Русский государственный архив экономики

  • Russian State Archive of the Economy
  • Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv ekonomiki
  • RGAE


ul. Bolshaya Pirogovskaya 17


(495) 245-26-64


(495) 245-26-64


Russian State Archive of the Economy (formerly Central State Archive of the National Ecomocy of CCCP) was established in 1961.

Its predecessor was small Leningrad (Petersburg) archive active in 1936-1941, that contained resources from various state ministries referrering to the economical life of the Russian Empire prior to the 1917 revolution.

In 1961, after restructurization of the Central and Regional Branches of the Archives of October Revolution, on the basis of their resources refering to the economical life of the Soviet State, Central State Archive of the National Ecomocy of CCCP was established. Is creation was the effect of the reorganization and decentralization of the soviet economy in 1957 and after, when many central ministerial branches in Moscow were liquidated (their tasks were moved to provincial centers) and their documents needed to be collected and stored in the archives.

Archive was restructurized and received its current name, Russian State Archive of the Economy, in 1992.

Geographical and Cultural Context

Archive contains documents referring to the various aspects of economical life of the Russian Empire (pre 1917) and Soviet State.

Mandates/Sources of Authority

Archive is operating on the basis of Federal Law "Russian State Archive of the Economy", confirmed by the decision of the Federal State Archive Agency from the 31 of May 2011, No 39.

This legal act is available online:

Archival and Other Holdings

Acrhive contains 1945 research groups containing around 3,7 million of archival folders.

The most important documents are: documents of Central Soviet State Economic Planning Agency (Gosplan), National Economy Soviets, Industry, Economy and Finance Ministries from the years 1921-1991.

Archive contains also 377 additional Research Groups of famous Soviet State economists, economy planners and ministers.

Finding Aids, Guides, and Publication

Archive had published 4 Finding Aids covering almost all of its resources:

Путеводитель. Российский государственный архив экономики. Том 1: Краткий справочник фондов/ А Guide to Collections/ Cост. С.В. Прасолова, А.А. Прокопович, М.С. Черкасова, Е.В. Дерусова и др. Ред. С.В. Прасолова, А.К. Соколов, Е.А. Тюрина, Уильям Чейз, Джефри Бурц. М.: Благовест, 1994. XX, 679 p. (Russian Archive Series. Т. 2)

Путеводитель. Российский государственный архив экономики. Том 2: Справочник фондов РГАЭ / А Research Guide to Collections/ Cост. С.В. Прасолова, Н.Г. Гасилина, Н.Е. Петрова, Е.В. Дерусова и др. Ред. С.В. Прасолова, А.К. Соколов, Е.А. Тюрина, Джефри Бурц. М., 1996. VIII, 616 p. (Russian Archive Series. Т. 6).

Путеводитель. Российский государственный архив экономики. Том 3: Фонды личного происхождения / Personal Origin Collections/ Сост. И.И. Дроздовский, Е.Н. Калинина, С.В. Прасолова, А.А. Прокопович, Г.И. Соловьева, М.С. Черкасов. – М.: Галерея, 2001.

Путеводитель. Российский государственный архив экономики. Том 4: Путеводитель. Рассекреченные документы из фондов Российского государственного архива экономики. / Сост. М.А. Бакалейник, Н.Г. Гасилина, С.В. Прасолова, А.А. Прокопович, Л.А. Салтыкова, М.С. Черкасов. – М.: Древлехранилище, 2006.

3 of 4 of these Finding Aids are fully available online:

All of the publications of the archive, mainly various collections of the documents, are available online:

Opening Times

Reading Room of the archive is opened:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 10-5 pm Wednesday: 12-8 pm (permits department is opened until 6 pm) Friday: 10am - 4pm. Each day before the state holidays archive is closing at 2 pm.


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