
Displaying items 5,861 to 5,880 of 17,955
  1. Religijų reikalų taryba prie Lietuvos TSR Ministrų Tarybos

    • The Board of Religious Affairs under the Council of Ministry of the Lithuanian SSR

    The Board of Religious Affairs under the Council of Ministry of the Lithuanian SSR registered and controled all activities of religious organizations.

  2. Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos TSR teisingumo liaudies komisariato Švenčionių apskrities revoliucinio liaudies teismo Tardymo komisija

    • The Commission of Inquiry of the Revolutionary People's Court of the Švenčionys District People's Commissariat of Justice of the Lithuanian and the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic
    • Следственная комиссия Революционного народного суда Свентянского уезда Народного комиссариата юстиции Литовской и Белорусской ССР
  3. Vilniaus miesto policijos 3-ioji nuovada

    • Police Station No 3 of the City of Vilnius

    Police Station No 3 of the City of Vilnius was thr lowest branch of Lithuanian Public Police.

  4. Švenčionių apskrities viršininkas

    • Chief of Švenčionys District

    Chief of Švenčionys District implemented all orders of German Civil Administration authorities and also orders of higher Lithuanian Municipality institutions.

  5. Rokiškio apskrities policijos Južintų punktas

    • Police Department for Južintai County, Rokiškis District

    Police Department for Južintai County, Rokiškis District was the lowest branch of the Lithuanian Public Police.

  6. Rokiškio apskrities žydų koncentracijos stovykla

    • Rokiškis Concentration Camps for Jews

    There isn't information when the Rokiškis Concentration Camps for Jews was established. It is known that in August 1941 the concentration camp had functioned.

  7. Viešosios policijos vadovybė prie SS ir policijos vado Vilniuje Vilniaus miesto SS ir viešosios policijos valdyba

    • Kommando der Schutzpolizei beim SS - und Polizeistandortführer in Wilna
    • Command of City Police with the SS and Police Location Commander in Vilnius

    The main task of the Command of City Police with the SS and Police Location Commander in Vilnius organize mobilization of residents for forced works to Reich, to register residents, and fight with partisants.

  8. Panevėžio apskrities viršininkas

    • Der Kreischef des Kreises Ponewesch
    • Chief of Panevėžys District
    • Regional Administration of Panevėžys County

    Chief of Panevėžys District was subordinate to the Gebietskommissar in Kaunas and controled all municipalities of local rural districts.

  9. Vilniaus darbo birža

    • Arbeitsamt Wilna
    • Labour Exchange of the City of Vilnius

    At Labour Exchange of the City of Vilnius disposal were all working-age and unemployed persons whom Labour Exchange office distributed to the work in various Vilnius industrial companies, transport and agricultural enterprises, organized mobilization of residents for forced works to Reich.

  10. Vilniaus miesto policijos vadas

    • Stadtpolizeiführer Wilna
    • Chief of Vilnius City police

    Chief of Vilnius City police was subordinate to the German Military administration.

  11. Viešosios policijos vadovybė prie SS ir policijos vado Vilniuje

    • Kommando der Schutzpolizei beim SS- und Polizeistandortführer in Wilna
  12. Tvarkos policijos vadas prie SS ir policijos vado Lietuvoje

    • Der Kommandeur der Ordnungspolizei beim SS-und Polizeiführer in Litauen
    • Order police of the police chief of Lithuanian SS

    Order police of the police chief of Lithuanian SS subordinated the German Order Police, Lithuanian police stations (also known as single or guard service), Lithuanian police and self-defense units (police battalions).

  13. Vilniaus apygardos komisaras

    • Der Gebietskommissar Wilna-Land
    • Commissar of Vilnius County

    Activities of Commissar of Vilnius County began on 28 July 1941 and continued until 1944. Commissar of Vilnius County was Horst Wulff.

  14. Vilniaus miesto apygardos komisaras

    • Der Gebietskommissar der Stadt Wilna
    • Commissar of the City of Vilnius

    The office of Commissar of the City of Vilnius activities began in July 2015. Commissar of the City of Vilnius was subordinate to the General Commissar in Kaunas.

  15. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvoje Lietuviškojo skyriaus Kriminalinės policijos viršininkas

    • Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD Litauen Litauische Abteilung Der Leiter der Kriminalpolizei
    • Chief of of the Criminal Police of the Lithuanian section of the Security Police and SD in Kaunas

    Chief of of the Criminal Police of the Lithuanian section of the Security Police and SD in Kaunas was subordinate to the SIPO and SD commander, Vilnius section. Also was controlling activities of all Criminal Police station in whole Lithuania.

  16. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Suwałkach

  17. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Strzelinie

  18. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Sokołowie Podlaskim

  19. Auswärtiges Amt in Berlin

    • Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych w Berlinie
  20. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Sochaczewie