
Displaying items 1 to 20 of 14,588
Language of Description: English
  1. Jewish Labor Committee

  2. Isaiah Minkoff

  3. Dresdner Bank

    • Drážďanská banka

    Dresdner Bank was established on 12 November 1872. By 1900, Dresdner bank had the largest German branch network. After the banking crisis in 1931 the German Reich owned 66% of Dresdner Bank shares. Its deputy director was Dr Schacht, Minister of Economy under Nazism. The Bank was reprivatised in 1937. During World War II, Dresdner Bank controlled various banks in countries under German Occupation. It took over the Bohemian Discount Bank in Prague, the Societa Bancara Romana in Bucharest, the Handels- und Kreditbank in Riga, the Kontinentale Bank in Brussels, and Banque d'Athenes. It maintai...

  4. Zakład Karny w Rawiczu

    • Strafanstalt Rawitsch
  5. Zakład Karny we Wronkach

    • Strafanstalt Wronke
  6. Zakład Karny we Wrocławiu

  7. Polska Partia Socjalistyczna

    • Polish Socialist Party
    • PPS

    Founded in 1892

    The Polska Partia Socjalistyczna was established in 1892 by descendants of the Polish nobility and Polonized Jews from Warsaw. PPS combined the ideology of socialism with the Polish insurrectionary tradition.

  8. Groupement de Travailleurs Étrangers

    • Foreign Worker Unit
    • GTE
  9. Quakers

    The Commission Centrale des Organizations Juives d’Assistance met with various non-Jewish agencies working in the camps, such as Comité inter-mouvements aupres des evacues (CIMADE), the Young Men Christian Association (YMCA), the Quakers, various national branches of the Red Cross, the Secours Suisse, the Service social d’aide aux emigrants (SSAE), the Unitarian Service Committee, the Rockefeller Foundation, and others to form the Comité de Coordination pour l’Assistance dans les Camps.

  10. Reichsministerium des Innern

    Founded in 1919

    The Reichskanzleramtes was renamend the Reichsministerium des Innern in 1919.

  11. Eretz Israel Office

    • Palestine Office

    Founded in 1908

    Eretz Israel Office was a Zionist institution established in Jaffa in 1908, headed by Arthur Rupin. It was a central agency for pro-Zionist settlement activities after the First World War, aiding land purchase and immigration.

  12. Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland

    • Central Council of Jews in Germany


    The foundation of the Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland, along with the Constituent Assembly, took place in Frankfurt (Main) on 1950-07-19. The delegates were sent by Jewish communities that had already been established in the four occupied zones of Germany, which had been placed under American, British, French and Soviet administration. At the time of foundation there were still some 15,000 Jews living in Germany. A Directorate of four people took charge of the affairs of this umbrella organization. 15 representatives of the communities formed a board known as the Council. Frankfurt beca...

  13. Organizacja Małego Sabotażu „Wawer”


    Organizacja Małego Sabotażu „Wawer” was an underground organization which had about 500 participants mainly from Szare Szeregi. A. Kamiński was chief of Wawer. Their task was to make a propaganda action.

  14. Sturmabteilung

    • Storm Troopers
    • SA

    Founded in 1921

    The Sturmabteilung, the paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party, was formed in 1921. It initially comprised mainly German World War I veterans, militia members, and others opposed to both the democratic Weimer Republic and to the Communist Party. Its terror tactics against opponents increased the public visibility of the Nazi movement, both before and after Adolf Hitlers’s rise to power. Once the Nazi regime was established, it began to perceive the disruptive tactics of the SA as a threat. Hitler agree to the murder of the SA’s top leadership in the Röhm Purge, or, ‘the night of the long knive...

  15. Légion Tricolore

    • LT

    Founded in 1942-07

    Because of its fear that Doriot and the Légion des Volontaires Français Contra le Bolchevisme would become too powerful, Vichy took it over in 1942-07, renaming it the Légion Tricolore. The military successes of the Allied landings in North Africa led to the Légion Tricolore being reconverted from an official to a political body, again being named Légion des Volontaires Français Contra le Bolchevisme.

  16. Reichsministerium für die besetzen Ostgebiete

    • Reich Ministery for the Occupied Eastern Territories
    • RmfdbO

    On 1941-07-17, Hitler laid out the guidelines for the administration of the newly conquered eastern lands. Those areas not integrated directly into Reich, Romanian, or Finnish territory were to be placed under the Reichsministerium für die besetzen Ostgebiete under Alfred Rosenberg. This area was later subdivided into two Reichskommissariate, the Reichskommissariat Ostland (Baltic States and Belorussia) under Hinrich Lohse and the Reichskommissariat Ukraine under Erich Koch.

  17. Ajutorul Legionar

    • Legionnaire Assistance

    The Ajutorul Legionar, a Legionnaire welfare bureau, distributed generous humanitarian assistance to movement members and ordinary Romanians. The movement’s efforts to improve the living conditions of the Romanians brought it great popularity.

  18. Organisation Sioniste de France

    • Zionist Organization of France
    • OSF

    Founded in 1942-01-23

    The Organisation Sioniste de France financed and encouraged the so-called hakhshara (agricultural preparation) work, which meant setting up agricultural worksites, but in view of preparing future emigrants to Palestine.

  19. Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Polyn un Rusland

    • Jewish Bund

    The Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Polyn un Rusland became involved in labor organization and Jewish political activity. This and other developments emboldened many Jews to become more aggressive in their response to the violence and discrimination.

  20. Wydział walki z lichwą żywnościową

    Abolished in 1919-01-11

    Józef Piłsudski transformed the Wydział walki z lichwą żywnościową to Urząd do Walki z Lichwą i Spekulacją in 1919-01-11.