
Displaying items 41 to 60 of 17,956
  1. Lebensborn

    • Fount of Life

    Founded in 1935

    Lebensborn, a Nazi organization, was established in 1935 in an effort to reverse Germany’s dwindling birthrate and to increase the number of ‘racially valuable’ offspring. Instigated by Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler, the effort provided financial assistance and maternity care to the wives of SS men and also to unmarried mothers, a group that concerned Nazi racial hygienists and population planners. Lebensborn administrators encouraged unwed mothers to give up their infants after birth, and the organization managed both orphanages and adoption services that placed Lebensborn children with ‘d...

  2. Ahnenerbe

    • Ancestral heritage

    Founded in 1935-07-01

    Ahnenerbe was the name given to the Society for Research into the Spiritual Roots of Germany’s Ancestral Heritage. Founded by Heinrich Himmler, this pseudoscientific organization was politically motivated and rife with chicanery. The Society sponsored archeological research into early German history and forums on Himmler’s vision of Aryan origins. During the war, Ahnenerbe was involved by unethical ‘medical experiments’ on altitude, freezing and skull collections. Dr. Sigmund Rascher and dr. August Hirt were practitioners at Ahnenerbe’s Institute of Military-Scientific Applied Research.

  3. Stadt Salzburg

    • City of Salzburg
  4. DAG - Dynamit AG

    • DAG
  5. Interessen Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft

    • IG Farben


    Interessen Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft had been founded on 1925-12-09, with the recording of the merger contract between the German chemical companies Bayer, BASF, Agfa, Griesheim-Elektron, Weiler-ter Meer and Hoechst. IG Farben became the sinister symbol of the economic power of the Nazis during World War Two. The production included poison gases and foreign, often forced and sometimes enslaved, laborers made up one-half of the 333.000 personnel. Because of the company’s entanglement and active participation in the crimes of the Nazi regime the Allies ‘decartelized’ IG ...

  6. Sigmund Rascher

  7. Doenitz Karl

    • Dönitz, Karl, 1891-1980
    • Doenitz, Karl, 1891-1980
    • Dönitz Oberleutnant zur See 1891-1980
    • Donitz, Karl
    • Dönitz, Karl
    • ...



    Großadmiral, commander of the German navy (Kriegsmarine).

  8. Himmler Heinrich

    • Himmler, Heinrich, 1900-1945
    • Himmler, Heinrich Luitpold, 1900-1945
    • Gimmler, Genrich 1900-1945
    • Himmler, Heini, 1900-1945
    • Gimmler, Genrikh, 1900-1945
    • ...



    Various positions, most influential: Reichsführer SS (RFSS), head of the Deutsche Polizei (German police), directly subordinated to Hitler. Also: "Reichskommissar für die Festigung Deutschen Volkstums" (RKF) for the Occupied Eastern Territories, since 25 Aug 1943 also Minister of the Interior, and since 1944 additionally commander of the reserve army (Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres).

  9. Miasto Kraków

    Zgodnie z założeniami wydanego 5.06.1257 r. przez księcia Bolesława Wstydliwego aktu lokacji Krakowa na prawie magdeburskim najwyższą władzę w mieście sprawował dziedziczny wójt stojący na czele ławy, która pełniła funkcje sądownicze. Rola wójta została ograniczona po buncie wójta Alberta w latach 1311-1312, wówczas dziedziczność urzędu wójtowskiego została zniesiona i zamieniona na dzierżawę, a znaczna część jego dochodów przeszła pod zarząd urzędników książęcych. Odtąd funkcja wójta ograniczała się do przewodniczenia w ławie i wykonywania obowiązków policyjnych. Urząd wójta został wykupio...

  10. Lena Küchler-Silberman

    • לנה קיכלר זילברמן
  11. Guvernământul Bucovinei

    • Governorate of Bucovina
  12. Prefectura Județului Berezovca

    • Префектура Березовського повіту, с. Березівка
    • Prefectura of the Berezivka County, Berezivka village

    These were county organs of Romanian executive power that functioned from 1941-44 in the occupied territory included in the newly-created Governorate of Transnistria ; they were headed by prefects subordinate to the civilian governor of Transnistria, and in turn held jurisdiction over district preturas , village and city primarias , and other institutions located within their respective counties, including gendarmeries and police departments.

  13. Prefectura Judeţului Golta

    • Префектура Голтського повіту, м. Голта
    • Prefecture of the Golta County, town of Golta

    These were county organs of Romanian executive power that functioned from 1941-44 in the occupied territory included in the newly-created Governorate of Transnistria ; they were headed by prefects subordinate to the civilian governor of Transnistria, and in turn held jurisdiction over district preturas , village and city primarias , and other institutions located within their respective counties, including gendarmeries and police departments

  14. Prefectura Județului Balta

    • Префектура Балтського повіту, м. Балта
    • Prefecture of the Balta County, Town of Balta

    These were county organs of Romanian executive power that functioned from 1941-44 in the occupied territory included in the newly-created Governorate of Transnistria ; they were headed by prefects subordinate to the civilian governor of Transnistria, and in turn held jurisdiction over district preturas , village and city primarias , and other institutions located within their respective counties, including gendarmeries and police departments.

  15. Guvernământul Transnistriei

    • Governorate of Transnistria
  16. Reichsministerium des Innern

    Founded in 1919

    The Reichskanzleramtes was renamend the Reichsministerium des Innern in 1919.

  17. Żydowski Instytut Historyczny

    • Jewish Historical Institute
    • ŻIH

    Foundation: 1947

    The predecessor of the present Żydowski Instytut Historyczny was founded in 1947 and for many decades pursued studies of Jewish history and culture. It gathered priceless collections of archival files, photographs, books, journals and art pieces being the heritage of the great Jewish community in Poland and a testimony to the Jewish life which flourished in Poland for several centuries.

  18. Keren HaYesod

    • קרן היסוד
    • Keren Ha-Yesod

    From 1920 to the present

  19. Chackelis Kibarskis


    Chackelis Kibarskis gimė 1903-10-14 Lazdijų rajone Šeštokų kaime. 1918–1923 m. mokėsi Marijampolės žydų (hebrajų) gimnazijoje. 1923–1928 m. studijavo Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Medicinos fakultete. 1932–1936 m. tobulinosi Prahos (Čekija) ir Vienos (Austrija) klinikose, 1936–1938 m. – Ciuricho (Šveicarija) klinikose. 1930–1934 m. buvoo Kauno žydų ligoninės Vidaus ligų skyriaus gydytojas asistentas, 1934–1941 m. – to paties skyriaus vedėjas. 1942–1946 m. – Raudonosios armijos 16-osios lietuviškosios šaulių divizijos vyriausias terapeutas, Medicinos bataliono vadas. 1946–1952 m. Ch. Kibarsk...