
Displaying items 21 to 40 of 5,115
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. 4° Reggimento Alpini

  2. 51-ая полицейская группа 1-го корпуса румынской армии

    • 51-aya politseiskaya gruppa 1-go korpusa rumynskoi armii
  3. 6a Divisione Langhe

  4. 79a Brigata Garibaldi

  5. 814-oji karo lauko komendantūra

    • Feldkommandantur 814
    • Military Field Commander Number 814 in Vilnius

    Military Field Commander Number 814 in Vilnius was established in July 1941 and existed untill July 1944. The institution was under the authority of Der Kommandant in Litauen des Wehrmachtsbefehlshabers Ostland. The Commandant handled almost all military and civilian affairs, except for the political. Also supervised activities of the committee of the citizens' of the Vilnius city and the area and activities of the Lithuanian auxiliary police.

  6. 89a Brigata Garibaldi

  7. 9. SS Totenkopf-Sturmbann

  8. Abteilung 15 der Steirischen Landesregierung

    • Section 15 of the Styrian State Government
  9. Abteilung Feindvermögen


    Main task of the Abteilung Feindvermögen was the implementation of the regulation VO 26/1940, the treatment of the expropriation of enemy assets.

  10. Abwehr

    • Self-defense


    Abwehr was a German intelligence agency. Formed in 1933, it was attached to the foreign and counterintelligence department of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. Its head, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, was an opponent of the Nazi regime. After 1938, Abwehr became the center of a conspiracy against the Hitler government. On 1944-02-18, the Abwehr was dissolved into the SS Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt.

  11. Abwehr - Lublin

    • Kontrwywiad w Lublinie
  12. Abwehrstelle in Wehrkreis Generalgouvernement Krakau

    • Urząd Obrony w obrębie Generalnego Gubernatorstwa w Krakowie
  13. Action Française

    • AF

    Founded in 1898

    The best-known and most influential anti-Semitic organization was the Action Française, formed in 1898 by Maurice Pujo and Henri Vaugeois as a result of the Dreyfus affair. The AF was both a political and a literary movement. The daily paper of the same name started in 1908 and reached a considerable part of the bourgeois, student and Catholic world. The paper, employing gifted writers, was relentless in its vituperative attacks, on both a general and personal level, on Jews, sometimes inciting violence.

  14. ADL - Anti-Defamation League

    • ליגה נגד השמצה
  15. Adolf Hitler Kanzlei

    • Privatkanzlei Adolf Hitler
  16. AEG