
Displaying items 1,541 to 1,560 of 14,601
Language of Description: English
  1. Friedrich Rainer

    Gauleiter of Carinthia in 1941 - 1945

  2. Leo Strauss

    • ליאו שטראוס
  3. Oswald Kaduk

    מנאשמי משפט Auschwitz

  4. Soliege Jules

  5. Pila Beresch

    • ברש פילה
  6. Gerhard Schiedlausky

    A physician who operated in various concentration camps and performed medical experiments on prisoners.

  7. Theodor Innitzer

    מנהיג הכנסייה הקתולית באוסטריה

  8. Adam Stark

  9. Max Raverby

    • מאקס רבראבי
  10. Eugen Krause

    • אויגן קראוס

    Head of Department for Jewish and Church Affairs at Gestapo Stuttgart 1942-1943

  11. Arpad Wigand

  12. Hugo Rosenbaum

  13. Wilhelm Rediess

  14. Stomaniakov Khristo

    • Hristo Stomaniakov

    Hristo Hristov Stomaniakov Chief Commissar in the Commissariat for Jewish affairs Sofia September 1943 July 1944.

  15. Bernhard Baatz

    • ברנהרד באץ

    Commander of Einsatzkommando 1, Head of Security police and SD in Estonia 1943-1944, Head of Gestapo Reichenberg 1944-1945

  16. Benjamin Halevy

    • בנימין הלוי

    A judge at the trial of Adolf Eichmann, along with Yitzhak Raveh and Moshe Landau.

  17. O. M. Boden