
Displaying items 2,161 to 2,180 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. Gen. Hoth and Gen. Zorn on Eastern Front; mass of Soviet POWs

    Reel 1: 00:08:42 Officers and soldiers in conversation, smoking. Line of soldiers on motorcycles moving down a dusty road, followed by other military vehicles. An open car stops and two officers climb in. Views of numerous German military vehicles driving down a dusty road. 00:11.23 Mass of Soviet POWs in ravine, bread thrown down to them by Germans and Soviet civilian women. Scores of men scrambling for the bread. CU of Russians' feet, some missing shoes. Fight between German soldiers and Soviet POWs, a German soldier throws a Russian who runs away, camera pans to follow him blending into ...

  2. Joe Friedman papers

    1. Joe Friedman collection

    The Joe Friedman papers consist of military records; occupation, military, and displaced persons camp life materials; photographs; and printed materials documenting Joe Friedman’s work with displaced persons for the Third Army and Military Government, life as part of the occupation force and in the displaced persons camps, the repatriation displaced persons, and Holocaust memorial events held between 1978 and 1982. Military records include correspondence, memoranda, reports, bulletins, and authorizations documenting Friedman’s work with displaced persons for the Third Army and Military Gove...

  3. Zveno

    • Zveno government

    Founded in 1930

    Zveno was a nationalist party, a small group of idealistic military officers and politicians that had an influence on Bulgarian politicians far out of proportion to its size. Zveno played a leading role in the Communist coup of 1944 in Bulgaria.

  4. Organization Todt

    • Todt Organization
    • OT

    Organization Todt formed Nazi-sponsored, paramilitary labor battalions. This German military organization was dedicated to heavy construction and utilized concentration camp labor. OT also operated in the rearguard of Einsatzgruppen activity. It was headed by Dr. Fritz Todt until his death in 1942.

  5. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Abteilung Inland

    • OKW Abteilung Inland

    The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Abteilung Inland was engaged in general military-political matters. Abteilung Inland's principal nodes in the field were the intelligence officers stationed in the staff of every home command.

  6. Beregfy Károly



    Hungarian military officer and politician. Minister of Defence in the Szálasi Cabinet in 1944-1945. In 1946 he was found guilty of war crimes and executed.

  7. Vilmos Nagybaczoni Nagy

    Hungarian army general. In September 1942 he was appointed the minister of defence in Kállay-government. In this position he tried to abolish the brutal treatment of labour servicemen and made no attempt to satisfy the Germans’ military demands. In June 1943 he was dismissed by Prime Minister Miklós Kállay. After the Arrow Cross takeover he was arrested. In 1965 Yad Vashem awarded him the title “Righteous among the Nations.”

  8. Švenčionių apskrities policijos vadas

    • Police Chief Commander of Švenčionys county

    Police Chief Commander of Švenčionys county was under the authority of German administrative and military authorities. The main goal of the Police Chief Commander was to ensure stability and security in the district, to supervise whether residents live according laws. Police Chief Commander of Švenčionys county office supported Nazi authorities.

  9. Order of Vitéz

    • Országos Vitézi Szék

    Hungarian order of merit. During World War II, many members of the Hungarian government and military were members of the Order.

  10. Kommandostab Reichsfuehrer SS

    A force consisting of three SS brigades under the personal command of Himmler (which was not subordinate to the Einsatzgruppen or other forces) that operated behind the military lines during the invasion of the Soviet Union and liquidated Communists, partisans and mainly Jews.

  11. US Navy; music

    Reel 2: Bing Crosby sings accompanied by the 11th Naval District Coast Guard band.

  12. Ray D'Addario collection

    The collection consists of a United States Army issue uniform jacket, three shirts, and a tie relating to the experiences of Ray D'Addario, a Signal Corps photographer during and after World War II when he was assigned to cover the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany.

  13. Nile H. Heermans collection

    Nazi propaganda filmstrips and roll of film that Nile H. Heermans (donor's father) brought home from his military service as a member of the 71st Division of the US Third Army during WWII.

  14. The Nazi Plan, edited version

    Edited version of "The Nazi Plan" for screening at the Goethe Institut on November 29-30, 2005, in conjunction with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's public program commemorating the 60th anniversary of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg called "Filmmakers for the Prosecution: Budd Schulberg, Stuart Schulberg, and the Nuremberg Trial."

  15. German Army in Warsaw

    Footage from the Polish uprising, August 1944. Tanks rolling into town. Man being arrested. Soldiers walking through archway. Polish refugees boarding train. Soldier kneeling on balcony.

  16. Leon Trotsky

    EXT, day. Various scenes of review/parade of Red Army soldiers. MLS, Leon Trotsky taking salute from reviewing stand. MLS, pan, Trotsky, with staff, marching past camera.

  17. Creation of Kutno ghetto; construction; moving in

    People moving belongings. Bundles, carts, people everywhere. Dwarf. Children. Ends with barbed wire gate at ghetto entrance; policeman.

  18. UNRRA delivers food and clothes to needy

    Issue 194, Part 6: Displaced persons are greeted on their return to Czechoslovakia. The Army transports and distributes UNRRA supplies.

  19. Exhumation of bodies massacred in the Katyn Forest

    Exhumations of bodies of 12,000 Polish army officers massacred by Soviets. The Katyn massacre took place in 1940. The bodies were exhumed by the Nazis in 1943.

  20. Leather Luggage Tag

    1. Walter Keller collection