
Displaying items 17,701 to 17,720 of 17,955
  1. Sudetendeutsche Partei

    • SdP

    Founded in 1935

    In order to participate in the elections of 1935-05, the Sudetendeutsche Heimatfront transformed itself into a regular political party, the Sudetendeutsche Partei. The SdP called upon all ethnic Germans in Czechoslovakia to join its ranks. Many did so eagerly, hoping through this show of unity to promote full cultural and national development of the German minority within the existing state framework. The SdP attracted such widespread support that it soon left all the other German-based political parties in Czechoslovakia far behind.

  2. Polska Organizacja Wojskowa

    • Polish Military Organisation
    • POW

    The Polska Organizacja Wojskowa was founded by Marshal Józef Piłsudski, the future chief of independent Poland. Its main function had been intelligence-gathering and sabotage.

  3. Paulusbund

    • Alliance of Non-Aryan Christians


    In 1936, the intensification of Anti-Jewish policies led the Reichsverband der nichtarischen Christen and similar smaller organizations to form one large federation, which was approved by the responsible office of the Reich Propaganda Ministry in agreement with the Gestapo. The new association was called the Paulusbund, founded by dr. Richard Wolff. In 1936, the Paulsbund had approximately eighty thousand members. The Paulusbund existed for only six months.

  4. France combattante


    In 1942 France libre changed its name into France combattante. It was a term for political and social forces, which in 1940 did not accept the capitulation of France. It continued fighting with the Nazis by creating resistance.

  5. Einsatzkommando 1/V

    • EK 1/V

    Einsatzkommando 1/V, Einsatzkommando 1 of Einsatzgruppe V, participated during the invasion of Poland in 1939-09. During the invasion of the Soviet Union the Einsatzgruppen were not labeled with the number I, II, III, IV or V but with the character A, B, C or D.

  6. Rassenpolitisches Amt der NSDAP

    The Rassenpolitisches Amt der NSDAP was responsible for the treatment of the population of the former Polish territories after the racial political considerations in 1939.

  7. Mouvement de Liberation Nationale

    • MLN

    The Mouvement de Liberation Nationale was convinced that France and the post-war world cannot follow the path of social justice and peace unless the peoples adopt a policy of true democracy and effective socialism.

  8. Reichsverkehrministerium

    Founded in 1919

  9. SS-Führungshauptamt

    • SS-FHA

    Founded in 1940-08

  10. Comité Inter-Mouvements Aupres des Evacues

    • CIMADE

    Founded in 1939-09

    Comité Inter-Mouvements Aupres des Evacues was a protestant youth group created by the World Young Women Christian Association, the Young Men's Christian Association and the federation of Student Christian Movements in 1939-09. It was initially organized to assist residents of Alsace and Lorraine evacuated from the war zone by the French government. The organization had one clear conviction: the youth movements must unite in a common service to those whom the war had torn from their homes, the ‘displaced’. One of their activities was the opening, in the spring of 1942, of homes accredited t...

  11. Hilfspolizei

    • Auxiliary Police
    • Hipo

    The establishment of the Hilfspolizei represented an important initial step in binding the police with the organizations of the Nazi Party in both a symbolic and a substantive sense.

  12. Sicherheitsdienst Abschnitt

    • SD Abschnitt
  13. Idisze Kulturorganizacje

    • Jewish Cultural Organization
    • YIKOR

    Founded in 1941-12

    Illegal cultural organization Idisze Kulturorganizacje was set up in 1941-12 with membership drawn from the Jewish Social Self-Help and the house committees. The aim of YIKOR was to propagate Yiddish culture and language among the inhabitants of the ghetto. It organized concerts, talks and lectures, and evenings about eminent figures in Yiddish culture and language. YIKOR supported clandestine schools with Yiddish as the language of instruction, set up an illegal library, and organized a competition for the best literary and academic work about the ghetto.

  14. Naamloze Vennootschap

    • The limited group

    The Naamloze Vennootschap, an underground group, saved the lives of 250 Jewish children during World War II. Most of the children rescued by the Naamloze Vennootschap were smuggled out of the Dutch Theater in Amsterdam, where they and other Jews had been assembled for deportation to the Westerbork camp. They were then taken from Amsterdam by different routes to safe havens in various areas, especially the southern Dutch province of Limburg. Nearly 50 of these children were accompanied to safe hiding places by Baroness Anne Marie van Verschuer, one of the groups’ members. The group also supp...

  15. Die Kanzlei des Führers der NSDAP

    • Adolf Hitler's Personal Chancellery
    • KdF

    Die Kanzlei des Führers der NSDAP stood directly under Hitler and was responsible for the organization of the NSDAP. The KdF was headed by Der Chef der Kanzlei des Führers der NSDAP Philipp Bouhler.

  16. Reichskulturkammer

    • Reich Chamber of Culture
    • RKK

    Göbbels was designated president of the Reichskulturkammer. The creation of the RKK is an excellent example of the process Gleichschaltung. Göbbels had the power to exclude all those who were considered racially or artistically objectionable.

  17. Referat Żydowski Delegatury Rządu na Kraj


    In 1943-03 Witold Bieńkowski alias Wencki created Referat Żydowski Delegatury Rządu na Kraj. His deputy was Władysław Bartoszewski. The tasks of this unit included: transfering funds to the Council for rescue actions and sending reports to the government in London.

  18. Komisja Koordynacyjna Żydowskich Instytucji Społecznych

    • Coordinating Commission for Jewish Social Welfare Institutions
    • KK

    Founded in 1939-09-14

    On 1939-09-14, the Komisja Koordynacyjna Żydowskich Instytucji Społecznych was set up as one of the parts of the civil defense of Warsaw. In the first months of the occupation the KK organized district offices, set up a Section for Care of Refugees and Those Made Homeless and a Section for People's Kitchens.

  19. Légion des Volontaires Français Contra le Bolchevisme

    • Legion of Volunteers against Bolshevism
    • LVF

    Founded in 1941

    The Légion des Volontaires Français Contra le Bolchevisme, led by Jacques Doriot, Eugène Deloncle and Marcel Déat, was set up as collaborationist groups in mid-1941. Initially, about 10,000 volunteered to fight in Nazi uniforms against the Soviet Union. About 3,600 did actually fight, though poorly because of insufficient training, in 1942 on the eastern front. A reorganized LVF unit served in operations against partisans in eastern Europe. Because of its fear that Doriot and the LVF would become to powerful, Vichy took it over in 1942-07, renaming it the Légion Tricolore. The military su...