
Displaying items 1,981 to 2,000 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. German troops return home

    Banner welcoming soldiers returning home by train reads a Hearty Welcome to you Brave Soldiers. Women, children and old men wave joyfully, and soldiers descending from railway cars hug girls, who offer flowers, to sound of song including Herrlich ist die Heimat. Tank crews lift children onto their flower-garlanded tanks to play. Cheering Germans in garrison town welcome back tank regiment as it parades by. Hitler Youth boys wave white handkerchiefs and young members of the BDM throw flowers at the tanks passing by. CUs of Germans.

  2. German campaign in Poland: Polish troops surrender; Hitler

    Summary: The German viewpoint of events prior to and during the Polish campaign. Reel 8: Polish troops surrender and are marched to the rear. German troops parade through the city. Hitler salutes bystanders and German troops.

  3. Fighting in Warsaw

    Soldiers walking through rubble. Tossing hand grenades. Searching house-to-house. Mostly MS and MLS. Town is deserted. Flamethrowers. The last image is of a German eagle and Swastika, indicating the triumph of the Nazis. Footage and narration seem to indicate that this shows the German response to the Warsaw uprising (Polish revolt) which began on August 1, 1944 and lasted for two months. During and after the rebellion, the Germans razed the entire city of Warsaw.

  4. Liberation - Yugoslavia

    Rear views, MSs Yugoslav? soldiers on horses, soldiers marching. Civilians waving. CU, elderly woman and child. CU, another child. MSs, young peasant women. Tito and other Yugoslav military personnel meeting, discussing around a table, smoking, looking over documents. Men exiting the building. Tito getting on a horse, riding. Peasants and children waving. Soldiers on horses marching through fields, towns. Civilians waving. Some aerial shots.

  5. May Day at DP camp

    Russians Celebrate May Day at DP Center, Bonn, Germany, May 1, 1945. MCUs, CUs, Russian musicians and dancers at May Day celebration. CUs, Russian DPs including children carrying banners and flowers in parade. DPs playing soccer. AVs, German soldiers and vehicles crowded on airstrip. AVs, road jammed with German soldiers and vehicles moving toward surrender point.

  6. Unknown ghetto

    A doctor examines patients. This footage seems unrelated in subject matter to the ghetto footage that follows. 00:14:49 An elderly man wearing an armband supports himself on a building wall as he walks slowly along a sidewalk in an unidentified Jewish ghetto. A woman appears in a doorway and speaks to him. Shot of a swastika flag hanging from a building. Several Jews sit or stand in front of the doorway. Jewish children wearing armbands playfully salute the cameraman (a major in the Luftwaffe). Two Jewish men doff their hats as German soldiers pass by.

  7. Germans push thru France; Hitler meets w/ Mussolini

    LS, tanks spread out over fields, waiting for artillery barrage to lift. Shells burst in distance. LS tank advances. VCU, tanks. Shell bursts close by; burning French tanks. CU, showing shell holes, dead. Tank crews eating after battle. Hitler visits front, looking over map with staff officers, including Raeder and Goering. Receiving news of French capitulation. Boarding train for Munich to meet Mussolini. Pan, Berchtesgaden. Hitler meets officials in train station, German children and Mussolini giving Nazi salute. CUs, Hitler and Mussolini in car, crowd in BG.

  8. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: industry

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Festival; industry.

  9. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: refugees camp

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Refugees camp.

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- Hodza; Masaryk; Czech army; festival; Prague

    Czechoslovakian Prime Minister Hodza in his office. President Masaryk with the Czech Legion. Czech motorized army, cavalry. 1932 Sokol Festival in Prague. Bata (shoe) store in Prague.

  11. Mauthausen prisoner Maurice Lampe testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 525) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 25, 1946. Dr. Otto Nelte, counsel for Keitel, protesting the partial document in evidence. French prosecutor Dubost addressing the court. Maurice Lampe, former inmate of Mauthausen, testifies in French. Lampe reports that he saw German high officials several times in Mauthausen, but did not know who they were. He then recounts the assassination of 400 Soviet officers from Sachsenhausen.

  12. Faber family collection

    Contains letters and documents related to the Faber family, from WWI-era to 1957. Also contains two postcards, one dated January 7, 1935, addressed to Karl Faber of Warsaw; the other dated June 27, 1939, from Hermann Israel Wolf of Frankfurt am Main, addressed to family in Tel Aviv, Palestine. Also includes WWI-era military photos of Jakob Kallmann; a photograph of a tombstone for Jakob Faber; and a photo of a house. Also includes a photographic postcard and a 1915 German military identification book (Militarpass) for Otto Guenther.

  13. Schacht testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 134) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 30, 1946. Prisoners under MP guard walk into courtroom, stand in dock, and talk with each other and their counselors. "Take your seats" is announced, and everyone is seated. Hjalmar Schacht in witness stand is questioned by his counselor, Dr. Rudolf Dix. Schacht quotes something in English (not clear). MCU, Schacht testifying. MS, Julius Streicher and Walther Funk in prisoners' dock. MCU, Robert H. Jackson seated next to an American officer at the prosecution table.

  14. Charles Phillip Sharp collection

    The majority of the Charles Phillip Sharp collections concerns the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Sharp’s records give first hand account of what he saw at the camp, and the immediate goals the British Army had in trying to save the survivors. This is further told in the Story of Belsen by Captain A. Pares, which gives the official military report on the camp. Also included are lecture notes that Sharp gave well after his time with the Army, detailing his exxperience in liberating Bergen-Belsen. Other documents include various items related to Sharp’s stay in the army, ...

  15. SS badge acquired by a US Army nurse

    1. Margaret Murphy collection
  16. Landsberg Hangings

    (Munich 191) Hangings at Landsberg, Germany, May 28, 1946. Continuation of military hangings of three German civilians in courtyard, including Capt. Felix Freeman. MS, captain reading death sentences. Coffin containing bodies of executed men being moved out of courtyard.

  17. Russel McCallum papers

    1. Russel McCallum collection

    Contains papers, notes, statements, correspondence, and translations relating to the defendants of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. The collection was acquired by medic Russel McCallum from a secretary to the Tribunal; in German and English; dated 1945-1946.

  18. Stars and Stripes [Newspaper]

    1. Claude Maly collection

    Stars and Stripes newspaper, the daily newspaper of the US Armed Forces in the European theater of operations, purchased by Claude Maly, May 1945, Paris, France.

  19. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: Czech Army

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. SDP funeral; Czech Army.

  20. French resistance members captured by Milice

    Animated map from Brest to Antwerp. Members of the Milice leave a prison building and stand at attention. CU on a patch on the uniform of one man. The Milice leads a column of resistance fighters out of the prison under armed guard. CU of the shattered windshield of a car that has been attacked by "terrorists." German field police check papers of vehicles and pedestrians, including an elderly man with glasses and a beard. The Germans interrogate the owner of a farm and then burn his farm. The Germans find and inspect false French currency printed by the Americans. German troops march down a...