
Displaying items 7,281 to 7,300 of 17,955
  1. Madonas pilsētas valde

    • Madona City Council
    • Stadtverwaltung Madohn
  2. Polizeibehörden Kreis Illuxt

    • Ilukste District Police Institutions
    • Ilūkstes apriņķa policijas iestādes
  3. Wilhelm Canaris

    German admiral, and chief of Abwehr, the German military intelligence service, from 1935 to 1944. During the Second World War, he was among the military officers involved in the clandestine opposition to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. He was executed in the Flossenbürg concentration camp for the act of high treason.

  4. Ελληνική Πρεσβεία Καϊρου

    • Greek Embassy in Cairo
    • Elliniki Presveia Kairou
  5. Комісія з історії Великої Вітчизняної війни при Академії наук УРСР.

    • Commission on the History of the Great Patriotic War at the Academy of Sciences of USSR
  6. Polsko-Brytyjskie Towarzystwo Okrętowe S.A.

    • Polish-British Shipping Company

    Files include official correspondence regarding reservations, copies of tickets, lists of émigré passengers, among whom were large numbers of Jews, and shipping documents. These materials are an interesting source for research into emigration of Jews from Poland on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. They contain considerable information on mutual aid campaigns by Jewish organizations, which assisted with all the formalities surrounding emigration. There is also a large volume of correspondence regarding reservations and information.

  7. Judenrat der Lachwa

    • Rada Żydowska w Łachwie

    Łachwa. Niemcy wkroczyli do miasteczka 8.07.1941. Prezesem Rady Żydowskiej został Mojżesz Łopatin (następnie w partyzantce). W marcu 1942 r. utworzono tu getto. 2350 Żydów stłoczono w 40 domkach. 3.09. 1942 getto zostało otoczone przez milicję ukraińską i żandarmerię niemiecką. Wcześniej utworzona żydowska samoobrona przygotowała wszystkie zabudowania do podpalenia, aby uniemożliwić wkroczenie Niemców . Teraz podpalono je, co spowodowało dezorientację milicji i żandarmerii oraz umożliwiło 500 Żydom przedarcie się do lasu. W sumie podczas akcji likwidacyjnej zginęło 1800 mieszkańców getta i ...

  8. Видавництво газети "Золотоніські вісті"

    • "Zolotonosha Herald" editorial board
    • Vydavnytstvo hazety "Zolotoniski visti"
  9. Державний архів Чернігівської області

    • State Archive of Chernihiv Oblast
    • Derzhavnyi arkhiv Chernihivskoi oblasti
  10. Franz von Bodmann


    Franz von Bodmann was a medical school graduate. From 1930-1934 he was a member of the SA; in 1932 he joined the NSDAP; in 1939 he served in the SS-Verfügungstruppe regiment in Ulm; in 1942 he was called to SS service. In 1942 he served as physician in the concentration camps of Neuengamme, Auschwitz and Majdanek, and in 1943-1944 in the Vaivara concentration camp network. Later, he was in the SS Main Office Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle, in the rank of SS-Obersturmführer. In 1945 he was in the Waffen-SS Division Wiking. He committed suicide as a prisoner of war after the war.

  11. Hans Aumeier

    1906 – 1948

    Hans Aumeier was a Nazi war criminal, an SS-Sturmbannführer (Major) and the deputy commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp. From autumn 1943 to August 1944 Commandant of the Vaivara concentration camp in Estonia. 1944-1945 served at the Kaufering concentration camp at Dachau, February-May 1945 at the Grin concentration camp at Mysen, Norway. Sentenced to death on 22. December 1947 in Cracow and hanged with 20 others of Auschwitz staff on 24 January 1948.

  12. Gdynia-Ameryka. Linie Żeglugowe S.A

    • Gdynia-America Shipping Lines

    The shipping company Gdynia – Ameryka Linie Żeglugowe S.A. was founded in 1930 to carry émigrés on the line Gdynia–Halifax –New York. In 1932 a “Palestine line” was launched, serving the route Constanţa–Haifa–Pireus–Istanbul– Constanţa. In 1938 this line was suspended as financially non-viable, and from then on GAL ships served lines to ports in South America. The surviving files include contracts for transport of Jewish passengers on the Palestine line, official correspondence regarding people of Jewish birth being smuggled on the MS Piłsudski in the years 1935-1937, collective lists of pa...

  13. Amtsgericht Dietfurt

    • Sąd Obwodowy w Żninie

    W okresie okupacji na terenie okręgu administracyjnego Kraju Warty najwyższą jednostką był Sąd Nadkrajowy (Oberlandesgericht) w Poznaniu ,któremu podporządkowane były sądy krajowe (Landgerichte), a tym z kolei sądy obwodowe (Amtsgerichte). Szczególowe informacje - patrz karta zespołu 552.

  14. Tallinnfilm AS

    Tallinnfilm is the oldest operative film studio in Estonia. Originally founded as Estonian Culture Film in 1931, the studio was nationalized in 1940, after Estonia was brought into the Soviet Union. During the first year of Soviet occupation (1940-1941), Eesti Kultuurfilm was taken over by the Communist Party and renamed Kinokroonika Eesti Stuudio (the Estonian Newsreel Studio). In 1942, during the German occupation in World War II, it was renamed Kinokroonika Tallinna Stuudio (The Tallinn Newsreel Studio). In 1947 the Soviet renamed it Tallinna Kinostuudio (The Tallinn Film Studio); in 195...

  15. Eesti NSV Ülemkohus

    • Supreme Court of Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic

    1941 and 1944-1991

    After Soviet forces occupied Estonia in 1940 and Estonia was incorporated into the USSR the Estonian court system was restructured. The Soviet government created a court system in Estonia that corresponded to Soviet law. This system consisted only of district courts, called the People’s Courts, and a Supreme Court of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic (ESSR). During the Soviet period the Supreme Court of the ESSR reviewed civil and criminal appeals as the court of second instance. It reviewed some cases as the court of first instance, for example, murder cases under aggravating circumst...

  16. Sicherheitspolizei und SD in Estland, Gruppe B (Estnische Sicherheitspolizei)

    • Estonian Security Police
    • German Security Police and SD in Estonia, Group B
    • Saksa Julgeolekupolitsei ja SD Eestis, grupp B


    The Estonian Security Police and SD, or Sipo, was a security police force created by the Germans in 1942. The force integrated both Germans and Estonians within a unique structure mirroring the German Security Police. Following the German occupation in 1941, the German Army created police prefects based upon the old Estonian police model. In 1942 a new Security Police structure departments A-I to A-V, and an Estonian component, called "Group B," with corresponding departments was installed. The new Sipo force was designed by Martin Sandberger, leader of Einsatzkommando 1a. It was a unique j...

  17. Kazys Škirpa

    Kazys Škirpa was born February 18, 1895, in the village of Namajūnai (Saločiai district); he died in Washington, D.C., on August 18, 1979. He was Lithuanian diplomat and politician; he was one of the first volunteers in the Lithuanian Army volunteer, and was later a colonel in the Lithuanian Army. In 1940 he established a Front of Lithuanian Activists, which organized the June Uprising (June 23-26, 1941) in Lithuania and sought, with the help of the Nazis, to re-establish Lithuanian independence. The members of this Uprising participated in pogroms throughout Lithuania.

  18. Estnische Selbstschutz

    • Estonian Home Guard
    • Eesti Omakaitse


    In August 1941, the commander of the German occupying army unit Nord, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb, decided to better secure the rear and so gathered the troops composed of the Forest Brothers who had participated in the Summer War. The new organisation was called the Estonian Home Guard and was subordinate to local civilian authorities (Estonian Self-administration). Territorially, the Home Guard was divided into 13 county units. Their leaders took orders from local police prefects. The Home Guard was a voluntary organisation; the minimum age for schoolchildren was 17 years of age, and for othe...

  19. Karl Linnas


    Karl Linnas was, between 1941 and 1943, the commandant of a concentration camp at Tartu during the German occupation of Estonia. After Soviet forces pushed the Germans out of Estonia, Linnas fought with the German army. After the war he stayed in Displaced Persons camps in Germany until emigrating to the USA in 1951. During the show trial in Soviet Estonia in 1962 he was sentenced to capital punishment. In 1979 U.S. immigration officials charged him with making false statements to gain entry to the United States. In 1981 the Federal District Court in Westbury, New York, stripped then-62-yea...

  20. Baltische Öl Gesellschaft mit beschänkter Haftung

    • Baltic Oil Limited Liability Company
    • Baltische Öl GmbH


    German Kontinentale Öl was a holding company which held exclusive rights for both trading oil products and acquiring oil assets in Germany and German-occupied territories. The company operated through its numerous subsidiaries. In July 1941, the subsidiary Baltische Öl GmbH was founded for shale oil extraction in Estonia, and all of the existing oil shale industry in Estonia was merged into it. During the years 1941-1943 most of the workers in the company’s mines and factories were Soviet prisoners of war. The Vaivara concentration camp network (which included numerous subcamps) was establi...