
Displaying items 61 to 80 of 5,115
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Alijat Hanoar/Alijat Noar

    • Jugendalija - Germany

    מפעל הצלה וחינוך של נוער וילדים מגרמניה

  2. Allgemeine SS

    The SS-Hauptamt was founded in 1935, it was the Supreme Command of the Allgemeine SS, SS-Verfügungstruppe and SS-Totenkopfverbände.

  3. Allgemeiner Rabbinerverband in Deutschland

    Association of Rabbis

  4. Allgemeines Heeresamt

    • General Army Office
    • AHA

    The Allgemeines Heeresamt was the secretariat of the Oberkommando des Heeres and various agencies of the Feldheer, including direct support for the commander of the Ersatzheer in Germany.

  5. Allgemeines Wehrmachtsamt

    • General Armed Forces Office
    • AWA

    The Allgemeines Wehrmachtsamt was a special administrative department under the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. This organization was responsible for matters concerning Army personnel, training and equipment, while also responsible for the administration and operation of prisoner of war camps.

  6. Alliance Israélite Universelle

    • AIU


    The Alliance Israélite Universelle was set up by Adolphe Crémieux in 1860, originally to ‘reconcile Judaism with the modern world’, to combine Jewish identity for those ‘attached with [their] heart to the ancient religion of [their]fathers’ with French culture. The Alliance was created for the greater emancipation and moral progress of Jews and for relief of those who suffered, for civic equality and for strengthening self-improvement. Yet, through its influential school system it became a potent force for instilling French culture inside and outside the country, for furthering French inter...

  7. Alliance of Revisionist Zionists in Bulgaria

    • ברית הציונים הרביזיוניסטים בבולגריה
  8. Allied Military Government

    • Governo Militare Alleato
  9. Alpine Montanwerke

  10. ALTREU - Allgemeine Treuhandstelle für jüdische Auswanderung

    ארגון להעברת כספים לשם סיוע למהגרים יהודיים מגרמניה

  11. Alytaus apskrities viršininkas

    • The Chief of Alytus District
    • Der Kreischef Kreis Alytus

    The chief of Alytus district was responsible for the internal security of the county, took care of the education, health, care, catering, and the establishment of associations and activities.