
Displaying items 2,081 to 2,100 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. German soldiers in mud, Eastern Front, Russia

    German soldiers unhitch horse from wagon, take wagon. Looting? Soldiers, horses, wagons struggling on muddy road. Soldier whips a horse, wheels get stuck, horses fall over. Mud.

  2. Carl Nelson collection

    Consists of photographs collected by Private Carl Nelson, Jr., a member of the United States military during World War II and who participated in the liberation of an unknown concentration camp. The photographs depict various concentration camps after liberation, as well as photographs of United States military personnel. Also includes a copy of a certificate honoring Carl Nelson's service and a copy of his discharge papers.

  3. DPs in Germany

    (LIB 4171-4178) Displaced Persons, Anrath, Germany, March 15, 1945. MSs, female displaced persons walk along corridor of former prison. Two girls enter cell. Inside cell, female DPs talk and sing. MCU, two Russian DP women. Two male DPs distribute German language newspapers printed by the US military authorities. LS, DPs in courtyard near entrance to mess hall. DPs unload beef and lard from truck. US soldier supervises unloading. MSs, CUs, DPs ready for transfer to their homelands are loaded on truck.

  4. Case against M. Bormann and A. Seyss-Inquart at Nuremberg

    (Paris 508) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 16, 1946. LS, MS, rear view, Lt. Harris, USN, prosecution counselor, addressing the tribunal and presenting the case against Martin Bormann, specifically on the lynching of US airmen. LS, MS, Lt. Henry Valpey Atherton, US Army, prosecution counselor, presenting the case against Arthur Seyss-Inquart.

  5. Russian orphans return to the USSR

    A Soviet soldier raises a border gate to allow a medical van to pass though. The van contains the orphans of Ostarbeiters [forced laborers from the East] who are being repatriated to the Soviet Union. The children are lifted out of the van by a nurse and Soviet soldiers. Shots of the children and nurses in front of a building featuring a large portrait of Stalin. The children are led into the building, where they receive bundles containing food and toys. Portrait of Stalin on the building. The last shot shows two soldiers holding orphans in front of another portrait of Stalin.

  6. Exhumation of Labor Battalion

    Exhumation in field, officials look and take photos. Narration: "A barbaric Nazi act in Hungary on October 18, 1944. The German SS took 25 labor battalion members to Cinkota, promising them after completing work they will be released. They had them dig trenches, they were shot, and thrown into the trenches." Exhumation and identification of the victims. One of the labor battalion members escaped and [after liberation] brought the authorities to the massacre site.

  7. German invasion, occupation of France

    Reel 9: German tanks crash through a forest. German observation plane flies over devastated areas, tanks advance under aerial cover. Tank crews rest, advance with other forces thru Weygand Line defenses into the Chemin des Dames sector and fire their guns. German units advance past dead horses in streets, oil tanks blaze. German soldiers clear rubble. German officers confer underground and German troops cross a river while under aerial attack.

  8. Newsreel showing League of Nations, Japanese troops, Anschluss

    Reel 2 shows a League of Nations meeting and, later, Japan's delegates leaving after resigning. Japanese troops enter Shanghai. Shows fighting in China and Japanese air raid. Shows peaceful Japanese scenes and ceremonies at a baseball game. Hirohito reviews troops. Mussolini addresses a throng; Italy invades Ethiopia; Haile Selassi rallies his people. An Italian representative speaks in Japan. Germany marches into Austria (March 1938).

  9. Soviet Propaganda film

    This two reel "agitka" (short propaganda film) was one of the first produced by the Soviet regime. Made in 1919 to show to Red Army troops, often on trains, the film tells the tale of a Jew who survives a pogrom and becomes a leader in the Red Army.

  10. Blasting IG Farben plant

    Blastin the I.G. Farben War Plant, November 12, 1945. MS, Gen Lucian K Truscott speaks with Col S Y Giffert of the Industry Branch of the Military Government. CU, Gen Truscott. HS, the general pushes the handle of the magnetic exploder. MSs, MCUs, officers connected with the project. CU, sign, "Schwaben Control Office". CU, sign, "Enemy Ammo Collecting Point". VS, results of the blasting. Officers and men inspect the damage. Pan, VS, destroyed trees, ammunition bunkers, and building structures. (These buildings were camouflaged). Note: The actual explosion was not photographed.

  11. "Inside the Nuremberg trials: a prosecutor's comprehensive account"

    Contains drafts of the preface and several chapters from a proposed book by Drexel A.Sprecher, based on his experiences serving with the Office of the U.S. Chief of Counsel during the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.

  12. French occupation of the Ruhr

    Graphic of a boot coming down on a Ruhr skyline, followed by a quotation from William Tell. A map shows the Ruhr area and the towns that are occupied by the French. A title onscreen asks why the French occupied the Ruhr in the first place, followed by shots of the bustling coal industry. Shots of French troops on the streets. Panning shot of stationary rail cars filled with coal.

  13. Rescue of hidden children in Ukraine

    Russian intertitle reads: "Liberated children 1944." VS, of children being rescued by soldiers from cave in which they were hiding. CU, young girl, in tears, reuniting with her mother, who is also crying. CU, young boy in the arms of a Russian soldier, both are smiling and looking at the camera. CU, Russian soldier props up two children in his arms and poses for the camera. INT, inside cave, several little children seated, they are bundled in winter clothing, and there are candles burning for light inside the cave. They were hiding in the town of Velikaya Lepetikha, in the Zaporozhie region...

  14. Italians with belongings; wreckage; US troops in Italy

    04:00:06 Wreckage at Salerno, Italy, 1943. VS, civilians carrying personal belongings along streets. British soldiers dig water mains. 04:01:22 American Troops at Benevento, Italy, October 11, 1943. Infantry marches into Benevento. Ruins of buildings. Engineers of the 45th Div clear debris from the streets. Engineers remove blocks of TNT from bridge outside the city. Italian civilians raiding granary for wheat. Americans interview German prisoner.

  15. German Army moves through village

    Soldiers laden down; horses, trucks, food truck with billowing steam. A few homes along dirt road, three men watch from outside their homes.

  16. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: fascists

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Fascist activities; rally.

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- De Gaulle in Paris

    1251 TTT: Snipers Panic De Gaulle Reception in Paris, September 11, 1944. Mob cheering. Moving shots of vehicles. German snipers open fire, fire returned by GIs. Crowd panics. People race for shelter. 1251 UUU: 01:15:07 De Gaulle Receives Paris Ovation, August 26, 1944. De Gaulle and his aids approach the Eternal Light. Traveling shots of vast crowds cheering, applauding. Crowd outside Champs Elysee, outside Notre Dame. Sniper fire. Police carrying one of the snipers.

  18. The Mefkure Tragedy: An Inquiry into the Slayer's Identity

    Contains information about the 1944 sinking of the merchant ship Mefkure which was used to transport approximately 300 Romanian Jews to Palestine. The author attempts to prove that the German military sunk the Mefkure, and not the Soviet military as was previously believed. Also contains a list of the victims' names.

  19. Yalta Conference

    Reel 1: Generals Wood, Smith, Marshall, and Somervell deplane in Malta; British Gen. Alexander, Admirals King and Cunningham, Ambassador Harriman, and Anthony Eden debark from a ship. Churchill salutes as President Roosevelt debarks. The Allied leaders enplane for Yalta after a conference. Molotov greets FDR, Churchill, Stettinius, Eden, and Hopkins as they deplane in Yalta. A Soviet honor guard is inspected. Stalin arrives at the conference site.