
Displaying items 5,961 to 5,980 of 17,955
  1. Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė

    • Stadtverwaltung Wilna
    • Municipality of the City of Vilnius

    Municipality of the City of Vilnius managed and supervised city public life.

  2. Lietuvos statistikos valdyba

    • Litauisches Statistisches Amt
    • Statistics Bureau of the Lithuanian General Region

    Statistics Bureau of the Lithuanian General Region was obliged to carry out a census of all residents of Lithuanian General Region in May 1942.

  3. Tauragės apskrities viršininkas

    • Der Kreischef in Tauroggen
    • Head of Tauragė County

    Head of Tauragė County fulfilled decrees and instructions issued by Nazi authorities and higher Lithuanian institutions.

  4. Νικόλαος Ρουδομέτωφ

    • Nikolaos Roudometof
  5. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvoje Lietuviškojo skyriaus Kriminalinės policijos Vilniaus apygarda

    • Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Litauen Litauische Abteilung Kriminalpolizeibezirk-Wilna
    • Chief of the Criminal Police of Vilnius County of the Security Police and SD in Lithuania

    Chief of the Criminal Police of Vilnius County of the Security Police and SD in Lithuania was under the surpevision of Operative Squad 3/A, chief of SS and SD in Lithuania.

  6. Ukmergės apylinkės teismas

    • The Court of the Rural District of Ukmergė

    The Court of the Rural District of Ukmergė re-established in July 1941 and was subordinated to Nazi authorities.

  7. Vilniaus miesto ir vaivadijos žydų nekilnojamo turto savininkų sąjunga

    • Związek wlaścicieli nieruchomości żydów miasta Wilna i województwa Wileńskiego
    • Records of the Association of Real Estate Owners in Vilnius and Vilnius province

    Association established on 27 December 1926 and continued untill 26 April 1940. Activities of the Association of Real Estate Owners represented interests of the owners of private property.

  8. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Gliwicach

  9. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Giżycku

  10. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Garwolinie

  11. Feldkommandantur Radom

    • Komendantura Polowa w Radomiu
  12. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Dębicy

  13. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Częstochowie

  14. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Czarnkowie

  15. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Cieszynie

  16. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Ciechanowie

  17. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Chrzanowie

  18. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Chojnicach

  19. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Chełmnie

  20. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Chełmie Lubelskim