
Displaying items 14,001 to 14,020 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Deutsches Staatsministerium für Böhmen und Mähren

    • Německé státní ministerstvo pro Čechy a Moravu
    • German State Ministry for Bohemia and Moravia

    The Deutsches Staatsministerium für Böhmen und Mähren was based on the Fuehrer's edict from 1943-08-20. It largely adopted the tasks of the Amt des Reichsprotektors in Böhmen und Mähren. The power of the new and last Reichsprotektor Wilhem Frick (1877-1946) was reduced to mainly representative functions. The Deutsches Staatsministerium für Böhmen und Mähren was under the direction of Karl Hermann Frank (1898-1946), the former State secretary at the Reichsprotektor in Böhmen und Mähren.

  2. Deutsche Revisions-und Treuhand A.G.

    • DRT


    The main task of the Deutsche Revisions-und Treuhand A.G. was the management of enemy assets, of confiscating all the property belonging to the enemies of Nazi Germany.

  3. UDBA

    • Uprava državne bezbednosti
    • Central security agency
  4. Služba državne sigurnosti Republičkoga sekretarijata za unutarnje poslove Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske

    The state security agency was established in 1966 as a successor of the UDBA (The office for national and state security). It functioned until the dissolution of Socialist Yugoslavia.

  5. Abteilung Feindvermögen


    Main task of the Abteilung Feindvermögen was the implementation of the regulation VO 26/1940, the treatment of the expropriation of enemy assets.

  6. Державний архів Івано-Франківської області

    • State Archive of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
  7. Kreishauptmannschaft Kolomea

    • Kreishauptmann Office in Kolomya
    • Коломийське окружне староство, м. Коломия
  8. Залуцька волосна управа, с. Залуччя Снятинського повіту

    • Zaluchchya Local Administration, Zaluchchya village, Snyatyn county
  9. Снятинська міська управа, м. Снятин

    • Snyatyn Town Administration, town of Snyatyn
  10. Kreishauptmannschaft Stanislau

    • Stanislaviv Kreishauptmann Office
    • Станіславське окружне староство, м. Станіслав
  11. Коломийська міська управа, м. Коломия

    • Kolomya Town Administration, town of Kolomya
  12. Nacionalna i sveucilisna knjiznica

    • National and University Library

    In Croatian, see website, Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu > Knjižnica > O Knjižnici > Povijesni pregled

  13. Українська поліція Тернопільського округу м. Тернопіль

    • Ukrainian Police of Ternopil County, town of Ternopil
  14. Kreishauptmannschaft Tarnopol

    • Kreishauptmann Office in Ternopil
    • Тернопільське окружне староство дистрикту Галичина
  15. Збаразька міська управа, м. Збараж

    • Zbarazh Town Administration, town of Zbarazh
  16. Hans Helm

    The Bavarian Hans Helm began his police career in Munich. Born in 1909 in a poor family, and has not completed the study of philosophy, and instead he got a job at the Munich police. He proved to be "an eager, disciplined and capable officer" and promoted as a forensic officer. As of 1937 he started working for the Gestapo. Among other activities within the scope of work of the Gestapo, Helm supervised and processed Ustasha intelligence exiles in Germany. At the same time he maintained official contacts with the Yugoslav police, who searched for the Ustashe as members of a terrorist organiz...

  17. Копичинська міська управа, м. Копичинці

    • Kopychyntsi Town Administration, town of Kopychyntsi
  18. Скалатський районний комісаріат, м. Скалат

    • Skalat Rayon Commissariate, town of Skalat