
Displaying items 14,041 to 14,060 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Шаргородська районна управа, м. Шаргород

    • Sharhorod Rayon Administration, town of Sharhorod
  2. Крижопільська містечкова управа, м. Крижопіль

    • Kryzhopil Township Administration, town of Kryzhopil
  3. Яришівська районна управа, м. Яришів

    • Yaryshiv Rayon Administration, town of Yarychiv
  4. Ольгопільська районна управа, м. Ольгопіль

    • Olhopil Rayon Administration, town of Olhopil
  5. Ямпільська міська управа, м. Ямпіль

    • Yampil Town Administration, town of Yampil
  6. Турбівська районна управа, м. Турбів

    • Turbiv Rayon Administration, town of Turbiv
  7. Тульчинська міська поліція, м. Тульчин.

    • Tulchyn Municipal Police, town of Tulchyn
  8. Куренівська районна управа, м. Київ.

    • Kureniv Rayon Administration, City of Kiev
  9. Kiev Generalkommissariat

    • Київський генералкомісаріат, м. Київ
  10. Управління бургомістра м. Біла Церква Київської області

    • Burgomaster Administration, Bila Tserkva town, Kyiv oblast
  11. Oberlandrat in Mährisch Ostrau

    • Oberlandrát Moravská Ostrava
    • Vrchní zemský rada v Moravské Ostravě

    After the occupation of Bohemia and Moravia on 15th of March 1939 by the Wehrmacht and the erection of the Protectorate the area was for administrative purposes divided into Bohemia and Moravia. Each of these was further subdivided into Oberlandratsbezirke, each comprising a number of districts (Bezirke). The position as Oberlandrat was 1939-06/1942/8 occupied by Karl von Rumohr, who was replaced by Gustav Jonak.

  12. Walter Schroeder


    Walter Schroeder was the SS and Police Leader in Latvia in 1941-1944

  13. Referat Żydowski w Armii Krajowej


    Referat Żydowski w Armii Krajowej was headed by Henryk Woliński. Created in 1942-02, initially worked mainly for gathering information about the persecution of Jews. Woliński was one of the initiators of Żegota.

  14. Żydowski Komitet Narodowy

    • Jewish National Committee
    • ŻKN

    The political leadership of Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa was the Żydowski Komitet Narodowy, and the organization had about 500 members. Its units fought in the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto under the command of Mordechaj Anielewicz.

  15. Centralverein Deutscher Staatsbürgers Jüdischen Glaubens

    • Central Union of German Citizens of Jewish Belief
    • CV


    The Centralverein Deutscher Staatsbürgers Jüdischen Glaubens was dedicated to protecting the civil and social rights of Jews in Germany, while at the same time, cultivating their German identity. The Centralverein, active from 1893/1938, was originally established in response to the rise of political anti-Semitism. Part of the union’s platform was to view Jews as a religious group. When the Nazi party rose to national power in 1933, the union opened a legal office to fight for Jewish rights, and initiated an information campaign, which at first tried to calm German Jews. After the anti-Jewi...

  16. NSDAP Österreich

    • Austrian NSDAP

    Abolished in 1933-06

    In 1933-06, the Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dolffuss banned the Austrian NSDAP. The response was a wave of terror attacks by Austrian Nazis, supported by Germany.

  17. Federation of Polish Jews in Great Britain

    Founded in 1915

  18. Jüdische Nachrichten

    • Jewish News
    • JUNA

    Founded in 1936

    Jüdische Nachrichten was founded by the Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund (SIG), Zürich, as its press office in 1936, with the objectives not only to confront Nazism but also to address growing Anti-semitism in Switzerland. To this end it produced news bulletins in German and French and distributed them to numerous editorial offices throughout Switzerland. Under the leadership of Dr. Benjamin Sagalowitz JUNA amassed a large archive of documentation concerning the Holocaust and the fate of Jewish refugees and other related subjects.

  19. Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen zur Aufklärung von NS-Verbrechen Ludwigsburg

    • Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen Ludwigsburg

    Concerned about the government’s ability to bring charges against suspected war criminal, the Bundesrepublik Deutschland created the Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen zur Aufklärung von NS-Verbrechen Ludwigsburg. The Zentrale Stelle’s staff of lawyers and judges would investigate Nazi-era crimes and then turn its material over to individual German states for prosecution. The only crimes it could investigate were those that committed outside the Bundesrepublik Deutschland, and only those that could be prosecuted under German law. It could not deal with war crimes per se, though in...