
Displaying items 5,941 to 5,960 of 17,955
  1. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Kolnie

  2. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Jędrzejowie

  3. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Jaśle

  4. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Jarosławiu

  5. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Inowrocławiu

  6. Der Amtskommissar des Amtsbezirks Alt-Herby. Kreis Blachstadt

    • Komisarz Obwodowy w Herbach Starych. Powiat Blachownia
  7. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Hrubieszowie

  8. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Hajnówce

  9. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Grójcu

  10. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Grajewie

  11. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Gostyninie

  12. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Gorlicach

  13. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Gnieźnie

  14. Vilniaus 190-oji kariuomenės apgyvendinimo valdyba

    • Heeresunterkunftsverwaltung 190 Wilna
    • German Army Housing Administration 190, Vilnius

    German Army Housing Administration 190, Vilnius took care of the German army accommodation.

  15. Ukmergės kalėjimas

    • Ukmergė Prison

    Jews were arrested and put in prison the very first day of the way. From 27 July, Jews were sent to prison massively; this continued until the last mass annihilation action in the country on 5 September 1941.

  16. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvai Lietuviškasis Marijampolės skyrius

    • Litauische Abteilung Mariampol des Kommandeurs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Litauen
    • Chief of the Security Police and SD in Lithuania, Marijampolė Section

    SIPO and SD commander Marijampolė section was in charge of SD chief in Lithuania. The main sections of SIPO and SD commander office were: Security service, Gestapo and Criminal Police department.

  17. Vyriausioji sveikatos valdyba

    • Hauptgesundheitsverwaltung
    • Central Health Administration

    Cared about public health care in the country.

  18. SS ir policijos apygardos vadas Šiauliuose

    • Der SS und Polizeigebietsführer in Schaulen
    • Šiauliai City SS and Police Standortfuehrer

    Šiauliai City SS and Police Standortfuehrer activities began in February 1942 and contined until July 1944. Šiauliai City SS and Police Standortfuehrer was subordinate to Chief of Gendarmerie in Lithuania.

  19. Lietuvos aktyvistų frontas

    • Lithuanian Activist Front

    Lithuanian Activist Front or LAF was a short-lived resistance organization established in 1940 after Lithuania was occupied by the Soviet Union. The goal of the organization was to liberate Lithuania and re-establish its independence. It planned and executed the June Uprising and established the short-lived Provisional Government of Lithuania. The Government self-disbanded and LAF was banned by Nazi authorities in September 1941. LAF remains rather controversial due to its anti-Semitic views.

  20. Lietuvių aktyvistų frontas

    • Lithuanian Activist Front of the Lithuanian General Region

    Lithuanian Activist Front or LAF (LAF) was a short-lived resistance organization established in 1940 after Lithuania was occupied by the Soviet Union. The goal of the organization was to liberate Lithuania and re-establish its independence. It planned and executed the June Uprising and established the short-lived Provisional Government of Lithuania. The Government self-disbanded and LAF was banned by Nazi authorities in September 1941. LAF remains rather controversial due to its anti-Semitic and anti-Polish views.