
Displaying items 41 to 60 of 5,115
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Aeg Werke

  2. Aeltestenrat der jüdischen Kultusgemeinde in Dombrowa

    • Rada Starszych Żydowskiej Gminy Wyznaniowej w Dąbrowie Górniczej
  3. Aero Bank

  4. Agudat Ha-Noar Ha-Ivri - Akiva

    • אגודת הנוער העברי - עקיבא

    Zionist youth organization.

  5. Agudat Israel

    • Union of Israel
    • Aguda

    Orthodox, religious political party hostile to Zionism.

  6. Agudat Israel - Germany

    • אגודת ישראל - גרמניה

    Organization of Orthodox Jews in Germany

  7. Ahnenerbe

    • Ancestral heritage

    Founded in 1935-07-01

    Ahnenerbe was the name given to the Society for Research into the Spiritual Roots of Germany’s Ancestral Heritage. Founded by Heinrich Himmler, this pseudoscientific organization was politically motivated and rife with chicanery. The Society sponsored archeological research into early German history and forums on Himmler’s vision of Aryan origins. During the war, Ahnenerbe was involved by unethical ‘medical experiments’ on altitude, freezing and skull collections. Dr. Sigmund Rascher and dr. August Hirt were practitioners at Ahnenerbe’s Institute of Military-Scientific Applied Research.

  8. AIP - Association des Israelites Pratiquants

    Association of religious Jews in France directed by Rabbi Schneor Zalman Schneersohn

  9. Ajutorul Legionar

    • Legionnaire Assistance

    The Ajutorul Legionar, a Legionnaire welfare bureau, distributed generous humanitarian assistance to movement members and ordinary Romanians. The movement’s efforts to improve the living conditions of the Romanians brought it great popularity.

  10. Akademie der bildenden Künste

    • Vienna Academy of Fine Arts
    • Akademie der bildenden Künste zu Wien
  11. Akta policji niemieckiej.

  12. Akta poniemieckie

  13. Aktien-Gesellschaft für Anilin-Fabrikation

    • AGFA

    Founded in 1867

    Aktien-Gesellschaft für Anilin-Fabrikation was originally a chemical company.

  14. Aktion Gildemeester

    • Gildemeester
  15. Aktion Suehnezeichen

    • Aktion Suehnezeichen למחיקה
  16. Aktionsausschuss für die Judentransporte aus Frankreich

    • Aktionsausschuss Iv J
  17. Albanian Police

    • משטרה אלבנית
  18. Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Polyn un Rusland

    • Jewish Bund

    The Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Polyn un Rusland became involved in labor organization and Jewish political activity. This and other developments emboldened many Jews to become more aggressive in their response to the violence and discrimination.