
Displaying items 5,121 to 5,140 of 17,943
  1. Vrijwilligerslegioen Nederland

    • Freiwilligenlegion Niederlande


    Dutch volunteers to fight with the Nazi's on the East-front

  2. Nederlandse Unie

    24 July 1940 - December1941

  3. Weerbaarheidsafdeling (WA)

    • WA
  4. UN - United Nations

    • UN
    • United Nations - UN

    From 24/10/1945 until the present.

  5. YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

    • YIVO

    From 1925 to the present

    In 1925, the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research was founded in Vilna (Wilno, Poland; now Vilnius, Lithuania), by key European intellectuals, including Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, to record the history and pioneer in the critical study of the language, literature and culture of the Jews of Eastern Europe. From its inception, YIVO was deeply concerned that the language and culture of East European Jewry were undergoing radical change in a rapidly modernizing world. YIVO's founders were tireless in collecting the documents and archival records of Jewish communities across Eastern Europe...

  6. Жандармскии легион и посты Тигинского уезда

    • Zhandarmskii leghion i posty Tiginskogo uezda

    După 1918, pe teritoriul Basarabiei au fost deschize diviziunele de jandarmerie, care aveau funcţii de poliţie rurală. Diviziunele de jandarmerie din Basarabia se subordonau Jandarmeriei Române, cu sediul la Bucureşti. Ministrul Afacerilor Interne, prefecţii judeţului şi administratorii localităţilor aveau dreptul să folosească regimentele de jandarmi şi batalioanele pentru a înăbuşi revoltele maselor. Potrivit Legii din 24 ianuarie 1929 despre reorganizarea jandarmeriei rurale confirmată de Regulamentul şi Codul din 16 martie 1931 jandarmeria a fost demilitarizată şi se subordona Ministeru...

  7. World Zionist Congress

    • הקונגרס הציוני העולמי

    From 1897 until the present.

    The Zionist Congress is the supreme institution and legislature of the World Zionist Organization (WZO). The WZO was founded at the First Zionist Congress (1897) as part of the first approved Zionist program, known as the Basel Program.

  8. Consistoire Central des Israelites de France

    • Central Consistory of the Jews of France

    Founded in 1808

    Representative body of French Jewry, established in 1808, which was historically responsible for Jewish religious life in France. At first, the Consistoire leadership counseled French Jewry to cooperate with the anti-Jewish restrictions set in place by the Vichy government, in order to preserve their dignity. At the same time, the Consistoire protested against the racial laws, and opposed the establishment of the Union of French Jews, an organization set up by the Vichy government to represent French Jewry. The Consistoire was not dissolved by the Vichy authorities; throughout the war it ke...

  9. Hananel Asher Isakov

    • Hananel, Asher Isakov, 1895-
    • Hananel, Asher Isakov, b. 1895
    • Hananel, Ašer, b. 1895
    • Hananel, Ascher Isakoff, b. 1895



    Chief Rabbi of Sofia, contacted Archbishop Stephan, with fellow Chief Rabbi Daniel Zion, to prevent the deportation of 800 Sofian Jews.

  10. War Refugee Board

    • WRB

    Founded in 1944-01-22

    The War Refugee Board was an ad hoc agency created on 1944-01-22 by Executive Order 9417. Its purpose was to circumvent obstruction by the U.S. State Department and rescue Jews. The impetus for the Board came from Josiah DuBois, John Pehle and Randolph Paul. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had been lobbied by Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morganthau Jr. to create the Board. This proposal was opposed by Secretary of war Henry Louis Stimson and secretary of State Cordell Hull. In addition, rescue legislation was pending in the Senate, crafted by the Bergson Group. The Board was funded l...

  11. Auswärtiges Amt

    • Foreign Office of the German Empire
    • AA


    The term "Auswärtiges Amt" was first used to designate the Foreign Office established in 1870 by the North German Confederation, which became the Foreign Office of the German Empire in 1871. This is still the name by which the German foreign ministry is known today. In Bismarck's time the Auswärtiges Amt had only two directorates: the Political Directorate and a second Directorate responsible for foreign trade and other issues as well as legal and consular matters. During the Weimar Republic the AA was reorganized along modern lines. Under the Third Reich the AA was part of the apparatus of...

  12. Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees

    • IGCR

    Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees was a rescue organization set up as a result of the Evian Conference to search for new areas of large-scale Jewish settlements, find ways of pressuring the German government to release Jews, and prompt Evian nations (thirty-two) to accept Jews. The IGCR’s lukewarm rescue efforts were ineffective and did not lower immigration barriers. Its very existence, a mere token, frustrated other rescue plans.

  13. Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants

    • Children’s Aid Society
    • OSE

    Founded in 1912

    Begun by physicians in Russia in 1912 as Obshchestvo Zdravookhraneniya Yevreyev (Society for the Protection of the Health of Jews), the organization expanded into many European countries with significant Jewish populations and focused increasingly on the welfare of children in its care. Relocating to Paris in 1933, the organization assumed the name Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants. OSE ran a number of orphanages in France for Jewish refugee children and, when the deportations of Jews in France began in 1942, organized an underground effort to smuggle many of the children from OSE orphanages to...

  14. Union Générale des Israélites de France

    • General Union of the Israelites of France
    • UGIF

    Founded in 1941-11-29

    In 1941-11-29 a Vichy Law established the Union Générale des Israélites de France, a national Jewish representation, with separate branches in the northern and southern zones. Among the various reasons given by Vichy for the establishment of this representation was the increased poverty resulting from diverse anti-Jewish measurements. At any rate this was advanced as one of the reasons by those Jews who chose to lead this Vichy creation. Indeed the problem was serious. The suffering Jewish population could only call on the network of immigrant organizations, operating semi-legally or illega...

  15. General Zionists

    • Zionist Organization in Poland

    Founded in 1916

    The General Zionists, founded in 1916 under the umbrella of the World Zionist Organization, was aiming to establish a homeland for the Jews in Palestine. In Poland, Zionists strove for national and cultural autonomy, protected Jewish economic rights and interests, strengthened national identity, and organized emigration to Palestine. General Zionists were divided into three factions: Et Liwnot (A time to build), the moderate group; Al Hamishmar (On guard), which had a leftist social program; and the New Zionist Organization (Revisionists), the radical right wing.

  16. Hashomer Hatzair

    • השומר הצעיר

    Founded in 1913.

    Zionist socialist youth movement created in Galizia (at that time a province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire). Hashomer Hatzair forthwith adopted a Zionist ideology and stressed the need for the Jewish people to normalize their lives by changing their economic structure (as merchants) and to become workers and farmers, who would settle in the Land of Israel and work the land as "chalutzim" (pioneers). They were influenced, as well, by the burgeoning socialist movement, and they dreamt of creating in their new homeland a society based on social justice and equality. During the Holocaust Hasho...

  17. Antonescu Ion

    • Antonescu, Ion, 1882-1946
    • Antonescu, Jon 1882-1946
    • Antonescu, Ion. 1882-1946
    • Antonescu-Hitler, ... 1882-1946
    • Antonescu, I. 1882-1946
    • ...



    Marshal and statesman who became dictator of the pro-German government during World War II. 1940 Prime minister with absolute powers, established a military dictatorship and openly embraced the Axis powers. In the summer of 1941, Antonescu ordMarshal and statesman who became dictator of the pro-German government during World War II. 1940 Prime minister with absolute powers, established a military dictatorship and openly embraced the Axis powers. In the summer of 1941, Antonescu ordered the expulsion of 150,000 Jews from Bessarabia, Bukovina, and the Dorohoi district, survivors of earlier ma...

  18. Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle

    • Ethnic Germans Welfare Office
    • VoMi

    The Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle was a SS welfare and repatriation office for ethnic Germans headed by Werner Lorenz. It organized the large-scale looting of Jewish property in occupied areas.

  19. Ustasa

    • Ustasha


    Ustasa was a Croatian fascist party that controlled the Independent State of Croatia, a puppet state of Nazi Germany, from 1941 to 1945. This organization helped to implement the Holocaust in Croatia. Under leader Ante Pavelic, the Croatian state persecuted its Serb, Jewish, and Roma populations. Thirty thousand Jews and 325.000 to 333.000 Serbs were murdered in the territory of the Independent State of Croatia under the Ustasa government.