
Displaying items 14,281 to 14,300 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Präsidialkanzlei

    Founded in 1934-08

    The in 1919-02 founded Büro des Reichspräsidenten was renamed in 1934-08, when Hitler came in power, into the Präsidialkanzlei.

  2. Tesch&Stabenow, International Extermination Corporation Ltd.

    • TESTA

    Tesch&Stabenow, International Extermination Corporation Ltd. was a subsidiary of I.G. Farben, based in Hamburg and responsible for supplying Zyklon-B to death and concentration camps. Bruno Tesch and Karl Weinbacher were sentenced to death by a British Military Tribunal (1946) for manufacturing gas to kill prisoners.

  3. Policja Polska Generalnego Gubernatorstwa

    • PP


    Policja Polska Generalnego Gubernatorstwa was municipal police from 1939 to 1945 in the Generalgouvernement. PP subordinated to the German Orderpolice, and took part in the deportation of people, isolated Jews in the ghettos and fought with the "black market".

  4. Werkschutz

    One of the command’s most well documented concerns was the Werkschutz, an industrial security force armed and trained by the Soviets and commanded by Soviet officers. They were used mostly to guard industrial sites, such as the OROP oil enterprises.

  5. Saiuz na mladezkite nazionalni legioni

    • Legion
  6. Einsatzkommando 2

    • EK 2

    Founded in 1941

    Einsatzkommando 2 was a mobile killing squad of Einsatzgruppe A, founded in 1941.

  7. Korpus Bezpieczeństwa

    • KB


    Korpus Bezpieczeństwa, an underground military organization, was renamed in 1944-11 into Kadra Bezpieczeństwa. The commandant was colonel A. Petrykowski. It took part in Warsaw uprising. In 1944 it submitted to Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (Polish Committee of National Liberation).

  8. Bureau Joodse Zaken


    Bureau Joodse zaken, established on 1942-06-01, had to deal with the consequences of the anti-Semitic regulations against Jews in the Netherlands. On 1943-02-10, a part of the staff was transferred to the Sicherheitsdienst. From 1943-05-08 the Bureau Joodse Zaken was abolished.

  9. Lubliner Kommando

    Founded in 1942

    Dr. von Sammern-Frankenegg established the Lubliner Kommando, under the command of Höfle, in 1942. The Kommando existed of residents of Lublin.

  10. Munich

    The Central Historical Commission received from the Archives of the City of Munich files concerning Jews. These documents deal with the persecution of Jews during the Nazi period, mainly in Munich, but also in Frankfurt am Main, Ansbach and a number of other towns in Germany. The material includes personal files of Jews from the Munich welfare department.

  11. Reichspostministerium

    Founded in 1919

    The Reichspostministerium was established in 1919.

  12. Comisia Autonoma de Ajutorare

    • Autonomous Refugee Aid Committee

    The Comisia Autonoma de Ajutorare was established in Romania, Bucharest, after the unsuccessful iron guard revolt and accompanying pogroms of 1941-01. The committee was instituted by leaders of the Union of Jewish Communities, Zionists, businessmen, and women known for their aid activities, in order to amass funds and supplies for the pogrom victims. After the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in mid-1941 and the Romanian authorities began deporting Jews to the region of Transnistria, many new volunteers joined the committee. They provided aid to victims of other persecutions, including the ...

  13. Front National

    Front National was a communist party, with the Francs-Tireurs et Partisans as military arm. Front National is also a right-wing French political party founded in 1972 by François Duprat and François Brigneau but most commonly associated with Jean-Marie Le Pen, who was its leader from 1972 to 2011.

  14. World Young Women Christian Association

    • World YWCA


    The World Young Women's Christian Association is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. Throughout the history, the World YWCA has been in the forefront of most major movements in the United States as a pioneer in race relations, labor union representation, and the empowerment of women. During the Second World War, the World YWCA served as a place for recruiters to interview women for service in the Army, Navy or Coast Guard.

  15. Bureau des Études Raciques et Généalogiques

    • Bureau voor Ras- en Sibbekundige Opzoekingen

    Founded in 1943-03

    In 1943-03, the Centrale Anti-Juive transformed into the Bureau des Études Raciques et Généalogiques.

  16. Werwolf

    • Werewolf

    Founded in 1944

    Werwolf was founded by Heinrich Himmler in 1944 when it became clear Germany would be invaded. The Werwolf guerrilla movement was given the task of slowing down the Allied advance to allow time for the success of negotiations, or 'wonder weapons’. Staying behind in territory occupied by the Allies, its mission was to carry out acts of sabotage, arson, and assassination, both of enemy troops and of 'defeatist' Germans.

  17. Freiwillige Schutstaffel

    • Volunteers protective squadron
    • FS

    Promoted by Dieter Wisliceny, Adolf Eichmann’s representative in Czechoslovakia, the Freiwillige Schutstaffel operated against Jews and was organized on the model of the German SS.

  18. Revisionist Zionist Alliance

    • Alliance of Revisionists-Zionists

    Founded in 1925

    Vladimir Jabotinsky founded the Revisionist Zionist Alliance in 1925, as a variant of Theodor Herzl's Political Zionism. Revisionist Zionism is part of the pantheon of Zionist movements that developed at the end of the 19th century in response to increased Jewish persecution in Europe.

  19. Jewish Order Service

    The Jewish Order Service refers to the Jewish police force in the ghettos of eastern Europe created by local Jewish Councils on the order of the German authorities to police the ghettos and enforce German commands and decrees. When deportations began and German authorities compelled the Jewish Order Police to assist in the operations, aversion to the Jewish Order Police among ghetto residents turned to hostility and fanned among underground organizations.

  20. Comité National Français

    • French National Committee

    Founded in 1941-09

    In 1941 the Forces Françaises Libres participated in British-controlled operations against Italian forces in Libya and Egypt, and that same year they joined the British in defeating the Vichy forces in Syria and Lebanon. In 1941-09 General Charles de Gaulle created the Comité National Français, a Forces Françaises Libres Government-in-Exile that was recognized by the Allied governments.