
Displaying items 5,241 to 5,260 of 17,943
  1. Πάνος Τσιφτσής

    • Panos Tsiftsis
  2. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvai Lietuviškasis Panevėžio skyrius

    • Litauische Abteilung-Ponewesch des Kommandeurs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Litauen
    • Panevėžys Department of the Security Police and SD in Lithuania

    The main goal of Panevėžys Department of the Security Police and SD in Lithuania was to persecute communists or communists-related, Jews, people who were not loyal to Nazi policy, to fight agains partisans and underground organizations.

  3. Ιφιγένεια Αναστασιάδου

    • Ifigeneia Anastasiadou
  4. Vilniaus apskrities policijos Naujosios Vilnios nuovada

    • Police Station in Naujoji Vilnia of the Vilnius County

    Police Station in Naujoji Vilnia of the Vilnius County was the lowest branch of Lithuanian Public Police.

  5. Οικογένεια Αλμπέρτου Ναρ

    • Family of Albertos Nar
  6. Vilniaus miesto vykdomojo komiteto Sveikatos apsaugos skyrius

    • Health Executive Committee of Vilnius city

    Health Executive Committee of Vilnius city maintained all health care institutions in the country.

  7. Lietuvių savisaugos dalių štabai

    • Kommandod der Litauischen Selbstschutzeinheiten
    • Lithunianian Self-defence battalions
  8. Reichsleiterio Rosenbergo operatyvinio štabo okupuotoms sritims Darbo grupė Lietuvoje

    • Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg für die besetzten Gebiete Arbeitsgruppe Litauen
    • Vilnius Branch of the Rosenberg Operative Command of the Lithuanian General Region

    In September 1941, the Nazis established the Vilnius and Kaunas divisions of the Alfred Rosenberg Headquarters. The goal of these units was to collect Lithuania’s Jewish artistic and cultural valuables, which amounted to the plundering and destruction of a large portion of Lithuanian Jewry’s cultural heritage. The Strashun, Balosher, and YIVO libraries, the Sh. An-sky Museum and the Kaunas Society of History and Ethnography were ransacked. A group of approximately twenty inmates from the Vilnius ghetto were forced to assist the Rosenberg Headquarters in this infamous work. Those Jewish inte...

  9. Lietuvos laisvės kovotojų sąjunga

    • LLKS
    • Fighters for Lithuanian Freedom Union

    Unerground group which operated the Soviet (1940-1941) and the Nazis (1941-1944) occupied Lithuania. The goal of the underground group was fighting for Lithuanian independence. The members of the organization were active in publishing newspapers. Also created divisions in each county town. The organization was divided into four districts (Vilnius, Kaunas, Šiauliai, Panevėžys). Had about three thousand members in 1943. In the statute of the group is written that "The aim is to restore independent Lithuania and to unite all Lithuanians for joint work in honor of Lithuania and well-being".

  10. Γαβριήλ Γαβριηλίδης

    • Gavriel Gavrielides
  11. Οικογένεια Τριανταφυλλάκου

    • Triantafyllakou Family
  12. Νικόλαος Τεζεδάκης

    • Nikolaos Tezedakis
  13. Ελληνική Ραδιοφωνία Τηλεόραση

    • Greek State TV-Radio
  14. Ηλίας Παπαστεργιόπουλος

    • Ilias Papastergiopoulos
  15. Ιωσήφ Σιακκής

    • Joseph Siakkis
  16. Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos TSR darbo liaudies komisariatas

    • Labour People Commissariat in Lithuania and Byelorussia Soviet Socialist Republics
    • Совет народных коммиссаров
    • Soviet narodnykh kommissarov

    The Council of People's Commissars (Russian: Совет народных коммиссаров or Совнарком, translit. Soviet narodnykh kommissarov or Sovnarkom, also as generic SNK) was a government institution formed shortly after the October Revolution in 1917. Created in the Russian Republic the council laid foundations in restructuring the country to form the Soviet Union. It evolved to become the highest government authority of executive power under the Soviet system in states which came under the control of Bolsheviks.

  17. Žydų kultūros ir švietimo draugijos „Tarbut“ Lenkijoje Vilniaus skyrius

    • Żydowskie Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno-Oświatowe „Tarbut“ w Polsce, Oddział w Wilnie
    • Jewish Cultural and Educational Association "Tarbut" in Poland, the Vilnius Section

    The organization established and maintained schools for teacher and nursers, also teachers' seminaries, a gymnasium and lyceum, primary schools, kindergartens and shelters, organized Hebrew language courses, summer camps for children, established reading rooms, clubs, organized congresses, lectures, exhibitions, excursions, meetings, published textbooks in Hebrew language.

  18. Zarasų apskrities viršininkas

    • Chief of the county of Zarasai
  19. Palestinos pamatinio fondo „Karen Hajesod“ draugija Lietuvoje

    • Palestinian Foundation's society "Karen Hajesod" in Lithuania

    Palestinian Foundation's society "Karen Hajesod" in Lithuania established on 23 July 1921, closed by the Soviet authorities on 9 July 1940. Society's goal was to promote Lithuanian Jews support the Palestinian and Jewish foundations to raise funds to buy the land, to restore the Jewish national centers in Palestine, to provide funds for new arrived settlers from Lithuania. Society also organized lectures, published brochures and leaflets.

  20. Panevėžio apskrities valsčių savivaldybės

    • Municipalities of the Small Rural Districts of the Panevėžys County

    Municipalities of the Small Rural Districts of the Panevėžys County: Kupiškios municipality, Miežiškiai municipality, Naujamiestis municipality, Panevėžys municipality, Piniava municipality, Pumpėnai municipality, Rozalimas municipality, Šeduva municipality, Šimonys municipality, and Troškūnai municipality.