
Displaying items 21 to 40 of 3,303
Language of Description: English
  1. Nuremberg Trials photographs

    Consists of 12 photographs depicting the International Military Tribunal courtroom in Nuremberg, Germany. Several images depict defendants, including Hermann Goering and Rudolf Hess.

  2. Nuremberg Trials - IMT Collection

    The Nuremberg Trials - IMT Collection is a wide-range collection of documents related to the well-known trial against 23 major Nazi war criminals, held by the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg between 1945 and 1946. Nuremberg documentation includes: the trial’s transcripts, the archival series NG (Nazi Government), NO (Nazi Organization), OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Supreme Command of the Armed Forces), NI (Nazi Institutions), RSHA (Reichssicherheitshauptamt, Reich Security Head Office), SD (Sicherheitsdienst, Security Service), Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei, Secret S...

  3. Nuremberg Trials - NMT Collection

    The Nuremberg Trials - NMT Collection is a collection of documents related to the 12 U.S. trials against 185 Nazi chiefs held before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals (NMT) between 1946 and 1949. NMT documentation includes the proceedings (transcripts of depositions, suits and judgments) of the following war criminals’ prosecutions: the Doctors’ Trial, the Milch Trial, the Judges’ Trial, the Pohl Trial, the Flick Trial, the IG Farben Trial, the Hostages Trial, the RuSHA Trial, the Einsatzgruppen Trial, the Krupp Trial, the Ministries’ Trial and the High Command Trial.

  4. Nuremberg Military Tribunal booklets

    Consists of the booklets issued for Nuremberg Military Tribunals no. 7 (the "Hostages Trial", or "The United States vs. Wilhelm List, et. al.") and Military Tribunal no. 9 (the "Einsatzgruppen Trial" or "The United States vs. Otto Ohlendorf, et. al"). The booklets list the defendants and the charges against them. These documents were originally the properly of Michale Hauptman (Michael Wakefield), who received them from his father, Kurt Hauptman.

  5. Report from Nuremberg

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. Report from Nuremberg. A chart illustrates the NSDAP organization. Defense lawyers raise questions of translation, etc. A discussion break for the accused and counsel. Robert Jackson's opening prosecution address. Concentration camp orphans fly to England to spend Christmas. They enjoy a welcoming meal at the airport.

  6. Nuremberg Trial proceedings

    Reel 7: Courtroom scenes, questioning various defendants, showing various views of the courtroom and trial proceedings. Questioning Jodl and von Ribbentrop. Prosecutor asks Goering: "Do you still say that neither Hitler nor you knew of the policy to exterminate the Jews?" Goering: "I already had said that not even approximately did I know to what degree this thing took place." Prosecutor: "You did not know to what degree, but you knew there was a policy which aimed at the liquidation of the Jews?" Goering: "No, not liquidation of Jews, only knew that certain perpetrations had taken place." ...

  7. Nuremberg Race Laws 1935

    Title: "Seventh Party Congress 10-16 September 1935" Hitler and Goering address Seventh Party Congress (1935) in Nuremberg. Hitler moves to adopt Nuremberg laws, Goering reads laws including forbidding marriage between Jews and non Jews. Hitler addresses Hitler Jugend at Nuremberg, Hitler Youth singing. Army day-manoeuvers. Title: "Reception for Prime Minister Goemboes of Hungary 28 September 1935" Hitler reviews army, meets with Goering, speaks to Germans, greets the Hungarian prime minister. Goemboes statement in German.

  8. Nuremberg Rally 1935

    MS Hitler speaks at podium on Hitler Youth Day. Swastika flag is raised and waves. Great pomp and circumstance parade through picturesque town of Nuremberg. VAR HA views, including SA in knee socks and tassels and shorts. VAR participants: military attachees from Germany, Poland, Italy, Spain, et al. In stadium, Hitler salutes Hitler Youth as they cheer and "Heil." Several CU of Aryan boys, girls. Hitler speaks: "Ideal of the German people...healthy...we must have a new type of our nation isn't destroyed by degenerate characteristics."

  9. Photographs of Nuremberg Atrocities

    Consists of 24 photographs of atrocities supposedly committed by Gestapo in and around Nuremberg, Germany, 1944-1945. Includes photographs of corpses of German soldiers and civilians. Some photographs are described, and some were apparently taken by the Nuremberg Criminal Police in 1944.

  10. Funk at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 146) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 4, 1946. Dr. Fritz Sauter questions his client Dr. Walter Funk. MS, Dr. Funk testifying. (Munich 147) Scenes are same as above. The soundtrack is of translator's voice giving questions and answers in English.

  11. Goering/SA in Nuremberg

    SA march into Nuremberg. Goering in brown shirt leaves building. Goering in car.

  12. Nazi Party rally, Nuremberg

    LS of Nuremberg with Nazi banners and swastikas. Field of tents. Many shots of happy young men/soldiers at the event. Mess tent, playing cards, drawing swastikas in the sand. Carnival atmosphere. More Hitler Youth and SA.

  13. 1934 Reichsparteitag, Nuremberg

    Reel 9: VS, Hitler, Himmler and Lutze walk down long aisle between columns of troops gathered in Nuremberg stadium. Ceremonies at Nuremberg showing Hitler and thousands of soldiers; a great number of flags are carried and flown. SS troops goose-stepping. CU, Himmler. CU, Victor Lutze introduces Hitler to audience at Nuremberg stadium. CU, MS, Hitler delivers forceful speech to huge crowd of stormtroopers, Gestapo and other political organization members in stadium. Flag bearers present arms. Hitler pledges each flag bearer to the Nazi flag. CU, large gun is fired in salute to ceremony. VS, ...

  14. Nuremberg Trial: von Papen

    (Munich 244) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 18-19, 1946. LS, Tribunal as Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions von Papen. Maxwell-Fyfe interrogates von Papen. MCU, Fritz Sauckel appears to be very nervous sitting in the dock.

  15. Archives de Nuremberg: Rosenberg

    Contains records from the archives of Alfred Rosenberg, a Nazi official and the head of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR). Included is information about Rosenberg’s activities concerning cultural purification; the confiscation of books, furniture, and works of art; his ideological activities outside Germany; his policies concerning the Soviet Union; his conflicts with Himmler, Bormann, Koch, and Goebbels; and the military mobilization of native ethnic communities against the Soviet Union. The documents that comprise this collection were selected by the source repository, the Cent...

  16. Nuremberg trial entrance pass

    1. Rolf Wartenberg collection

    Issued to Rolf Wartenberg, 1945-1946, Nuremberg, Germany.

  17. Nuremberg trial entrance pass

    1. Rolf Wartenberg collection

    Issued to Rolf Wartenberg, January 1946, Nuremberg, Germany.

  18. Nuremberg trial entrance pass

    1. Rolf Wartenberg collection

    Acquired by Rolf Wartenberg, August 1947, Nuremberg, Germany.

  19. Nuremberg Trials film evidence

    Video presented during an evening program at USHMM on November 29, 2005 highlighting films presented during and about the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg: "The Nazi Plan" (1945) and "Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today" (1947).