
Displaying items 3,181 to 3,200 of 17,954
  1. Roatta

  2. Hirsch

  3. Josef Gurnewicz

  4. Paul von Hindenburg

    • פאול פון הינדנבורג

    Paul von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg, German army commander and president of Germany, who appointed Hitler as chancellor in 1933.

  5. Henschel

  6. Lisak

  7. Leopold Gottlieb

  8. Michael Schuh

  9. Tibor Kovacs

  10. Zoltan Moor

  11. Heinrich

  12. Helmut Bergmann

  13. Karl Frenzel

    Commander and official in Sobibor camp, 1942-1943.

  14. R. R. Lambert

  15. Hermann Epstein

  16. Yehoshua Gertner

    • יהושע גרטנר
  17. Rudolf Unger

  18. Johann Zimmermann

  19. Hermann Mueller