
Displaying items 14,181 to 14,200 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Einsatzkommando 1/II

    • 1/II

    Einsatzkommando 1/II, Einsatzkommando 1 of Einsatzgruppe II, participated during the invasion of Poland in 1939-09. During the invasion of the Soviet Union the Einsatzgruppen were not labeled with the number I, II, III, IV or V but with the character A, B, C or D.

  2. Association des Rabbins de Français

    • ARF

    After the French revolution in 1789, the Jewish society in France was disintegrated. The establishment of the Association des Rabbins de Français played a significant role in the creation of a common consciousness of all Jews in France.

  3. Infantery Regiment

    An infantery division consists out of several infantery regiments, and these regiments consist out of several battalions.

  4. Sonderkommando 10a


    Special SS units of the Einsatzgruppe D.

  5. Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives

    • General Commission on Jewish Affairs
    • CGQJ

    Founded in 1941-03-29

    The establishment of a junior ministerial post for Jewish affairs was influenced by the problem of the ‘aryanization’ of Jewish business. The establishment of the Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives indicated that Vichy was treating the Jewish Question with all the seriousness with which the Germans appeared to endow the question; furthermore Vichy was committing itself to a constant control of the question. On 1943-05-28 the CGQJ formally handed its network of institution over to the Union Générale des Israélites de France.

  6. Arbeiter Ring

    • Workmen’s Circle

    The Arbeiter Ring was a fraternal order with socialist ideas and programs that were dedicated to the promotion of progressive Yiddish culture.

  7. Einsatzgruppe II

    • EG II

    When Hitler invaded Poland in 1939-09, a special Einsatzgruppe was attached to each of the five German armies of the invasion force, with a sixth based in Posen. Einsatzgruppe II was attached to the 10th Army. Each Einsatzgruppe was subdivided into Einsatzkommandos of 100 men. SS units, specially trained assassins, assigned terror tasks for the political administration in the Soviet Union and other eastern territories. The Einsatzgruppen worked behind the lines and murdered political opposition. The Einsatzgruppen murdered between 1.25-2 million Jews and tens of thousands of Soviet citizens...

  8. Obrana Národa

    • National Defense
    • ON

    Obrana Národa was a Czech resistance underground organization, founded by military officers of the Czech army. The aim of Obrana Národa was to prepare for a national uprising if a European war broke out. In the meantime its leaders sought to establish a clandestine intelligence network at home and a Czech military force abroad.

  9. Westerweel Groep

    • Westerweel Group

    The Westerweel group provided protection to Jewish children and young adults at the assorted hakhsharah institutions. Joop Westerweel organized underground training for the children of the Youth Aliyah in the Loosdrechtse Rade. There he met Joachim Simons, who warned him about the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps. The resistance group associated with the Westerweels arranged places to hide for a great many young adults. Small groups fled to Spain and Switzerland via Belgium and France. At least 60 young adults reached Spain.

  10. Secours National

    Founded in 1914-08

    The Secours National, a war relief organization, had been founded in 1914-08 as a kind of 'Union Sacrée' of charitable endeavors, centralizing and coordinating war relief until 1918. Revived in 1939-10, it took on the same tasks during the new conflict.

  11. Rexist Movement

    • Rex

    The Rexist Movement was a 'New Order' party, a political party that wanted to establish an authoritarian state resembling foreign models.

  12. Országos Zsidó Segítő Bizottság

    • National Jewish Aid Committee
    • OZSSB

    Founded in 1945-08-31

    The Országos Zsidó Segítő Bizottság was established on 1945-8-31. The organization integrated a number of independent groups, often operating at cross-purposes. The Joint, which provided the largest funds, recognized the new organization as the executive arm of the relief effort, i.e., it authorized the Committee to utilize available funds and organize the rehabilitation of as many individuals and Jewish communities as possible. As of August 31, the independent organization, the Deportáltakat Gondozó Országos Bizottság (the National Committee of Hungarian Jews for Attending Deportees) was a...

  13. Einsatzkommando Tilsit

    • EK Tilsit


    Einsatzkommando Tilsit, headed by Hans Joachim Boehme, was stationed between 1941 and 1945 mostly in Lithuania and the Zhitomir region in Ukraine. The unit was under the command of Einsatzgruppe A.

  14. Einsatzkommando 1b

    • EK 1b

    Founded in 1942

    Einsatzkommando 1b was a wewly formed, respectively unmanned Kommando of Einsatzgruppe A.

  15. Reichswirtschaftministerium


    After the unification of the Reichsernährungsministerium and the Reichswirtschaftsministerium in 1920-03, the Reichsministerium für Ernährung und landwirtschaft was established.

  16. Sudetendeutsche Heimatfront

    • SHF


    The Sudetendeutsche Heimatfront, founded in 1933-10-01 by Konrad Henlein, was closer to the conservative, völkisch tradition than to the radical racism of National Socialism. In the spring of 1935 Henlein renamed it the Sudetendeutsche Partei.

  17. Totul Pentru Tara

    • Everything for the Fatherland

    Founded in 1934

    Corneliu Zelea Codreanu transformed the pro-Nazi Legiunea Arhanghelului Mihail into a viable political party that garnered almost 16 percent of the popular vote in 1937 elections as part of the rightist coalition with Totul Pentru Tara. Carol II responded to this rightist threat by outlawing the Garda de Fier and executing Codreanu and other leaders of Garda de Fier.

  18. Organisation Spéciale

    • OS

    Founded in 1940

    The Organisation Spéciale was formed in 1940 to protect communist leaders.

  19. He-khaluts Ha-lokhem

    • Khaluts Youth Combat Organization

    Founded in 1942

    In Krakow, in mid-1942, a coalition was formed known as He-khaluts Ha-lokhem. He-khaluts Ha-lokhem was a small group of about 100 people, which limited their scope for action. It also organized actions outside the ghetto walls, primarily in hit and run attacks. The best-known action of the Krakow organization was throwing grenades into the German café Cyganeria on 1942-12-22, killing more than a dozen people. After that attack, many members were arrested and killed; most of the rest died during the final liquidation of the ghetto in 1943-03.