
Displaying items 17,301 to 17,320 of 17,955
  1. Gebietskommissariat Alexandria

    • Олександрійський гебітскомісаріат; м. Олександрія
  2. Онуфріївська районна управа; с. Онуфріївка

    • Onufryivka Rayon Administration, Onufryivka village
  3. Новопразька районна управа; с. Нова Прага

    • Nova Praha Rayon Administration, Nova Praha village
  4. Бобринецька міська управа; м. Бобринець

    • Bobrynets Town Administration, town of Bobrynets
  5. Підвисоцька районна управа; с. Підвисоке

    • Pidvysoke Rayon Administration, Pidvysoke village
  6. Бобринецька районна управа; м. Бобринець

    • Bobrynets Rayon Administration, town of Bobrynets
  7. Тишківська районна управа; с. Тишківка

    • Tyshkivka Rayon Administration, Tyshkivka village
  8. Знам'янська районна управа; м. Знам'янка

    • Znamyanka Rayon Administration, town of Znamyanka
  9. Єлисаветградківська районна управа; с. Єлисаветградківка

    • Elisavethradkivka Rayon Administration, Elisavethradkivka village
  10. Великовисківська районна управа; с. Велика Виска

    • Velyka Viska Rayon Administration, Velyka Viska village
  11. Новгородківська районна управа; с. Новгородка

    • Novhorodka Rayon Administration, Novhorodka village
  12. Аджамська районна управа; м-ко Аджамка

    • Adzhamka Rayon Authority, township of Adzhamka
  13. Витязівська районна управа; с. Витязівка

    • Vytyazivka Rayon Administration, Vytyazivka village
  14. Олександрівська районна управа; с. Олександрівка

    • Oleksandrivka Rayon Administration, Oleksandrivka village
  15. Піщанобрідська районна управа; с. Піщаний Брід

    • Pishchanyi Brid Rayon Administration, Pishchanyi Brid village
  16. Новогеоргіївська районна управа; м. Новогеоргіївськ

    • Novoheorhiivsk Rayon Adminisration, town of Novoheorhiivsk
  17. Benno Kaufmann

  18. Zidovska Ustredna Uradovna pre Krajinu Slovenska

    • Jewish Central Bureau for the region of Slovakia
    • ZUU

    The activity of Zidovska Ustredna Uradovna pre Krajinu Slovenska centered on social aid, vocational training, and emigration. Under the pretext of vocational training, all activities of the disbanded Zionist organizations were concentrated in the section in the section for vocational aid. The program not only taught various skills but organized summer camps where the teaching of Hebrew had priority.

  19. Max Lowenthal

    • Max Loewenthal

    Max Lowenthal was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1888; a graduate of Harvard Law School, an attorney and a lifelong public servant; he served as an advisor and personal friend of President Harry S. Truman. In 1946, General Lucius D. Clay, the Deputy Governor of the US Military Government in Occupied Germany, asked various representatives of American Jewish organizations to suggest an advisor who could help Clay in drafting legislation regarding the restitution of Jewish property looted by Nazi Germany. Max Lowenthal was chosen for this job; he spent six weeks in Germany collecting evide...

  20. Michal Borwicz

    • Maksymilian Boruchowicz

    Michal Borwicz (Maksymilian Boruchowicz) was born in Krakow in 1911, and died in Paris in 1987. A graduate of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, he was a Jewish Polish author and historian, who studied the history of Polish Jewry during the Holocaust. Borwicz was an inmate in the Janowska camp in Lwow from 1942-1943. He was sentenced to death by hanging, however when the sentence was being carried out, the rope broke. He escaped from the camp and joined the partisans and commanded an Armia Krajowa (AK) unit in the Krakow area. After the war, he headed the Jewish Historical Commission in...