. Day 193 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 193 - Friday, August 2, 1946. Witnesses Rolf Hoeppner and Hans Hosner testify. Franz Schlegelberger follows for the German defense.

  2. Day 194 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 194 - Saturday, August 3, 1946. Franz Schlegelberger, defense counsel for SS, speaks.

  3. Day 195 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 195 - Monday, August 5, 1946. Counsel for the SS. Witnesses von Eberstein, Brille, and Karl Hauser testify for the German defense.

  4. Day 4 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 4 - Friday, November 23, 1945 - Session opens with Dr. Otto Nelte (Counsel for Defendant Keitel). Major Frank Wallis reads documents of the case known as the Common Plan. Dr. Alfred Seidl (Counsel for Defendant Frank) presents an objection and asks the proceedings be postponed. Col. Storey states that documentation will be provided to the Court and the Defense Counsel. Dr. Robert Servatius (Counsel for Defendant Sauckel) makes a motion to obtain documents. Mr. Thomas J. Dodd (Executive Trial Counsel for the United States) presents the economic preparation for aggressive war. Mr. Alderma...

  5. Day 5 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 5 - Monday, November 26, 1945 - Dr. Fritz Sauter (Counsel for Defendant Von Ribbentrop) opens the session. Justice Jackson discusses the production and use of documents in the German language. Mr. Alderman presents on the case of aggressive war.

  6. Day 6 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 6 - Tuesday, November 27, 1945 - Justice Jackson opens the session. Mr. Alderman presents on the case of aggressive war.

  7. Day 7 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 7 - Wednesday, November 28, 1945 - Alderman presents on the case of aggressive war.

  8. Day 8 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 8 - Thursday, November 29, 1945 - Alderman presents on the case of aggressive war. Dodd presents film on evidence of Nazi atrocities within concentration camps.

  9. Day 9 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 9 - Friday, November 30, 1945 - Colonel John Amen argues with the German defense council over whether to call witness Erwin von Lahousen to the stand, with von Lahousen eventually being allowed to testify. Col. Amen interrogates von Lahousen. The Russian prosecutor, Roman Rudenko, begins to interrogate von Lahousen. As Rodenko is asking “Of course in Poland. Well, sabotage and what else?”, audio skips to Dr. Gunther von Rohrscheidt speaking as counsel for Rudolf Hess, speaking towards his mental state. Tribunal begins to ask counsel questions. Trial adjourns with a statement by Hess, st...

  10. Day 10 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 10 - Saturday, December 1, 1945 - Tribunal decides that Rudolf Hess is competent enough to stand trial. Prosecution continues to question. Cross-examination of witness Lahousen by German defense.

  11. Day 11 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 11 - Monday, December 3, 1945 - Sidney J. Alderman, Prosecutor from the United States, begins to outline Nazi aggression in Czechoslovakia. This takes up almost the entirety of the day, save for a brief moment when Dr. Otto Stahmer, representing the German defense, objects to the use of an affidavit written by Gottlob Berger, a motion which is upheld by the tribunal. Alderman discusses the circumstances around the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, such as the Nazi’s ultimate goal of occupying all of Czechoslovakia, not just the Sudetenland, and Fall Grün, the planned German invasion ...

  12. Day 12 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 12 - Tuesday, December 4, 1945 - Hartley Shawcross, chief prosecutor for the British, speaks about German plans for the invasion of Poland, Germany’s eventual annexation of Poland and Danzig (note that Soviet involvement in the invasion is never mentioned), as well as the eventual German invasion of the majority of Europe and Operation Barbarossa. Towards the end of the day, Sidney Alderman is given the chance to finish his statement made the day before, which he does.

  13. Day 196 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 196 - Tuesday, August 6, 1946. Witnesses Karl Hauser and Witness Reinecke speak.

  14. Day 197 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 197 - Wednesday, August 7, 1946. Witness Reinecke continues. British counsel, Sir Elwyn Jones, and Justice Biddle. Eisenberg and Dr. Morgan.

  15. Day 198 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 198 - Thursday, August 8, 1946. Sir Maxwell-Fyfe and the witness Seevers.

  16. Day 199 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 199 - Friday, August 9, 1946. Witness Seevers continues. Justice Biddle. US counsel, Lt. Commander Harris, speaks, followed by Gen. Telford Taylor. The Russian prosecution addresses the court. Dr. Pelckmann. Witness von Manstein testifies. Von Brauchitsch.

  17. Day 200 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 200 - Saturday, August 10, 1946. Witness von Manstein and the US prosecutor Gen. Taylor.

  18. Day 201 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 201 - Monday, August 12, 1946. Manstein and the Russian prosecution. von Runstedt. Calvacaressi. Witnesses Boch and Schaeffer for the German defense.

  19. Day 202 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 202 - Tuesday, August 13, 1946. Witnesses Boch and Schaeffer. Witness Max Juettner. British prosecutor Sir Maxwell-Fyfe speaks.