
Displaying items 1 to 20 of 2,688
Language of Description: English
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Arhiv Republike Srpske

    • Archives of the Republic of Srpska
    • Arhiv Bosanske Krajine

    The Archives of the City of Banja Luka was established by the Decision of the People's Committee of the City of Banja Luka, number 4735 dated 20 April, 1953. According to the approval of the Executive Council of the National Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, no. 1719-14 dated 30 May, 1956, the Archives of the City of Banja Luka became County Archives, authorized for the areas of the municipalities of Banja Luka and Prijedor. The establisher's rights were taken over by the People's Committee of the County Banja Luka (Decision no. 2170 dated 29 June, 1956) with the consent of the People's C...

  2. Sąd Grodzki w Łowiczu

    Z chwilą zakończenia II wojny światowej w 1945 roku Sąd Grodzki w Łowiczu podjął działalność w nowych warunkach ustrojowych na podstawie dekretu z dnia 14 marca 1945r. Dekret ten w zasadzie utrzymywał w mocy prawo o ustroju sądów powszechnych z dnia 6 lutego 1928 roku . Dekret zwracał szczególną uwagę na zachowanie osoby sędziego, który powinien w służbie i poza służbą strzec powagi Sądu. Nie wolno mu także było brać udziału w wystąpieniach, które mogłyby osłabić zaufanie do jego bezstronności, wierności do ustroju czy władz demokratycznego Państwa Polskiego. Sąd grodzki był najniższym szcz...

  3. 16-я 'Литовская' стрелковая дивизия

    • 16th Lithuanian Rifle Division (Soviet Union)
    • Lietuviškoji 16-oji Raudonosios Armijos divizija

    The 16th Rifle Division was a formation in the Red Army created during the Second World War. The division was formed twice, and was given the title 'Lithuanian' during its second formation. It was originally established at Novgorod in October 1939. In the end of 1941 reformed and given the title 'Lithuanian', the division participated in several battles against Nazi Germany, including Kursk, Belarus, and the Baltic. It was disbanded at the end of the war, although it was briefly revived in 1955 before being disbanded once more. When the 16th Division was reformed after its destruction, it w...

  4. Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona

    • Tuzla County Archives
    • Archive of Tuzla Canton

    The establishment of the Archives in Tuzla and the establishment of archival activities in the wider Tuzla area was carried out only after the Second World War. Archive of Tuzla was founded by the City People's Committee in Tuzla on July 1, 1954, in accordance with the recommendation of the Executive Council of the People's Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (NR BiH) No. 3768/53 of 24 January 1954. Archive of Tuzla was founded as Archive of Tuzla town, and very started to supervise the region of northeast Bosnia which,since 1962, included 18 or 19 municipalities. Regional Archive jurisdicti...

  5. Comité de Coordination pour l’Assistance dans les Camps

    • Comité de Nimes
    • CCAC

    Founded in 1940-11

    After 1940-10, the camp activities of the major Jewish welfare agencies were coordinated within the Commission Centrale des Organizations Juives d’Assistance under the leadership of Grand Rabbi René Hirschler. A month later, the Jewish central commission met with various non-Jewish agencies working in the camps, such as Comité inter-mouvements aupres des evacues (CIMADE), the Young Men Christian Association (YMCA), the Quakers, various national branches of the Red Cross, the Secours Suisse, the Service social d’aide aux emigrants (SSAE), the Unitarian Service Committee, the Rockefeller Foun...

  6. Hechalutz

    • החלוץ
    • HeHalutz

    Founded in 1905

    Association of Jewish youth whose aim was to train its members to settle on the land in Israel. The original meaning of the Hebrew word is the vanguard that leads the host on its advanceץ The idea of Hechalutz was conceived during the crisis that overtook Russian Jewry in the aftermath of the 1881 pogroms. This awakening was influenced indirectly by the Russian revolutionary movement, which called upon the intelligentsia to "go out to the people." Two of the societies that were formed at this time – *Bilu, which called for settlement in Ereẓ Israel, and *Am Olam, which advocated settlement ...

  7. Υπηρεσία Αναζητήσεων Ελληνικού Ερυθρού Σταυρού

    • Hellenic Red Cross Tracing Department
    • Ypiresia Anazitiseon Ellinikou Erithrou Staurou
    • Διεύθυνση Αναζητήσεων του Ελληνικού Ερυθρού Σταυρού
    • Diefthynsi Anazitiseon tou Ellinikou Erythrou Stavrou

    Ever since its foundation, in 1915, until now the Hellenic Red Cross Tracing Department has performed very significant task. During its course, it has not only been active in unstable situations, in time of war and peace tracing missing persons, both in Greece and abroad, but also it has facilitated communication between captives, detainees and refugees and their relatives. Goals · Maintain family unity · Restore family links · Maintain communication among family members · Trace the missing persons and inform their relatives The Hellenic Red Cross Tracing Department has the largest tracing ...

  8. Curierul Israelit

    From 25/12/1906 to 25/03/1945

    Weekly Romanian newspaper founded in Bucharest on 25 December 1906 by I. Negureanu and M. Schweig. Curierul Israelit (The Israelite Courier) was issued with frequent interruptions until 25 March 1945; Schweig eventually appeared on its masthead as owner and director. The publication carried the subtitle “Organ septemânal pentru apărarea intereselor evreieşti” (Weekly Organ for the Defense of Jewish Interests); in 1944 this slogan was altered to “Organ al Uniunii Evreilor Români” (Organ of the Union of Romanian Jews). Curierul Israelit tried to expose antisemitism and, in the platform publis...

  9. Bibelforscher

    • Jehovah's Witnesses


    Founded in the United States in the 1870s, the Jehovah's Witnesses organization sent missionaries to Germany to seek converts in the 1890s. By the early 1930s, only 20,000 (of a total population of 65 million) Germans were Jehovah's Witnesses, usually known at the time as "International Bible Students". Even before 1933, despite their small numbers, door-to-door preaching and the identification of Jehovah's Witnesses as heretics by the mainstream Protestant and Catholic churches made them few friends. Individual German states and local authorities periodically sought to limit the group's pr...

  10. Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center

    • יד ושם – רשות הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה
    • Yad ṿa-shem, rashut ha-zikaron la-Shoʼah ṿela-gevurah

    From 1953 to the present

    In 1953, the Israeli Knesset enacted the Yad Vashem Law, which determined that among its other missions, the task of Yad Vashem is “to collect, examine and publish testimony of the disaster and the heroism it called forth…” Indeed, efforts to document the Holocaust had begun long before the passage of the law. From the Nazi rise to power in Germany, and throughout World War II, there were those who documented the events as they were taking place, often under the harshest conditions. Immediately after the war, centers for documentation and the collection of testimonies were established in ma...

  11. Československá vláda v exilu

    • Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile
    • Československá exilová vláda
      1. 1940 - 5. 4. 1945

    The Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile (known also as the Provisional Government of Czechoslovakia) was accepted by the British Government after the Nazi occupation of France in 1940. It continued in the political effort of the former Czechoslovak official authority known as the Czech National Liberation Committee (set up in France in 1939) to reverse the Munich Agreement and the subsequent German occupation of Czechoslovakia, and to return the Republic to its 1937 boundaries. The Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile consisted of the President, the Goverment and the State Council (which represent...

  12. Sąd Grodzki w Sobolewie

    Na terenie GG funkcjonowały, podobnie jak na ziemiach włączonych do Rzeszy, wojskowe sądy polowe i wojskowe sądy doraźne. Od 26X1939r. wprowadzono w GG nowy ustrój sądownictwa, ustalający podział na sądownictwo niemieckie i polskie.( Dziennik Rozporządzeń Generalnego Gubernatora dla okupowanych polskich obszarów,1939r., Rozporządzenie o odbudowie wymiaru sprawiedliwości w GG z dn. 26X1939r.). Obywatele narodowości niemieckiej podlegali w całości kompetencji sądów niemieckich. Polacy, Ukraińcy i Żydzi podlegali kompetencji sądów niemieckich w zakresie działalności skierowanej przeciwko bezpi...

  13. Sicherheitsdienst

    • Security Service
    • SD

    Founded in 1931

    The Sicherheitsdienst, an intelligence and surveillance organization, was established in 1931 under Reinhard Heydrich. Among its major tasks were monitoring real or imagined enemies of national socialism and reporting on the state of opinion among the German public. As chief of the Sicherheitsdienst as well as of the Sicherheitspolizei, Reinhard Heydrich merged the two organizations, establishing the Reichssicherheitshauptamt in September 1939.

  14. Commission Central d’Oeuvres Juives d’Assistance

    • Central Commission of Jewish Relief Associations
    • CCOJA

    Founded in 1940-10-30

    Many central and local Jewish relief organizations were to be found in the unoccupied zone immediately after the exodus and the armistice of 1940-06. The activities of these organizations were not coordinated, nor was there a central organization that could deal with the French Government. That is why on a conference in Marseilles on 1940-10-30 and 1940-10-31 the Commission Central d’Oeuvres Juives d’Assistance was organized. The CCOJA rejected above all the Central Consistory’s claim to represent French Judaism. The CCOJA created the following sub-committees and commissions: 1. Comité d’Ac...

  15. Union Générale des Israélites de France

    • General Union of the Israelites of France
    • UGIF

    Founded in 1941-11-29

    In 1941-11-29 a Vichy Law established the Union Générale des Israélites de France, a national Jewish representation, with separate branches in the northern and southern zones. Among the various reasons given by Vichy for the establishment of this representation was the increased poverty resulting from diverse anti-Jewish measurements. At any rate this was advanced as one of the reasons by those Jews who chose to lead this Vichy creation. Indeed the problem was serious. The suffering Jewish population could only call on the network of immigrant organizations, operating semi-legally or illega...

  16. Muzej Jevreja Bosne i Hercegovine - Muzej Sarajevo

    • Jewish Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Museum of Sarajevo

    The Sarajevo Museum is a public institute founded by Sarajevo Canton, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It now consists of the main building, with depots, and five dependencies: Svrzo’s House, the Despić House, the Jewish Museum, the Brusa Bezistan, and the Museum of Sarajevo 1878-1914. The Jewish Museum or Museum of the Jews of Bosnia and Herzegovina is housed in the oldest synagogue in Bosnia and Herzegovina, built in 1581. Many experts are of the opinion that this was the finest exhibition space in the whole of ex-Yugoslavia; and indeed, on entering the Synagogue, one steps into a di...

  17. Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории

    • Russian State Archives of the Socio-Political History
    • Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv sotsyalno-politicheskoy istorii
    • RGASPI
    • РГАСПИ

    State Archives of the Socio Political History was created in October 1991 on the basis of former Central Communist Party Archive. Archive history begins with the formation of the Archive of Russian Social Democratic Movement and its library on emmigration. After the 1917 documents referring to the history of pre 1917 revolutionary movement and revolution itself were collected by the various Soviet archives and research centers. In 1920 these tasks were centralized in the History of the Party Institute, that until 1928 was the branch of the Central Party Committee. This Institution directed ...

  18. Éclaireurs Israélites de France

    • French Jewish Scouts
    • EIF

    Founded in 1923

    The Éclaireurs Israélites de France was a French Jewish scouting movement, created by Robert Gamzon in 1923, which rescued thousands of Jews in France during the Second World War. Soon after war broke out in 1939-09, the Éclaireurs Israélites de France established several children’s homes in southwest France. After France fell to the German army in mid-1940, the EIF moved south to the unoccupied zone of France while still continuing to function illegally in Paris. Its children’s homes soon began to take in the children of Jews imprisoned in Nazi camps. In 1941 the EIF was forced to join the...

  19. Sąd Grodzki w Garwolinie

    Sąd Grodzki w Garwolinie zaczął funkcjonować pod koniec 1944r. Na podstawie ustawy Krajowej Rady Narodowej z dn. 15VIII1944r. o tymczasowym trybie wydawania dekretów z mocą ustawy, PKWN dekretem z 4XI1944r. postanowił, że do czasu wytyczenia nowych granic, okręgów sądowych na terenie całego państwa, Kierownik Resortu Sprawiedliwości może zarządzić w drodze rozporządzenia tworzenie i znoszenie sądów grodzkich, okręgowych i apelacyjnych, ustalenie nowych siedzib sądów i zmianę granic ich okręgów.( Dz.U.R.P. z 1944r., nr 11, poz.58.Dekret PKWN z 4XI 1944r.)W praktyce sądy najczęściej funkcjono...

  20. The Command of the Lithuanian Partisan Movement

    • Lietuvos partizaninio judėjimo štabas
    • Shtab Litovskogo Partizanskogo dvizhenija

    "In 1941, the Soviet partisan movement in Lithuania began with the actions of a small number of Red Army soldiers left behind enemy lines, much like the beginning of partisan movements in Ukraine and Belarus. The movement grew throughout 1942, and in the summer of that year the Lithuanian Soviet partisan movement began receiving material aid as well as specialists and instructors in guerrilla warfare from Soviet-held territory. On 26 November 1942, the Command of the Lithuanian Partisan Movement (Lietuvos partizaninio judėjimo štabas) was created in Moscow, headed by the First Secretary of ...