
Displaying items 7,301 to 7,320 of 17,955
  1. Schutzpolizei

    • Protective police
    • Schupo

    City or municipal police.

  2. Виконавчий комітет Полтавської обласної ради народних депутатів

    • Executive committee of Poltava regional Council of Peoples Delegates
    • Vykonavchyi komitet Poltavskoi oblasnoi rady narodnykh deputativ
    • Управління Народного комісаріату внутрішніх справ УРСР по Полтавській області
    • Управління Міністерства внутрішніх справ УРСР по Полтавській області
    • Виконавчий комітет Полтавської обласної ради депутатів трудящих
    • ...
  3. Вовчанська сільська управа, с. Вовча Кобеляцького р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Vovcha village board, Vovcha village, Kobeliaky district, Poltava region
    • Vovchanska silska uprava, s. Vovcha Kobeliatskogo raionu Poltavskoi oblasti
  4. Державний архів Полтавської області

    • State Archive of Poltava Oblast
    • Derzhavnyi arkhiv Poltavs'koi oblasti
  5. Ministerstvo spravedlnosti, Praha

    • Ministry of Justice, Prague

    The Ministry of Justice was established in 1918 after the constitution of the first Czechoslovak republic. Its scope of authority was to control to organise and to administer all matters of public courts and prosecutor offices, prison services, pedagogical institutions for the young or matters of Czechoslovak layers and notaries and other formal orders, regulations and laws.

  6. Joniškio miesto savivaldybė

    • The Municipality of the City of Joniškis
  7. Державний архів Черкаської області

    • State archives of Cherkasy region
  8. Grigorijus Kanovičius

    • Grigory Yaakov Kanovich

    One of the most prominent modern Jewish writers. He was born in a Jewish family in Jonava town on June 18, 1929. Together with his parents he fled war-stricken Lithuania and spent years in exile in Kazakhstan and the Ural Mountains. In 1945 the family returned to Vilnius. Here, in 1953, he graduated from Vilnius State University with a degree in Slavic studies. In 1948 he published his first book of poetry. The first autobiographical novella to be published in the Soviet Union in post-war years was “I am Looking at the Stars” by Grigory Kanovich (1959). The novella received positive reviews...

  9. Josifas Šapiro

    • Josif Shapiro
    • Yosif Shapiro

    The collector and ex libris aficionado was born in 1921 in Kaunas. He was an engineer and worked for many years at Lithuanian graphic reporduction and printing enterprises. Although Shapiro was not a professional artist, he created about 175 ex libris bookplates dedicated to friends and family and regularly participated at many ex libris congresses and conferences. Shapiro was best known as a collector of diverse things. He has been written about in the press in Lithuania, USA, Russia and Finland. He exhibited his eclectic collections in cities across Lithuania, Russia and other countries. ...

  10. Borisas Gurinovičius

    • Borisas Pavlovičius Gurinovičius

    Borisas Gurinovičius was born on 24 February 1907 in Kashinas town (Kalininas region, Russia). Since 1922 the family settled in Vilnius. In Vilnius Gurinovičius finished secondary school and started studies at the Steponas Batoras University in Vilnius. In 1936 he graduated from the university and work as a specialist of agriculture. Was able to survive the Holocaust in the East of Soviet Union. After the Second World war returned to Vilnius. Beside his primary work he was know as a collector. His the most famous collections are: "Kosmosas/Space", "Pasaulio sostinės/World Capitals", "Vilnia...

  11. Ordnungspolizei

    • Order Police
    • Orpo

    Founded in 1936

    The Ordnungspolizei were reserve police battalions under the control of Police General Kurt Daluege. The Ordnungspolizei, a terroristic and murderous group, were used to secure and hold down occupied areas in the East, particularly Poland and Russia. They guarded ghettos and controlled the Schutzpolizei. They engaged in horrendous atrocities. Recent data has revealed that these genocidal activities of ordinary men, not front-line caliber soldiers, preceded even the Einsatzgruppen.

  12. Коропська районна поліція, с. Короп Коропського району Чернігівської області

    • Korop district police, Korop village of Korop district of Chernihiv oblast
    • Koropska raionna politsiia, s. Korop Koropskoho raionu Chernihivskai oblasti
  13. Aronas Soloveičikas

    Aronas Soloveičikas was born in 1901 in Vilnius. In 1914-1915 studied at art in I. G. Rybakovas' class in Vilnius art school. In 1919-1921 served as a soldier of the Red Army. In 1928 graduated from the Moscow State Art-Technic Institute. Survived the Holocaust. Was known because of his iliustrations of the books. Became a professor in Odesa Institute of Arts. His art pieces are in Tretjakov State Gallery. Died in 1963 in Vilnius.

  14. Oberfeldkommandantur 396

    • Headquarters of Higher Field Command Number 396
  15. Handels- und Gewerbeamt der Stadt Riga

    • The Riga City Board of Trade and Industry
  16. Stadtkommandantur Wolmar

    • Valmiera City Commandant's Office
  17. Tirdzniecības un rūpniecības galvenā direkcija

    • Directorate General of Trade and Industry
  18. Rezekne Ortskommandantur

    • Rezekne Commandant's Office
  19. Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber im Ostland

    • Wehrmacht Commander in Ostland
  20. Der Gebietskommissar Riga-Stadt

    • Riga City Gebietscommissar
