
Displaying items 16,281 to 16,300 of 17,956
  1. Archives Managed by the Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Polskich

    • Head Office of the State Archives
  2. HICEM

    Founded in 1927

    HICEM is established in 1927, with the goal to help European Jews emigrate. HICEM was formed with the merger of three Jewish migration associations: Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which was based in New York; Jewish Colonization Association, which was based in Paris but registered as a British charitable society; and Emigdirect, a migration organization based in Berlin. By the time the Second World War broke out in 1939-09, HICEM had offices all over Europe, South and Central America, and the Far East. Its employees advised and prepared European refugees for emigration, including helping the...

  3. Comité d’Assistance aux Refugiés

    • Committee for Assistance to Refugees
    • CAR

    With the moderation of French policy toward the refugees as a result of the election of the Popular Front government in the spring of 1936, French Jewish refugee relief revived. At the initiative of the Joint Distribution Committee, a new committee, Comité d’Assistance aux Refugiés, was established with Raymond-Raoul Lambert as its general secretary. Under Lambert’s leadership, CAR focused on providing assistance, including vocational retraining, that would enable the refugees to finds a niche in France. From the fall of 1938 until the outbreak of the war in 1939-09 the staff of CAR worked ...

  4. Reichsministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft

    Founded in 1920-03

    The Reichsministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft was established in 1920-03 after the unification of the Reichsernährungsministerium and the Reichswirtschaftsministerium.

  5. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht

    • Supreme Command of German Armed Forces
    • OKW

    The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht issued the directive for the war on the Soviet Union on 1941-06-04: ‘The total elimination of all resistance passive or active’. This was a mandate for mass murder against military and civilian targets contravening all traditional rules of war.

  6. Dresdner Bank

    • Drážďanská banka

    Dresdner Bank was established on 12 November 1872. By 1900, Dresdner bank had the largest German branch network. After the banking crisis in 1931 the German Reich owned 66% of Dresdner Bank shares. Its deputy director was Dr Schacht, Minister of Economy under Nazism. The Bank was reprivatised in 1937. During World War II, Dresdner Bank controlled various banks in countries under German Occupation. It took over the Bohemian Discount Bank in Prague, the Societa Bancara Romana in Bucharest, the Handels- und Kreditbank in Riga, the Kontinentale Bank in Brussels, and Banque d'Athenes. It maintai...

  7. Ulrich Greifelt

    SS-Obergruppenführer, lieutenant general of police, and convicted war criminal. After the beginning of the Second World War, Greifelt was appointed Chief of Staff of RKFDV (Reichskommissar für die Festigung deutschen Volkstums; Reich Commissioner for the Consolidation of German Nationhood) in October 1939. He was found guilty of war crimes at the RuSHA trial at Nuremberg, sentenced to life imprisonment, and died in Landsberg Prison.

  8. Günther Pancke

    SS-Obergruppenführer; General der Polizei; from 1943 untill 1945 Pancke was Higher SS and Police Leader in Denmark.

  9. Reichskommissariat für die Festigung Deutschen Volkstums

    • German Resettlement Population Policy
    • RKFDV


    The Reichskommissariat für die Festigung Deutschen Volkstums program was a form of imperialism in which the oldest patterns of the biological struggle for group survival were treated as norms. The RKFDV took away the lands and the wealth of other peoples, and established themselves in these new areas with this new wealth.

  10. Stephen Samuel Wise

    Stephen Samuel Wise (1874-1949), the grandson and son of rabbis, was born in Budapest in 1874. When Wise was an infant, his parents emigrated to the United States. From a very young age, Wise aspired to be a rabbi, like his father. Wise completed his studies at Columbia University with excellence at the age of 18, and was ordained as a rabbi in 1893. He served as the rabbi in a number of communities in New York and in Oregon, and was a trail-blazer in the area of interdenominational cooperation in the United States. In 1902 he earned his doctoral degree from Columbia University. Wise began ...

  11. Generalkommandant der uniformierten Protektoratspolizei

    • Generální velitel uniformované protektorátní policie
    • General Commander of the Uniformed Police in the Protectorate

    Based on the decree of Reinhard Heydrich since 1st of July 1942 the security services in the protectorate Bohemia and Moravia were new organized. Uniformed police forces like the Gendarmerie, the Order Police (Ordnungspolizei/Pořadková policie) and the Municipal police (Stadtpolizei/Městská policie) were reorganized into the "Uniformed Protectorate police" (Uniformierte Protektoratspolizei/Uniformované protektorátní policie), which were in the Ministery of Interior under the supervison of the General Commander of the Uniformed Protectorate police (Generalkommandant der uniformierten Protekt...

  12. Former students of the Czechoslovak schools in the Great Britain

    • Bývalí žáci československých škol ve Velké Británii

    The documents had been collected primaliry by Judith Wolt (the wife of John Wolt, one of the former students) since 1985. She tried to gather everything that was connected to the Czechoslovak´s schools in the United Kingdom, contacted many former students, and received documents from them.

  13. Hans Krebs

    Ethnic German politician. Born 1888 in Jihlava (Iglau). After WW I manager of the German National Socialist Workers' Party (Deutsche Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei (DNSAP)) in Czechoslovakia. 1925 to 1933 member of the Czechoslovak parliament. Fled 1933 to Germany and became member of the SS and 1936 member of the Reichstag. From 1938 to 1945 Regierungspräsident in Aussig (Ústí nad Labem). Sentenced to death by a Czechoslovak court and executed 1947.

  14. Zemské četnické velitelství Praha

    • Landesgendarmeriekommando Prag
    • Land Gendarmerie command Prague

    The Gendarmerie as armed police forces existed in the Bohemian lands already in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. In the new Czechoslovak State the Gendarmerie was placed under the Czechoslovak Ministry of the Interior and organized in four main commands: Prague, Brno, Bratislava and Uzhhorod. The Gendarmerie took over the main police duties in the state. After the establishment of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in March 1939 the gendarmerie became part of the occupation administration.

  15. Československý červený kříž, Londýn

    • Czechoslovak Red Cross, London

    After the forced dissolution of the Czechoslovak Red Cross on 5th of August 1940 by the German occupiers the Czechoslovak government in Exile founded the Czechoslovak Red Cross in London and its delegations in Egypt, Iran, Italy, Palestine, USA. After the liberation of Czechoslovakia, the London office moved to Prague. During the war, the main task of the Czechoslovak Red Cross was to provide medical care for the military, the medical care for Czechoslovak refugees and for Czechoslovak citizens in the territory of Nazi Germany.

  16. Československá vláda v exilu

    • Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile
    • Československá exilová vláda
      1. 1940 - 5. 4. 1945

    The Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile (known also as the Provisional Government of Czechoslovakia) was accepted by the British Government after the Nazi occupation of France in 1940. It continued in the political effort of the former Czechoslovak official authority known as the Czech National Liberation Committee (set up in France in 1939) to reverse the Munich Agreement and the subsequent German occupation of Czechoslovakia, and to return the Republic to its 1937 boundaries. The Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile consisted of the President, the Goverment and the State Council (which represent...

  17. Erwin Weinmann

    Erwin Weinmann was a German medical doctor, SS-Oberführer and police colonel; in the Reich Security Head Office (Reichssicherheitshauptamt) of Group IV D (Occupied Territories) within the Gestapo (Amt IV). From January 1942 to July 1943 Weinmann was responsible leader of the Sonderkommando 4a (Sk4a) for the mass murder of Jews in Ukraine. Since summer 1942 he was BdS in Prague.

  18. Státní rada

    • State Council
      1. 1940 - April 1945

    The National Council was created as an advisory and check board of the Czechoslovak government-in-Exile in 1940. Its members were representatives of Czechoslovak political parties. The President of the National Council was Rudolf Bechyně.

  19. Národní soud (1945 - 1947)

    • National Tribunal (1945 - 1947)

    The National Tribunal was established according to the presidential decree n. 17 in December 1945 and functioned as the criminal court and as the court of honour for the prominent war criminals on the national level. During its existence (to May 1947), the tribunal tried 80 defendants (18 death penalties). The judges were appointed by the government as well as the national prosecutor.

  20. Ministerstvo sociální péče - Londýn

    • Ministry of Social Welfare - London