
Displaying items 17,501 to 17,520 of 17,955
  1. Biuro Informacji i Propagandy Komendy Głównej Związku Walki Zbrojnej – Armii Krajowej

    • The Bureau of Information and Propaganda of the Home Army
    • BIP KG ZWZ – AK

    Biuro Informacji i Propagandy Komendy Głównej Związki Walki Zbrojnej – Armii Krajowej played an important role in raising morale and influencing attitudes among the soldiers of the underground movement as well as those of the Polish community. Through the introduction of propaganda the soldiers of the Związek Walki Zbrojnej (Union for Armed Struggle) could be integrated into a single underground army.

  2. Belorusskii Shtab Partizanskogo Dvizheniya

    • Belarussian Headquarters for the Partisan Movement
    • BShPD

    Belorusskii Shtab Partizanskogo Dvizheniya was a partisan movement.

  3. Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza

    • Polish United Workers' Party
    • PZPR


    Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza was a polish communistic party which was formed as a result of connections between Polska Partia Robotnicza (Polish Workers’ Party) and Polska Partia Socjalistyczna (Polish Socialist Party). The chiefs of party were in sequence: B. Bierut, E. Ochab, W. Gomułka, E. Gierek, S. Kania, W. Jaruzelski, M.F. Rakowski.

  4. Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt

    • National Socialist People's Welfare
    • NSV

    Founded in 1932-04

    Created in 1932-04 as an internal welfare agency for party members, the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt soon after the Nazi accession to power began to co-ordinate and absorb existing voluntary welfare institutions, and eventually came to dominate the entire field of welfare work in Nazi Germany.

  5. Reichsjugendführung

    The main organization of the Hitler-Jugend was the Reichsjugendführung, with the Jugendführer des Deutschen Reiches as head of the organization.

  6. Niederländische Grundstücksverwaltung

    • Dutch Estate Management Organization


    Niederländische Grundstücksverwaltung, a German body established at The Hague, was authorized to take over all Jewish properties, or else authorize non-Jewish persons to do so.

  7. Reichssicherheitshauptamtes-Amtes VII Weltanschauliche Gegnerforschung

    • RSHA-Amtes VII Weltanschauliche Gegnerforschung

    Franz Alfred Six was the chef of Reichssicherheitshauptamtes-Amtes VII Weltanschauliche Gegnerforschung.

  8. Sicherheitsdienst Leitabschnitt Berlin

    • SD Leitabschnitt Berlin

    The Sicherheitsdienst was an intelligence and surveillance organization, established in 1931 under Reinhard Heydrich. Among its major tasks were monitoring real or imagined enemies of national socialism and reporting on the state of opinion among the German public. The SD was widely represented, for example with an office in Berlin.

  9. Urząd do Walki z Lichwą i Spekulacją

    • The Central Office for Fighting against Usury and Speculation

    Founded in 1919-01-11

    Józef Piłsudski transformed the Wydział walki z lichwą żywnościową to Urząd do Walki z Lichwą i Spekulacją in 1919-01-11. The responsibility of this office was to fight with every form of usery and speculation.

  10. Lebensborn

    • Fount of Life

    Founded in 1935

    Lebensborn, a Nazi organization, was established in 1935 in an effort to reverse Germany’s dwindling birthrate and to increase the number of ‘racially valuable’ offspring. Instigated by Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler, the effort provided financial assistance and maternity care to the wives of SS men and also to unmarried mothers, a group that concerned Nazi racial hygienists and population planners. Lebensborn administrators encouraged unwed mothers to give up their infants after birth, and the organization managed both orphanages and adoption services that placed Lebensborn children with ‘d...

  11. Kadra Bezpieczeństwa


    Kadra Bezpieczeństwa was an underground military organization. Korpus Bezpieczeństwa, an underground military organization, was renamed in 1944-11 into Kadra Bezpieczeństwa.

  12. Wehrkreiskommando

    • Military District Command

    The goal of the Wehrkreis system was to relieve field commanders from as much administrative work as possible while providing a regular flow of trained recruits and supplies to the field army.

  13. Légion Française des Combattants

    Joseph Darnand set up in 1941-12 a paramilitary organization, Service d’Ordre Légionnaire, still nominally under the Légion Française des Combattants, to act against the ‘enemies’ of Vichy.

  14. Schweizerischen Zentralstelle für Flüchtlingshilfe

    • Swiss Central Office for Refugee Relief
    • SZF

    Founded in 1936-06

    In 1936-06, the main relief organizations merged to form the Schweizerischen Zentralstelle für Flüchtlingshilfe in order to pool their energies and co-ordinate their stand vis-a-vis the authorities.

  15. Mouvements Unis de Résistance

    • United Resistance Movements
    • MUR

    Founded in 1943-01

    At the beginning of 1943, with the war at a turning point and Vichy repression escalating, the resistance became more coordinated. Three networks, Combat, Libération, and Franc-Tireur et Partisans, joined together to form the Mouvements Unis de Résistance in 1943-01.

  16. Deutsches Jungvolk

    • Young People
    • DJ

    Boys between 10 and 14 years old were indoctrinated into Nazi doctrine and anti-Semitism through the Deutsches Jungvolk, a youth organization.

  17. Armée Belge des Partisans

    • Belgian Partisans Army

    Resistance movement.

  18. Unitarian Service Committee

    The Commission Centrale des Organizations Juives d’Assistance met with various non-Jewish agencies working in the camps, such as Comité inter-mouvements aupres des evacues (CIMADE), the Young Men Christian Association (YMCA), the Quakers, various national branches of the Red Cross, the Secours Suisse, the Service social d’aide aux emigrants (SSAE), the Unitarian Service Committee, the Rockefeller Foundation, and others to form the Comité de Coordination pour l’Assistance dans les Camps.

  19. Legiunea Arhanghelului Mihail

    • League of the Archangel Michael

    One source of continued instability in Romania was Corneliu Zelea Codreanu’s pro-Nazi Legiunea Arhanghelului Mihail and its paramilitary wing, the Garda de Fier (Iron Guard). The Legionaires, as they were commonly known, operated much like the German Nazi Party’s Sturmabteilung in the 1920s and early 1930s. After the government banned it and other paramilitary groups in 1933, Codreanu transformed the league into a viable political party that garnered almost 16 percent of the popular vote in 1937 elections as part of the rightist coalition with Totul Pentru Tara (Everything for the Fatherlan...