
Displaying items 5,761 to 5,780 of 17,955
  1. Friedmann, Desider (* 24.11.1880)

    Born 1880 in Boskovice. Died 1944 in Auschwitz. Austrian lawyer, Zionist and last president of the Jewish Community in Vienna before WWII. Friedmann was deputy director of the Elder of the Jews and head of the Ghetto Bank in Terezín. Transported to Dachau in April 1938, transported to Buchenwald. Transported to Terezín in September 1942. Transported to Auschwitz in October 1944.

  2. Rezek, Hanuš

    Rabínem v čsl. jednotce na Středním východě a 1.tank.brigády. Po návratu do ČSR důležitou postavou na ŽO. Předseda Kruhu židovských účastníků odboje, člen oblastního vedení Ústředního svazu sionistického v Praze, předseda Svazu Makabi v ČSR, tajemník ŽNO v Praze, kultový referent Rady ŽNO, spolupracovník Keren HaJesod. S kolegy Diamantem a Kannerem letěli v prosinci 1948 do Izraele, nad Řeckem se ledadlo zřítilo. Pohřbeni v Tel Avivu. Hanuš Rezek měl za manželku Juditu, rozenou Winterovou v roce 1914. Měli dvě děti, dceru a syna Yehoshuu.

  3. Karl Rahm

    Born 1907 in Klosterneuburg. Died 1947 in Litoměřice. Austrian SS-Obersturmführer and commander in Terezín. Rahm worked at the Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Vienna and Prague. Commandant of Terezín from February 1944 - May 1945.

  4. Hans Günther SS-Stubaf.

    Born 1910 in Erfurt. Died 1945. SS-Sturmbannführer, Head of the Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Prague, in charge of the deportation of the Jews from The Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia to ghettos and concentration camps during the WWII. Killed by the partisans in May 1945.

  5. Weigl, Arnošt (* 14.6.1906)

    Born 1906 in Prague. Died 1968. Lawyer. During WWII head of the Personnel Office at the Jewish Community in Prague, probably between November 1942 and the end of the war. He was not deported due to his (so-called) mixed marriage. After the war worked for various ministries.

  6. Konstantin von Neurath, SS-Ogruf.

    Reichsprotektor of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia between March 16th 1939 - August 20th 1943