The Odesa, Ukraine Holocaust Museum

  • Музей Голокосту в Одесі
  • Музей Голокосту та пам'яті жертв нацизму


Mala Arnautska str, 111




The Odesa, Ukraine Holocaust Museum is a memorial complex dedicated to the memory of the victims of the genocide of Jews in Transnistria. The museum was established by the Odesa Regional Association of Jews, comprising former prisoners of the ghetto and Nazi concentration camps. It houses and exhibits over 1,500 original artefacts, including photographs, documents and personal belongings. The museum's exposition encompasses the following themes:

  1. The general history of the Holocaust, with a particular focus on the Nazi occupation of Europe and the fate of the Jews of Odesa and Transnistria;
  2. Jewish family life, as exemplified by a reconstruction of the typical life of a pre-war Jewish family. In a shtetl;
  3. Jewish soldiers: their contribution to the victory over Nazism;
  4. Righteous Among the Nations: accounts of individuals who rescued Jews during the Holocaust.

Geographical and Cultural Context

Odesa and other cities and towns in the Transnistria region of Ukraine

Archival and Other Holdings

Currently, the museum's collection includes a wide variety of items consisting of photo and video materials, physical objects, textual materials, and others.

Research Services

The museum comprises a research library, a training center, and a memorial space.


  • This information was gathered from open sources on the internet.

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