
Displaying items 1,721 to 1,740 of 14,601
Language of Description: English
  1. Wilhelm Keppler

    Nazi industrialist and politician; mediator between the Nazi party and German industry

  2. Oskar Dankers

  3. Leon Neuberger

    קצין אוסטרי בכיר ממוצא יהודי

  4. Otto Steinbrinck

  5. Richard Fiebig

  6. Emil Hacha

    • אמיל האכה

    President of Czechoslovakia

  7. Israel Gutman

    • ישראל גוטמן

    Member of the underground and the Jewish Combat Organization and participant in the Warsaw ghetto urprising. He survived and was deported to the Majdanek, Auschwitz and Mauthausen concentration camps. After the war he was active in the Zionist youth organizaion Hashomer Hatzair in Austria and Italia, where participated in the foundation of Kibbutz Aviv in Leuca de Senta. In 1947 he emigrated to Israel and joined the kibbutz Lehavot HaBashan. In 1961 he testified at the Eichmann trial. Gutman was a profesor of history at the hebrew University of Jerusalem and editor in chief of the Encyclope...

  8. Hermann Waldbillig

    • הרמן יוזף ניקולאוס ואלדביליג

    Staff Member in the Department of Jewish Affairs and the Reichsbahn

  9. Werner Ventzki

  10. Richard Friedmann

    עסקן ציוני אוסטרי, פעל בקהילות Wien, Praha ו-Amsterdam

  11. Paul Bonny

  12. Zalman Bloch

    • זלמן בלוך
  13. Fritz Hartmann

    • פריץ הרטמן

    Head of Gestapo Trier and the Einsatzkommando of the Sipo and the SD in Luxembourg

  14. Wilhelm Leppert

  15. Grossmann

  16. Carl Clauberg

    • קארל קלוגברג

    SS doctor who conducted brutal sterilization experiments on women at the Auschwitz-Birkenau and Ravensbrück camps.

  17. Karl Jaworski

  18. Fritsch