
Displaying items 14,241 to 14,260 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Einsatzkommando 2/I

    • EK 2/I

    Einsatzkommando 2/I, Einsatzkommando 2 of Einsatzgruppe I, participated during the invasion of Poland in 1939-09. During the invasion of the Soviet Union the Einsatzgruppen were not labeled with the number I, II, III, IV or V but with the character A, B, C or D.

  2. Einsatzkommando 5

    • EK 5


    Einsatzkommando 5 was a mobile killing squad of Einsatzgruppe C.

  3. Vereinigten Zentrale für jüdische Arbeitsnachweise

    During the year 1935, the Vereinigten Zentrale für jüdische Arbeitsnachweise in Germany was classified as a subdivision of the Wirtschaftshilfe.

  4. Baum Gruppe

    The Baum Gruppe was an underground anti-Nazi movement, founded in Berlin by Herbet and Marianne Baum. It was composed of Jews who joined the Communist Party during the Hitler regime. Between 1937 and 1942, the Baum Gruppe distributed Zionist and communist brochures and organized a number of cultural events, and in 1942, set fire to an anti-Bolshevik art exhibit. In 1942/1943, most of the members were caught and executed, including the Baums. The Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich Association of Jews in Germany) was dissolved, its members deported under the pretext of retaliat...

  5. Comité de Coordination des Oeuvres de Bienfaisance du Grand Paris

    • Coordination Committee of Jewish Relief Organizations

    Founded in 1941-01-30

    Toward the end of 1940, SS Captain Theodor Dannecker, chief of the Judenreferat in France, had begun demanding that Jewish charitable organizations in the occupied zone come together under a single coordinating committee. The result was the creation in Paris on 1941-01-30 of the Comité de Coordination des Oeuvres de Bienfaisance du Grand Paris. Most local French and immigrant Jewish relief groups affiliated with the committee to avoid dissolution. It was superseded by Union Générale des Israélites de France (General Union of the Israelites of France) in 1941-11.

  6. Oberkommando der Luftwaffe

    • Air Force High Command
    • OKL

    The Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine and the Oberkommando des Heeres were subordinate to the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht which was ultimately responsible to Hitler for the operational conduct of the three armed branches of the German forces.

  7. Griesheim-Elektron

    Griesheim-Elektron is a chemical factory.

  8. Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine

    • Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation
    • CDJC


    When the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine was founded in 1943 in Grenoble by a committee set up by Isaac Schneersohn, it was a clandestine organization. Its specific objective was to document the Shoah by pooling the information of Jewish organizations and scholars and by collecting documentary evidence. After the liberation of France in 1944, the founder, Isaac Schneersohn, and Léon Poliakov, in charge of research, moved the CDJC to Paris to save it from destruction and to sequester the archives of the Vichy government and of the German occupying forces. Later the CDJC became on...

  9. Ostindustrie GmbH

    • Eastern Industries, Ltd.
    • OST

    Founded in 1943-03

    Ostindustrie GmbH were SS enterprises in the Lublin district that included brush and fur factories, iron works, and peat mines. Founded by the SS in 1943-03, under Oswold Pohl in the Wirtschaft und Verwaltungshauptamp, the Chief Executive Officer was Odilo Globocnik. When the 6,000 Jewish and 1,000 Polish forced laborers were deported to death camps, these industries ceased to exist.

  10. Centrale Anti-Juive

    • Anti-Joodsche centrale
    • CAJ


    The Centrale Anti-Juive was established in 1941-03 with the help of the anti-Jewish organization Volksverwering and the Sichterheitspolizei and Sicherheitsdienst. The Centrale was considered to be a documentation- and study bureau, ‘studying’ the ‘Jewish question’. In 1943-03, the Centrale transformed into the Bureau des Études Raciques et Généalogiques (Bureau voor Ras- en Sibbekundige Opzoekingen).

  11. Befehlsblatt der Chefs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD

    • Befehlsblatt der Chefs Sipo

    Internal newsletter of the Sicherheitspolizei und the Sicherheitsdienst.

  12. Monitorul Oficial


    Being established in 1991, Monitorul Oficial was entitled to carry on the task of publishing the official journal of Romania, which had initially been released in 1832. Since its first number, this paper began to produce a concise chronicle of the main historical, political and cultural events, which contributed to the progress and foundation of the modern Romanian state.

  13. Geheime Staatspolizeistelle Posen

    • Gestapo Posen

    The Geheime Staatspolizei, the Gestapo, was one of the most unfamous police organisations in the 1930s and 1940s. The Gestapo was widely represented, for example with an office in Posen.

  14. Reichsverband Deutscher Arbeitsdienstvereine

    • German Labor Service Associations

    Founded in 1932

    Helmut Stellrecht brought together the various National Socialists’ labor service initiatives, which had previously coexisted without coordination and even competed with each other, under one roof in the Reichsverband Deutscher Arbeitsdienstvereine. In 1934 the Reichsverband Deutscher Arbeitsdienstvereine changed its name into the Nationalsozialistischen Arbeitsdienst.

  15. Front de l'Indépendance

    • Onafhankelijkheidsfront
    • FI

    The Front de l'Indépendance was a major Belgian resistance movement.

  16. Militärbefehlshaber im Südosten

    • Military Commander Southeast
    • MilBfh

    With Directive No. 48, Hitler established the new position of Militaerbefehlshaber im Südosten, with headquarters in Belgrade.

  17. Comité de Défense des Juifs

    • Jewish Defense Committee
    • CDJ

    Founded in 1942

    In 1942 the Comité de Défense des Juifs was established as part of the Belgian underground to aid and rescue the nation’s Jews. The CDJ hide thousands of children with non-Jewish families and religious organizations, published clandestine anti-Nazi newspapers, and created false identification papers for Jews in hiding. In addition, they tried to sabotage the German war machine by setting fire to factories and derailing trains. They especially were active against those persons and organizations that they believed were providing useful information to the Nazis. In the summer of 1942, the Comi...