
Displaying items 6,881 to 6,900 of 17,955
  1. Bierkamp Walther



    SS-Brigadeführer (1944), Generalmajor of the police, Head of Einsatzgruppe D (Südrussland), Befehlshaber of the Sipo and SD Krakau (Kraków), suicide.

  2. Bischoff Helmut


    SS-Obersturmbannführer, Oberregierungsrat. Head of various Gestapo stations, head of Einsatzkommando 1 of Einsatzgruppe IV in occupied Poland, army commissioner (Abwehrbeauftragter) for production of V2 rockets in KZ Mittelbau-Dora.

  3. Blobel Paul

    • Blobel, Paul 1894-1951
    • Blobel, Paul



    SS-Standartenführer (1941), head of Sonderkommando 4a, Leiter (head ) of the massacre of 33 771 Jews in the ravine of Babi Jar near Kiev. Later head of Sonderkommando 1005. Sentenced to death in Einsatzgruppen Trial and executed.

  4. Blum Abraham

    • Blum, Abrasza (1905-1943).
    • Blum, Abrasha.
    • Blum, Abraham.
    • Blum, Abraham
    • Blum, Abrasza (1905-1943).
    • ...



    Leader of the Bund, killed by the Gestapo after the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

  5. Blume Walter



    SS-Standartenführer (1941), Head of Sonderkommando 7a. Sentenced to death in Einsatzgruppen Trial in 1948 but released in 1951.

  6. Blumental Nachman

    • Blumental, Nachman 1905-1983
    • Blumental Naḥman 1905-1983
    • בלומענטאל נחמן 1905-1983
    • בלומנטל נחמן 1905-1983
    • Blwmenṭal Naḥman 1905-1983
    • ...



    Co-founder of the Jewish Historical Committee (Żydowska Komisja Historyczna), a Holocaust research body organized in Lublin in August 1944. In December 1944, the commission became an agency of the Central Committee of Jews in Poland (CKŻP) and was renamed the Central Jewish Historical Commission (Centralna Żydowska Komisja Historyczna). Director (1947-48) of the successor, the Jewish Historical Institute (Żydowski Instytut Historyczny; ŻIH), research institute, archive, library, and museum in Warsaw.

  7. Böhme Horst



    SS-Oberführer. Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (BdS) Prague, responsible for the eradication of Lidice. Appointed Polizeiattache in Bucharest in September 1942. January to August 1943 head of Einsatzgruppe B, then head of Einsatzgruppe C until March 1944, since August 1944 again head of Einsatzgruppe B. Declared dead in 1954.

  8. Boßhammer Friedrich

    • Boßhammer, Friedrich 1906-1972
    • Boßhammer, Friedrich Robert 1906-1972



    SS-Sturmbannführer (1943), Regierungsrat. Judenreferent in Italy, helped organise persecutions and deportations.

  9. Böttcher Herbert



    SS-Brigadeführer (1944), Since 28.04.1942 SS- and Polizeiführer District Radom, deportation of more than 300 000 Jews to Treblinka. Sentenced to death 18.06.1949 in Radom, Hinrichtung 1950 in Radom.

  10. Bouhler Philipp

    • Bouhler, Philipp, 1899-1945
    • Būlers, Filips, 1899-1945
    • Bouhler, Philipp



    Euthanasiebevollmächtigter Hitlers (1939). Suicide.

  11. Bousquet René

    • Bousquet, René, 1909-1993
    • Bousquet, Rene



    Secretaire general de la Police, Vichy, 1942 - 1943. B. left France in 1944 and pretended to have been deported.

  12. Brack Viktor

    • Brack, Viktor, 1904-1948
    • Brack, Victor 1904-1948
    • Brack, Viktor



    Head of Amt II in the Kanzlei des Führers (KdF), one of the main leaders of the T4 "Euthanasie" program and organiser of medical experiments in concentration camps. Sentenced to death in Nuremberg Doctors' Trial and executed.

  13. Bradfisch Otto

    • Bradfisch, Otto ca. 20.Jh.



    SS-Obersturmbannführer. Commander of Einsatzkommando 8, (1941-1942) KdS (Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD) in Litzmannstadt (Łódź) (1942-1944) KdS in Potsdam (1945).

  14. Brandt Rudolf

    • Brandt, Rudolf, 1909-1948
    • Brandt, Rudolf



    SS-Standartenführer (1944). Personal referent of Himmler. Head of the Ministerbüro in the Reichsinnenministerium (Reich Ministry of the Interior). Participated in the organisation of the murder of at least 86 Jews for Hirt's skeleton collection in Strassburg. Sentenced to death in Nuremberg Doctors' Trial.

  15. Braune Werner

    • Braune, Werner
    • Braune, Werner 1909-1951
    • Braune, Karl Rudolph Werner 1909-1951 Vollstaendiger Name



    SS-Obersturmbannführer. Deputy head of Gestapo in Münster, head of Gestapo in Koblenz, then Halle. Head of Einsatzkommando 11b of Einsatzgruppe D. Kommandeur of Sipo and SD Norway. Sentenced to death in Einsatzgruppen Trial.

  16. Braunschweig Saly



    1931-1943 president of the Israelitische Cultusgemeinde Zürich ICZ. 1943 until his death president of the Schweizerische Israelische Gemeindebund (Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities) [SIG]. Board member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine and executive of the Jewish World Congress.

  17. Breder Reinhard


    SS-Sturmbannführer (1942), Regierungsrat, Stellvertretender Leiter (deputy head) of Stapoleitstelle (Gestapo) Düsseldorf. In December 1942 appointed Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (KdS) in Minsk; in March 1943 appointed head of Einsatzkommando 2. Since September 1943 head of Gestapo Frankfurt am Main.

  18. Brunner Alois

    • Brunner, Alois.
    • Brunner, Alois, 1912-....
    • Schmaldienst, Alois
    • Fischer, Georg
    • Schmaldienst, Alois, 1912-
    • ...


    SS-Hauptsturmführer (1942). Joined Eichmann's Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung in Vienna, and headed it since 1941. Responsible for registration and deportation of Austrian Jews. Helped in the deportation of Berlin Jews from the end of 1942 - Jan 1943. July 1943 - Aug 1944 Leiter (head) of Sonderkommando der Gestapo in France. Sentenced to death in absence, escaped to Damaskus/Syria.

  19. Brunner Anton



    SS-Obersturmführer. A deportation expert serving under Eichmann. In 1939-1943, he was a senior employee of the “Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung“ in Vienna and head of local camps where Jews were interned before their deportation. In March 1943, he was transferred to the “Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung in Böhmen und Mähren“ in Prague, where he served until 1945, with an interim break as a member of Sonderkommando Eichmann in Budapest (March - December 1944). Sentenced to death in Vienna.

  20. Brunschvig Georges

    • Brunschvig, Georges



    Lawyer. 1935-1937 with Emil Raas representative of the SIG and the Israelitischen Cultusgemeinde Bern in the Berne trial re Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 1943 advisor of Gustloff-assassin David Frankfurter, relevant for his pardon in 1945. 1940-1948 President of the Jewish Community Bern; 1946-1973 president of SIG.