
Displaying items 1,501 to 1,520 of 14,601
Language of Description: English
  1. Semo Santo

  2. Hans Benkert

  3. Kurt May

  4. Margit Frankau

    Protestant Austrian humanitarian activist of Jewish origin.

  5. Isaac Alkalay

    • יצחק אלקלעי

    Chief rabbi of Yugoslavia, and the country's first Jewish senator. When the Germans invaded, he escaped to the US, where he became chief rabbi of the Sephardi congregations.

  6. Bismarck Otto Fuerst Von

    • Otto von Bismarck
  7. Albert Battel

  8. Herman Kimel

  9. Jacques Natan

  10. Bodmann

  11. Fritz Neumann

  12. Franz Hometer

  13. Karl Moravek

  14. Hans Christian Neugebauer

    • הנס כריסטיאן נויגבאואר

    Headed department IVa, seizure of Jewish property, in the Luxembourg Civil Administration

  15. Franz Hofmann

  16. Wilhelm Crohne

  17. Schumy

  18. Eva Komoly

  19. Robert Redlich