
Displaying items 6,921 to 6,940 of 17,955
  1. Dobrevski Ilia

    Inspector at KEV and special representative.

  2. Doenitz Karl

    • Dönitz, Karl, 1891-1980
    • Doenitz, Karl, 1891-1980
    • Dönitz Oberleutnant zur See 1891-1980
    • Donitz, Karl
    • Dönitz, Karl
    • ...



    Großadmiral, commander of the German navy (Kriegsmarine).

  3. Donati Angelo

    • Angelo Mordechai
    • Donati, Angelo, 1885-1960
    • דונאטי מרדכי, אנג׳ילו
    • Donati, Angelo



    Jewish Italian banker and philanthropist. Helped to save Jews in Nice under Italian occupation 1942 - 1943.

  4. Dvorzetsky Mark Meir

    • Dvorjetski, Mark 1908-1975
    • Dbwrzeṣqiy Marq 1908-1975
    • Dvorjetski, Marc, 1908-1975
    • דבורזצקי מרק 1908-1975
    • Dvorzetsky, Mark Meir 1908-1975
    • ...



    Doctor, worked as a doctor in the Vilnius ghetto. Attempt to join the partisans failed. Deported from the ghetto to a labour camp in Estonia. Testified at Eichmann trial.

  5. Edelman Marek

    • Edelman, Marek, 1919-2009
    • Edelman, Marek
    • Edelman, Marek, 1922-2009
    • Edelman, M. (1922-2009).
    • Edelmann, Marek 1919-2009
    • ...



    Jewish-Polish political and social activist and cardiologist. Co-founder of ZOB. He took part in the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, becoming its leader after the death of Mordechaj Anielewicz. He also took part in the city-wide 1944 Warsaw Uprising. Before his death on 2 October 2009 Edelman was the last surviving leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

  6. Edelstein Jacob

    • Edelstein, Jakob, 1903-1944
    • Edelstein, Jakob
    • Edelstein, Jacob, -1944
    • אדלשטיין, יעקב.
    • Edelstein, Jakob, -1944
    • ...



    Zionist leader in Czechoslovakia. Chairman of the Ältestenrat in Terezín.

  7. Eden Anthony

    • Eden, Anthony, 1897-1977
    • Eden, Robert Anthony.
    • Avon, Robert Anthony Eden, comte d'
    • Avon, Earl of, 1897-1977
    • Eden Robert Anthony 1897-1977
    • ...



    1st Earl of Avon. British statesman.

  8. Edinger Georges

    Head of L'Union générale des israélites de France (UGIF) Northern Zone, successor of André Baur.

  9. Egof David

    Head of the Belorussian police in Borisov, autumn 1941.

  10. Ehlers Ernst



    SS-Sturmbannführer. Since 1938 head of the Hauptabteilung II (SD) in the Reichssicherheitshauptamt RSHA, in Einsatzgruppe B, head of Abt. IV (Gestapo). Since December 1941 appointed Beauftragter (representative) of the head of the Sicherheitspolizei und SD in the military government of Belgium and North-France in Brussels, responsible for the deportations of Belgian Jews.

  11. Ehrenburg Ilya Grigoryevich

    • Ėrenburg, Ilʹi︠a︡, 1891-1967
    • Ehrenburg, Ilya, 1891-1967
    • Ehrenbourg, Ilya, 1891-1967
    • Ehrenburg, Ilʹi︠a︡ Grigorʹevich, 1891-1967
    • Ėrenburg, Ilʹi︠a︡ Grigorʹevich, 1891-1967
    • ...



    Jewish Soviet poet and journalist of WWII, member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee; worked with Vassily Grossmann, collecting and editing material for Chernaia kniga (Black Book) on the destruction of Jews.

  12. Ehrlinger Erich

    • Ehrlinger, Erich 1910-2004
    • Ehrlinger, Erich


    SS-Oberführer. Commander of Sonderkommando 1b, December 1941 appointed Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Kiev; September 1943 appointed BdS (Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD) Russland-Mitte und Weißruthenien; April 1944 appointed head of RSHA Amt I (Personal).

  13. Eichmann Adolf Otto



    SS-Obersturmbannführer. Founder of the "Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung" in Vienna in 1938. Later head of Referat IV B 4 in the RSHA responsible for deportations of Jews all over Europe to murder camps. Organiser of the Wannsee Conference. Sentenced to death in Eichmann Trial in December 1961, excecution in 1962.

  14. Eicke Theodor



    SS-Obergruppenführer. 1933 appointed commander of Dachau concentration camp; 1934 "Inspekteur der Konzentrationslager". Filled a major role in the construction of the Nazi concentration camp system. Since 1936 organised the SS Totenkopfverbände composed of camp guards. 1939 organiser and commander of the SS Totenkopf Division.

  15. Eitinger Leo

    • Eitinger, Leo, 1912-1996
    • Eitinger, Leo, 1912-
    • Eitinger, Leo Shua
    • Eitinger, Leo.
    • Eitinger, L. (Leo), 1912-
    • ...



    Czech-Jewish refugee. Came to Norway in 1939. Survived Auschwitz and became a pioneer researcher in psychotraumatology.

  16. Elkes Elhanan



    Chairman of Kovno (Kaunas) Ältestenrat (Council of Elders under the Nazis).

  17. Falkenhausen Alexander von

    • Falkenhausen, Alexander ˜vonœ 1878-1966
    • Falkenhausen, Alexander Von
    • Falkenhausen, Alexander Ernst Alfred Hermann von, 1878-1966
    • Falkenhausen, Alexander Ernst 1878-1966 Baron von
    • Alexander 1878-1966 Freiherr von Falkenhausen
    • ...



    General of the German Infantry. 1940-1944 head of the military government (Chef der Militärverwaltung) in occupied Belgium and northern France, imprisoned in Dachau concentration camp after the July Plot. After the war sentenced to 12 years of hard labour for shooting 240 hostages and for the deportation of 25000 Belgian Jews but released after three weeks in recognition of the fact that he also protected Belgians from the SS.

  18. Fefer Isaak Solomonovich

    • Fefer, Itzik, 1900-1952
    • Fefer, Isaac.
    • Fefer, Isaac Solomonovič.
    • Fefer, Icik.
    • Feffer, Itzik
    • ...




  19. Ferenczy László



    Lieutenant colonel in the Hungarian Gendarmerie, in charge of establishing the ghettos and deporting the Jews of Hungary in 1944. From May 3 - July 9, 1944, Ferenczy submitted reports every other day on the progress of the ghettoisation and deportations. after the war, F. was sentenced to death by hanging in Hungary in 1946.

  20. Feuerwerker David

    • Feuerwerker, David
    • Feuerwerker, David, 1912-1980


