
Displaying items 2,141 to 2,160 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. DPs; postwar rehabilitation

    Titles read: Um Resultado da guerra. Descito por aimbere. Short film documenting the aftermath of the war, including the movement of refugees, displaced persons camps, rehabilitation, and going home. Young men crossing bridge. Women and men moving bushels of hay, a soldier guards them. Labor in fields, railroads, factories. Liberation scenes: tanks moving through villages, people shaking hands, celebrating; men emerging from forests; crowds leaning out windows, cheering; beating a Nazi?; destroying buildings. Refugees moving on foot and truck with belongings/luggage. Destroyed bridge. Milit...

  2. Operation Annie - January 20, 1945

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    0:00: Trojan Horse theme (sign-on). 0:38: This is Radio 1212 broadcasting daily from 2-6, every hour on the hour, with news for the Rheinland and reports from the Front and the homeland for the civilian residents of the Rheinland District and the Saar Palatinate. 1:15: Dateline: North Alsace (Saar-Alsace Front, Baesweiler, Bischweiler, Strasbourg). 4:32: Dateline: Holland; North Luxembourg. 8:25: Report on railroad conditions. 11:10: Radio 1212 concludes its broadcast of news for military personnel and the civilian population of the Rheinland. 11:53: Attention! This is Radio 1212 with the l...

  3. Wehrmacht soldiers are welcomed in Yugoslavia

    Wehrmacht soldiers preparing to invade Yugoslavia from Hungary on the morning of April 10, 1941. Smiling soldiers marching, tanks rolling down a road. Kessel says that the soldiers called the battalion commander "Ohm Krueger." Quick shot of Serbian civilians wearing home-made swastika armbands. Kessel notes that the German soldiers viewed these men, who had shortly before been enemies of the Germans, with "mixed feelings." Men identified by Kessel as Croatian farmers wearing Serbian uniforms give themselves up to the Germans. A Serbian officer gives a Hitler salute. Romanian soldiers search...

  4. At sea, ships & landing craft

    Tents in a clearing, France. Stevens, three other men in uniform by train, sign reads: "London (Euston)- Glasgow (Center)." At sea, Stevens, two other men on deck of destroyer, panning shot, cloudy morning, choppy sea. Roughly 50 men looking out to sea. Long panning shot of fleet, barrage balloons overhead. MS, Stevens holds Eyemo camera to eye, ships in BG. CU of Stevens. LS of sea and flashes of firing in distance. LS of ships in choppy sea. Ships' guns firing, large orange puffs of smoke. Pan to landing craft. Passing ships, possibly landing craft.

  5. Stara Gradiska - Camp No. 5 of Jasenovac

    Stamped Ustasha U symbol insignia with checkerboard symbol of Croatia over a still image of a watchtower at Stara Gradiska camp - "Kula Smrti Stara Gardiska; logor br.V." ["Tower of Death: Stara Gradiska, Camp Number 5]. Gathering of people. "Zrtvama Fasizma 1941-45". Flowers left in memory. Military marching, tanks, cars, horses. Ustasha raids village. Photos of bodies, military, mass graves. 01:03:00 People walking through village, children, horses and carts. 01:03:46 Loading people onto trains to go to camps. 01:04:58 Woman and child, birds nest, derelict houses. 01:05:47 The camp as it ...

  6. Postwar retrospective: Germany, war in Europe

    US propaganda/documentary film about World War II. A post-war U.S. narrative of intentions in Germany. Reel 7, Corpsmen carry wounded on stretchers. Troops cross a river and attack and capture Cologne, and advance into Germany. Shows war ruins in Julich, Cologne, and other German cities. Parade of troops through ruined cities. German refugees. Sign on wall: "Hitler ist Kaput". Troops advance. Destruction of cities. Fighting, crossing Rhine. Corpsmen treat the wounded. Red Cross ambulances. Ruins. Soldier playing tuba, others relaxing watching the "Rhine Rodeo." 04:10:52 Reel 8 shows an airb...

  7. Germans awaiting deportation from Horovice; Soviet soldiers arrive in town; funeral procession

    Brief shot filmed in the 1960s of a group of young children and people standing in the street in Hořovice. 00:12 Town hall in Palacky Square in 1945 with a group of Germans awaiting deportation. German troops leave. Trucks. Soldiers walk along a road, carrying gear. A member of the Revolutionary Guard on the phone. They set up a machine that acts as a telescope/binocular for them to enhance their sight of the surrounding area and monitor airspace. They look over a map. Two soldiers look out other tools used for better vision. Armed civilians in the square. Soldiers on the rooftop. Men in a ...

  8. German invasion, territorial expansion

    Reel 4: Text superimposed on screen re: Norway and Germany. "9 April 1940" Aerial shots of parachutes. Civilians watch silently as troops march by, some frightened, women running (quick), very soft, street chaos, streets in flames, crowds piling into trucks, fearful faces, some weeping. Troops. Text superimposed on screen re: invasion of Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg. 05:30:18 "10 May 1940" Troops, night shots. LS, silhouettes of buildings on fire. Text superimposed on screen re: invasion of Yugoslavia. 05:31:15 "6 April 1941" Planes dropping bombs, explosions. Soldiers running down country ...

  9. American film about Nazi atrocities at concentration camps shown at Nuremberg Trials

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    "Nazi Concentration Camps" was compiled as evidence and shown at the Nuremberg Trials on November 29, 1945 as Prosecution Exhibit #230. It contains film evidence of Nazi atrocities at the concentration camps of Leipzig, Penig, Ohrdruf, Hadamar, Breendonck, Hanover, Arnstadt, Nordhausen, Mauthausen, Buchenwald, Dachau, and Belsen. The film was produced for the U.S. Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality in 1945. It was directed by Navy Cmdrs. James B. Donovan and E. Ray Kellogg. George C. Stevens was responsible for directing the photography and filming of the concentration camps as lib...

  10. DPs emigrate from Bremerhaven, Germany to the United States; scenes of postwar life in Salzburg, Austria

    Bremerhaven, Germany: CU of Julien Bryan's name written in chalk on the side of a railcar, he used this as his camera slate. Port: MS of part of the ship the "US Army Transport General William M. Black," passengers wave from the deck of the ship to the camera, a banner on the lower deck of the ship reads: "America Welcomes Its New Citizens," camera pans to upper deck of ship where a banner reads: "Ship to Freedom." The passengers and the US military aboard the ship wave to the cameras. New slate, Salzburg, Austria: US Information Center on a buys street corner. Austrian civilians gather to ...

  11. Malcolm A. Vendig papers

    1. Malcolm A. Vendig collection

    The Malcolm A. Vendig papers, 1932-1967, relate to Captain Malcolm A. Vendig’s service with the 83rd U.S. Infantry Division and his tenure as the military governor of Dachau, Germany after the liberation of the concentration camp in 1945. Topics discussed include the activities of the 83rd U.S. Infantry Division before liberation, daily operations at the Dachau concentration camp after liberation, military and personnel incidents, the administration of public safety, the distribution of food, and the revitalization of industry in the vicinity of Dachau, Germany. The papers largely consist o...

  12. Postwar destruction; liberation of Dachau; DPs going home

    8mm color and b/w motion pictures taken by Dr. Myron E. Greene (a dentist) during his five years in the Army. His unit took over Dachau from the 45th Div. at noon on April 29, 1945. Scenes showing destruction in Germany. Camera moving quickly. Clouds of smoke, flames, airplane in sky (dark). American GIs smoking, looking at sky. 06:03:15 (black and white) At military camp, jeeps, soldiers dressing. Destruction, ruins, rubble. Ambulance with Red Cross and military trucks moving in town; in same scene, people walking through the streets in the opposite direction, some have belongings. Scenes ...

  13. Hitler addresses Reichstag; occupation of Czechoslovakia

    "1939" "Hitler Predicts Annihilation of the Jewish Race in Europe if War Occurs, 30 January 1939." Hitler speaking at Reichstag. 00:02:07 "President Hacha of Czechoslovakia arrives in Berlin as Guest of Hitler, 14 March 1939." Hacha walking in street lined with SS officers. CU, flag. Hacha gets into automobile. 00:02:34 "Occupation of Remainder of Czechoslovakia, 15 March 1939." Various newspaper headlines. Nazi soldiers on village road, on motorcycles and bicycles in winter. Officers conversing. Arriving in Prague with military vehicles, snowing, marching. Hitler riding in automobile, exit...

  14. Annexation of Austria; Allies protect Czechoslovakia and further German advance

    The News Parade newsreel footage of events surrounding the German annexation of Austria in March 1938. Various shots of military fighting and smoke. Chancellor von Schuschnigg greets Austrians and speaks from a podium. German troops marching over the border and into the streets of Vienna. Crowd/parade sequences, motorcades, several shots of crowds engaged in Nazi salute. Hitler's arrival. Shop signs in BG: Kastner, Wagons-Lits / Cook, Mercedes. HAS, crowds on plaza, military planes flying above, Austrians heil in support, Nazi troops in armored vehicles. Hitler exits car to walk in street. ...

  15. Captured high-ranking Nazis, including Goering, Galland, Kesselring, Bodenschatz

    An American military truck carrying several high-ranking German officers arrives at an airfield. The officers get out of the truck and board a C-47 plane. Good shots but it is difficult to see their faces. The plane taxis and takes off. Shot of the sky and a formation of B-17s overhead. Sign beside a road lines with trees reads: "Only Road Surface Cleared of Mines." Two young women walk their bicycles down the road as American military vehicles drive by. An American interrogator stands beside a German general. Close-ups of the general. 01:15:47 Luftwaffe general Adolf Galland is shown on th...

  16. Rudolph Daniel Sichel papers

    1. Rudolph Daniel Sichel collection

    The Rudolph Daniel Sichel papers include biographical materials, correspondence, military papers, photographs, printed materials, prisoner of war and witness reports, and a sketchbook containing drawings by German prisoners of war. The records documents Sichel’s immigration to the United States, training in Military Intelligence, service in the United States Army as an interrogator, and efforts to obtain restitution for the persecution of his family under Nazi Germany. Biographical materials include records related to the Sichels’ family history, clothing store in Frankfurt, immigration, an...

  17. US Tanks Advance; German POWs; Burning village

    Slate: PROJ 186, MURPHY, 24 MAR M3. 03:20:48 MS, US tanks rolling into village, some greenery, trees, and a large white house visible in BG. 03:21:09 MS, Establishing shot, through opening in rock formation. Open field and road beyond field. Tank rolling by 'window' in FG. One tank has a visible #48 painted on the side, in white. 03:21:22 MCU, back of head and helmet of US MP in FG as he motions for tanks to pass by. MSs, US army vehicles, mainly tanks moving along dirt road, alternating scenery in FG, chain link fences, MPs, shrubs and tree branches. 03:21:41 MSs, military vehicles approac...

  18. NSDAP convention of the Ammerland district

    Aerial view of Zwischenahn Lake filmed from the water tower on the south bank. The town of Bad Zwischenahn is located south of this land-locked sea. Windy with bright sunlight and full trees in early summer. 00:00:12 Title "Bad Zwischenahn im Festschmuck" The town of Bad Zwischenahn is decorated with Nazi symbols including flags, banners, garlands, and posters for the NSDAP convention. View of a gray stone building with columns, the NSDAP headquarters of the District Leader, Johann Schneider, in the Villa Windmüller located on Peter Street (also appears in Film ID 3930). Bathouse and boat d...

  19. Invasion of Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands

    Title: "1940 " Title: "Invasion of Denmark and Norway, 9 April 1940" LSs of battleships, Nazi flag flying, men on deck. MCU, large gun, infantry with machine guns, troops looking through glasses, planes flying above harbor, Nazi troops parading through streets of Denmark, boats landing at Copenhagen. INT, airplane loaded with troops and bicycles. Airview of Norway coast. Planes landing, soldiers marching from field. Radio tower being guarded, view of Oslo with Nazi soldier on guard in FG, bombing of docks and marching through the streets. Title: "Invasion of Belgium and the Netherlands, 10 ...

  20. US Army soldiers on Omaha Beach, France

    MS, parade of soldiers in naval uniforms march through city streets (unidentified army) carrying rifles. An awning sign reads: "HAMILTON and BELL." Another store sign reads: "HUINS." To the left, a banner hangs from a window: "SOLDIER TO SOLDIER" with drawings of a marching soldier on either side of the banner. A different group of soldiers marches past the camera. Civilians line the parade route. Marching band passes by, followed by U.S. Army soldiers in dress uniforms, followed by soldiers in combat gear, and one with an American flag. American women in uniform, another group of unidentif...