
Displaying items 17,201 to 17,220 of 17,956
  1. Pretura Raionului Blagujevo

    • Претура Благоївського району, с. Благоєве
    • Pretura of the Blagoyeve Rayon, Blagoyeve village

    These were district organs of Romanian executive power that functioned from 1941-44 in the occupied territory included in the newly-created Governorate of Transnistria. They were headed by praetors and subordinate to their respective county prefectures ; and in turn held jurisdiction over village and city primarias. The preturas’ functions included, among other things, the organizing of ghettos.

  2. Pretura Raionului Veselinovo

    • Претура Веселинівського району, с. Веселинове
    • Pretura of the Veselinove Rayon, Veselinove village

    These were district organs of Romanian executive power that functioned from 1941-44 in the occupied territory included in the newly-created Governorate of Transnistria. They were headed by praetors and subordinate to their respective county prefectures ; and in turn held jurisdiction over village and city primarias. The preturas’ functions included, among other things, the organizing of ghettos.

  3. Pretura Raionului Golta

    • Претура Голтського району, м. Голта
    • Pretura of the Golta Rayon, town of Golta

    These were district organs of Romanian executive power that functioned from 1941-44 in the occupied territory included in the newly-created Governorate of Transnistria. They were headed by praetors and subordinate to their respective county prefectures ; and in turn held jurisdiction over village and city primarias. The preturas’ functions included, among other things, the organizing of ghettos.

  4. Prefectura Județului Ananiev

    • Префектура Ананьївського повіту, м. Ананіїв
    • Prefectura of the Ananivka County, town of Ananiiv

    These were county organs of Romanian executive power that functioned from 1941-44 in the occupied territory included in the newly-created Governorate of Transnistria ; they were headed by prefects subordinate to the civilian governor of Transnistria, and in turn held jurisdiction over district preturas , village and city primarias , and other institutions located within their respective counties, including gendarmeries and police departments.

  5. Staatssekretär beim Reichsprotektor in Böhmen und Mähren

    • Státní tajemník u říšského protektora v Čechách a na Moravě
    • Secretary of State at the Reich Protector in Bohemia and Moravia

    Hitler promoted Karl Hermann Frank to SS-Gruppenführer and appointed Secretary of State of the Reich Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia under Reich Protector Konstantin von Neurath. Although nominally under Neurath, Frank wielded great power in the Protectorate. In autumn 1941 on Hitler's orders Konstantin von Neurath was replaced by Reinhard Heydrich as Reichsprotektor. After the successful assassination of Reinhard Heydrich in May 1942 Kurt Daluege was appointed as the new Reichsprotektor. Karl Hermann Frank was during all that time in function of the Secretary of State. Even after Augus...

  6. Tiesu palātas prokurors

    • The Trial Chamber Prosecutor


  7. Otto-Heinrich Drechsler


  8. The Chief of the Lazdijai district

    • Der Kreis-chef des Kreises Lasdien
    • Lazdijų apskrities viršininkas


  9. The Chief of the Širvintos Police Precinct in the Ukmergė District

    • Ukmergės apskrities Širvintų policijos nuovados viršininkas


  10. Primaria Municipiului Odessa

    • Odessa Municipal Primaria
  11. Gebietskommissariat Kremianez

    • Кременецький окружний комісаріат, м. Кременець
  12. Глухівська районна управа м. Глухів

    • Hlukhiv Rayon Adminidtration, town of Hlukhiv
  13. Кролевецька районна управа м. Кролевець

    • Krolevets Rayon Administration, town of Krolevets
  14. Główna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Polsce

    • Central Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland
    • GKBZNP


    In early 1946, the Tymczasowy Rząd Jedności Narodowej (Provisional Government of National Unity) established the Główna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Polsce to investigate crimes committed against Polish citizens. The investigations included collecting documents and other evidence as well as interviewing witnesses and survivors of such crimes. In 1991, Poland’s new democratic government transformed the GKBZNP into the Główna Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu (Main Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes Against the Polish Nation), which is part of the Instytut P...

  15. Устинівська районна управа; с. Устинівка

    • Ustynivka Rayon Administration, Ustynivka village
  16. Олександрійська районна управа; м. Олександрія

    • Oleksandriya Rayon Administration, town of Oleksandriya
  17. Маловисківська районна управа; м-ко Мала Виска

    • Mala Vyska Raion Administration, Mala Vyska township
  18. Хирівська міська управа, м. Хирів

    • Khyriv Town Administration, town of Khyriv