
Displaying items 2,221 to 2,240 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. French case presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 508) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 17, 1946. Francois de Menthron, French prosecutor, delivering opening speech for the French.

  2. Notes written by Hans Frank in his Nuremberg prison cell, July 1946

    1. O.23 - Gilbert Collection: Documentation written by senior Nazi war criminals in detention during the Nuremberg Trials
    • In Nuernbergs Zelle

    Notes written by Hans Frank in his Nuremberg prison cell, July 1946 Lamentations over his loneliness and social deprivation.

  3. Notes regarding the Nuremberg Laws compiled by Julius Streicher

    1. O.23 - Gilbert Collection: Documentation written by senior Nazi war criminals in detention during the Nuremberg Trials
    • Rassegesetz

    Notes regarding the Nuremberg Laws compiled by Julius Streicher Pseudo-religious remarks regarding the Nazi racial laws compiled by Julius Streicher

  4. Graphic materials from British ruled Palestine collection

    The collection consists of a military recruitment poster, correspondence, and documents relating to the experiences of Jewish people in British controlled Palestine before, during, and after World War II and German-occupied Europe during the Holocaust.

  5. Money

    1. Leo Arnfeld collection
  6. Money

    1. Leo Arnfeld collection
  7. Francis Fife photographs

    1. Francis Fife collection

    Contains photographs of 1st Lt. Francis Fife during his military service during World War II.

  8. German soldiers return from WWI

    German soldiers return to Berlin from World War I. Different views of the soldiers marching in the streets. CU, soldier kisses a little girl. HAS, marching, a vendor hands something to the soldiers.

  9. Police Bureau Botoşani.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    Reports of military personnel regarding their retreat from Bessarabia in June 1940. Frame of mind of the Jewish population.

  10. Army Corps. Organization.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    Movements. Peacetime war games. Military action after The transfer of Northern Transylvania to Hungary. April - June 15.

  11. Prefectura Bacău.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    Situation of working force in various commercial and industrial enterprises: request from owners, Jews and non-Jews, for exempting Romanian workers from military duty or Jews from forced labor.

  12. Claims

    1. Ministry of Interior

    Some Jews claim the return of their confiscated radio receivers on basis of their military merits in previous wars.

  13. Council of Ministers.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    Military Office. The legionnaire commissars of Romanianization. Strong incitement against the Jews in Bessarabia.

  14. Council of Ministers.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    Military Office. Orders by Antonescu in Cernăuţi. The situation of properties. Information and data on the situation in Bucovina. Information on Odessa: the explosion, the catacombs. Information from Transnistria.

  15. Council of Ministers.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    Military Cabinet. Letter from A.L.Zissu requesting an audience from Antonescu and a memorandum on the Jewish problem.

  16. Council of Ministers.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    The S.S.I. section Odessa. Informative reports. Second report describes the explosion at the Military Command. Activity of partisans, majority Jews. Recommended measures. October-November.

  17. Council of Ministers.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    Cabinet. Council meeting. December 4. Discussion of the inquiry report from Chisinau. It relates to the behavior and actions of the Romanian military in the Ghetto Chişnău.

  18. Концентрационный лагерь "Саласпилс"

    • Salaspils concentration camp

    October, 1944 г. Former concentration camp "Salaspils" in 15 km from Riga. Observation of the camp by City and Military Investigation Commissions. Disinterment.